
A World Jumper

Reincarnated into a alternate world with Rick Sanchez intellect, the MC lived in the alternate world for 20 years before being hunted down.Thus he created world jumping device.But things went wrong and he jumped to his first world Tron Legacy. You can suggest different worlds, but please do start with easier worlds at the start.Also Harem is great possibility in this.

Just_for_fun1997 · Movies
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47 Chs

Meeting Mikaela

In a cozy kitchen, Alexander, rubs his eyes, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He yawns, the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee filling the room.

While suddenly Maggie,rushes into the kitchen, her hair tousled and her eyes still heavy with sleep. She grabs a slice of bread from the table, taking a hurried bite.

It Maggie's decision to move in with Alexander wasn't merely a matter of convenience or saving money. For her, it was a sanctuary from the daunting prospect of living alone or with strangers. She was not good at communicating with people.

Alexander teasingly asked"Late again, Maggie?"

Maggie shoots him a playful glare as she hastily slips on her shoes.

Maggile chewing her bread replied, "You know how it is, Alex. Always racing against the clock."

Alexander grinning asked"I'd I remember correctly, today you are meeting with your superiors about you rewriting there conclusions in there reports, even though you were right."

Maggie nods, her mouth full, unable to stifle a smirk and replied, "Yep. Apparently, intelligence and attractiveness don't mix in their book."

Alexander chuckles, sipping his coffee and said, "Well, show them what you're made of."

Maggie flashes him a grateful smile, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on his cheek and whispered, "Thanks, Alex. See you later."

With that, Maggie dashes out the door, leaving Alexander alone in the kitchen.

Alexander watches her go, a fondness in his eyes. They were just friends, but their bond was undeniable.

Alexander decided to go out for a while, he did not know at the time was he was going to meet famous Mikaela Banes.

While that night in California Cafe, a teen with long, dark hair in loose waves. She has light brown skin and sparkling blue eyes comes out of the cafe. This was Mikaela Banes.

Frustration gnawed at her as she found herself yet again facing the bitter aftermath of a breakup with Trent. Their relationship had become a turbulent dance of on-and-off cycles, leaving her feeling exasperated and weary of the endless loop.

Add the fact she ran late and it was raining heavily, so she walked quickly to the corner of the darkened street and tried to hail a cab. She should have known better. In the rain, finding a cab was practically impossible.

"You need a ride?" a brusque voice said from behind her. She turned and there were four punks approaching her. But they were quickly splitting into two groups, two of them coming around and at her from the street side, the others remorselessly approaching from the sidewalk.

"I'm fine. I'm waiting for my boyfriend, thanks," she lied.

"Well, we'll wait with you," said the closest of the punks, a guy with a shaved head and a ring in his left nostril.

"No, thanks. My boyfriend's the jealous type. He won't be happy to find you guys here." She tried to back up, but the other two had, as she expected, maneuvered in behind her.

They were grouped around her so she wasn't even visible from the street, and they were starting to move, starting to guide her by their sheer presence, away from the curbside. Then the big guy grabbed her purse, and Mikaela—who had been looking for someone on whom to take out her frustration—found him.

She kicked him in the shin, elbow-jabbed the guy next to him, turned quickly to punch the third one in the group, and before the fourth could make a move, she yanked free the mace canister that dangled from a keychain on her purse and sprayed it in his face. He let out an alarmed yelp, throwing his arms up over his face to ward off another attack.

But just as despair threatened to consume her, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence exuding an aura of silent determination.

Alexander, a master of multiple martial arts disciplines, stepped forward with unwavering confidence. His eyes narrowed, calculating the odds as he assessed the situation with a keen sense of awareness.

Without hesitation, the first thug lunged forward, brandishing a switchblade with malicious intent. But Alexander moved with the speed and grace of a predator, sidestepping the attack with effortless precision.

With a swift and decisive maneuver, he deftly disarmed the thug#1, wrenching the switchblade from his grasp with practiced ease.

The thug#1 stood frozen in shock, his weapon now gone, but he soon came to his senses and yelled, "Come help me out here."

As others starts encircling him with predatory intent.

With a flick of his wrist, Alexander assumes his fighting stance, his eyes locked on his adversaries. Thug#1 lunges forward, fists flying in a flurry of punches. Alexander shifts his weight, deflecting the blows with precise blocks before countering with a swift jab to the throat, sending the thug staggering backward, the sickening sound of bones crunching echoing through the alley as the thug groans in pain.

As the second thug charges in, Alexander seamlessly transitions into a defensive stance, using his opponent's momentum against him. With lightning speed, he sidesteps the attack and delivers a devastating roundhouse kick to the thug's temple, sending him crashing to the ground with a loud thud, a chorus of groans accompanying the impact.

The remaining two thugs hesitate for a moment, their confidence faltering as they witness Alexander's unmatched skill. But their hesitation is short-lived as they launch a coordinated assault, each attacking from a different angle.

Alexander's training kicks into overdrive as he expertly navigates the onslaught, his movements a blur of precision and power. He deflects a punch with a Wing Chun block, delivers a Muay Thai knee strike to the abdomen, and follows up with a spinning Taekwondo kick that sends the third thug sprawling, the air filled with the sound of bones cracking upon impact.

With only one opponent left standing, Alexander locks eyes with him, a silent challenge passing between them. The thug lets out a primal roar and charges forward, fists clenched in determination.

But Alexander remains calm and focused, his movements fluid and controlled. As the thug swings wildly, Alexander ducks under the attack and delivers a lightning-fast series of strikes, each one finding its mark with pinpoint accuracy.

With a final, decisive blow, Alexander incapacitates the last thug, sending him crashing to the ground in a heap, the alley now filled with the sound of groans and the unmistakable echo of bones crunching beneath the weight of defeat.

Alexander chest rising and falling with controlled breaths. His eyes met Mikaela's and questioned"Are you okay?

Mikaela was in daze, just nodded.

Alexander smiled and said, "You might want to stay away from this area from now on."

Mikaela nodded, but then she noticed Alexander's palm was bleeding. It was a consequence of disarming the switchblade from the thug.

"You're bleeding," Mikaela pointed out, concern evident in her voice. "You can come to my house and patch it up."

Alexander questioned, "Is that okay?"

Mikaela nodded reassuringly and answered, "You saved me, so it's the least I could do."

Alexander nodded, he honestly did not think he would meet her.