

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 16

Marquis pov

I was asked by 2 others to carry out the lady boss's body and dispose of it. But I needed to save her so I took the chance of asking for a change

"Miss peal"

I called out as she turns facing me

" what happened"

" miss peal working with these two will be more efficient as they are good in things like creating an accident, scene," I said pointing at my men

" mmmm"

She replied and walked out. With that, we set off. I carried the boss lady in the back while the others drove and another looked out if we were being followed.

I noticed her breathing was faint, she needed urgent medical attendance, and going to the resort would be a bad idea as we might lose her…

Secondly, the hospital is off-limits limits as it will increase her chances if been found and possibly killed by peal, I can't make any mistakes

Right now we are left with only one option which is taking her back to the villa. It's the safest place right now for her.

So I alerted the others… we needed the perfect distraction and perfect cam flash, so the car was hijacked and burned to leave no trace while we sneaked the boss lady back into the villa

Through a secret passage that leads straight to the boss's bedroom. No one knows about this passage aside from the boss and us.

The doctor at the camp arrived since he lived not too far from the villa… he is the only one who lived out of the resort because the boss might need him at any time.

Once plucked from the inside it can't be accessed from outside. So it was safe and more so that it's soundproof so we can relax knowing she will recover peacefully.

Everything was taken care of perfectly and in no time the news of our death and that of the boss lady reached Peal.

The smile on her face was unimaginable. Now she just has to sit and wait for the absence of the boss lady to be noticed by the others and from these investigations will be carried out and traced to her death.

But we can't let her death be traced I need to inform the boss about her death so he comes back earlier than planned, I know she has too much up to her sleeves and won't think twice about hurting or killing to achieve her goals

It's sad to see a young lady destroy her future and be ready and willing to shed human blood for a man who feels nothing for her.

I sigh as I walk out of the bedroom through the passage leaving the boss lady to have some rest. She will be fine in a day or two.

Arielle Cowell pov

I woke up feeling more energetic, my eyes were foggy, I think I just had the weirdest dream ever. My body feels sore and my legs are numb..but wait it was not a dream as I noticed parks of IV on the bedside table.

Hmmm, who could have saved me from that bitch, could she be keeping to torture me more

" I wonder as I take off the IV and climb down from the bed"

The wall close to the mini bookshelf in the room suddenly opens which states me, but a well-dressed gentleman walks up to me

"Hello Mrs. Arielle Gabrielle Adsence, am called Marquise, am the. most trusted agent of your husband and I was assigned to protect you in the dark.

You can be rest assured peal won't come In as long as you don't open the door from inside and also this is a secret passage that leads to a garden and then out of the villa. You can take a walk there once your feel better

You have my words for your safety."

I can't believe he did so much for me without me doing anything for him, and I was doubting his intentions and almost lost trust in him when I saw the video

I smile as I just nod at Marquise

" Please...Please can I get something to eat, I'm hungry?

I asked and he left immediately to get something for me.

I feel better from the notes noted down on the medical boom by the bedside table. It proves I suffer more from physical injuries and it was not many. I will find A couple of days

Marquis later returned with porridge and some fruits which I gladly devoured, I can't remember the last time I eat

" Marquis, has he heard from Mart and Fred?

I asked no so sure of getting good news

" yes my lady they are at the resort and are responding to treatment as they inhaled too much of the sleeping drug"

Ok that's good….the thought of them saving my life over theirs touched me

" Have you spoken to Gabrielle?

I asked

" I have left him a message and he will be back in 5day's time. But you have to be prepared to be the first person to pick him up from the airport so as not to let peak succeed.

I know she is planning something, but I haven't laid my hands on any tangible information so far. Neverth less, we have to be prepared for the worst"

Thanks, marquis

" I bet to take my leave now my lady"

And with that he left, I underestimated peal. And I almost lost my life because of that but not anymore. I have to be alert now.

I slowly walked back to the bed and lay down and slowly fell asleep.

Peal pov

Finally, the good news came but sadly dad lost a couple of men but who cares. All I wanted was for Arielle to be out of the picture and out of my way and thus it happened and so happy

I yourself a glass of wine as I celebrate my victory

1out 1 to go

I won't let that slimy Secretary win my man.


I smile devilishly as I remind myself of what I have in a tuck for her, she won't know what hit her.

"Peal darling how have you been it's been days"

"Am find mother"

I wonder why she suddenly came back, but it's for the best I guess at least things are back to normal and no one will suspect I ever had a hand in Arielle's death

"Mom, how is everyone at the old mansion?

"Your kids won't stop amusing me, so you still call the western gate the old mansion," she smiles as she continues

" Gabby still calls it that too, by the way where is Arielle I have seen her since I came in?

"Mom it's no new news I hate her, so I don't pay attention to her but since you mentioned it, it's been days since I last saw her I wonder where she has wandered off to"

" Anyway don't spoil your mood about her, I am sure she will be back soon. I have some good news for you"

"Wow, tell me. mom"

" Gabby will be back in a week and I want you to be the one to receive him when he arrives, I hope that's not too much to ask"

"Come on mom what are you saying, of course, it's not too much, I will love to be the one"

"Okay my dear I will go to bed now I am so tired, and before I forget I will be moving back to the western gate in3day'ss time but you will continue staying here since your wedding with Gabby will be held as soon as he returns."

"Okay mom good night"

"Goodnight my angel"

I smile at myself as I watch her exit my room. I put a call through to my agent in France

"Yes young miss"

"Send the note to her tonight, and make sure you leave no traces"

"Understood young miss"

And with that, Disconnected the call. I just have to relax and wait for my wedding day.