
A World Jumper

Reincarnated into a alternate world with Rick Sanchez intellect, the MC lived in the alternate world for 20 years before being hunted down.Thus he created world jumping device.But things went wrong and he jumped to his first world Tron Legacy. You can suggest different worlds, but please do start with easier worlds at the start.Also Harem is great possibility in this.

Just_for_fun1997 · Movies
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45 Chs

Chapter 20

[A/N:I messed up the Chapter 20 and 21 order]

As Kevin ventured deeper into the cave, he was met with a formidable sight: rows of Sentries and Black Guardsmen stood in rigid formation, their imposing presence a testament to Clu's iron grip on the Grid. Behind them, armored tanks loomed ominously, their massive frames dwarfing those of the soldiers.

Undeterred, Kevin muttered"I cannot allow these to join the battle, it will cause to much loss for out side."I cannot allow these to join the battle. It will cause too much loss for our side."

So he knelt down, his fingers deftly navigating the Grid with the knowledge and techniques imparted by Alexander. With a series of intricate commands, he accessed the Grid's interface, wielding its power with precision and purpose.

As Kevin manipulated the Grid, a panel materialized next to his palm, granting him temporary control over the digital realm. With swift efficiency, he unleashed a cascade of commands, causing the ground to tremble and quake beneath the assembled forces of Clu.

In a spectacular display of power, the earth opened up, swallowing the tanks and light jets whole. The once-unstoppable army was thrown into disarray, its ranks broken and scattered as chaos erupted in its midst.

Meanwhile, the destruction of Clu's tower served as a catalyst for the long-awaited uprising.

As Barik and his squadron of Light jets soared through the sky,Barik's voice crackled over the comms. "Do not let those light jets or Recognizers near the ground squad," he ordered, his tone commanding and resolute.

With unwavering obedience, the squadron tightened their formation, their weapons trained on any enemy aircraft that dared to approach the ground forces.

Their jet ignited, emitting a distinctive hum and powerful thruster sounds with defiance, they unleashed a relentless barrage of fire upon the Regonizers and tanks below. The air crackled with the sound of blaster fire as their weapons found their marks, reducing Clu's war machines to smoldering wreckage.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the resistance fighters moved with precision and determination as they engaged the sentries and Black Guards in fierce combat. With weapons in hand, they fought tooth and nail, their resolve unyielding as they struck back against the oppressive forces of Clu.

Explosions rocked the battlefield as the resistance launched a coordinated assault, their firepower overwhelming the enemy at every turn. Sentries fell like dominoes, their armored shells no match for the relentless onslaught of the resistance fighters.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, hope began to flicker like a beacon in the darkness. The tide of battle had turned, and the forces of Clu found themselves on the defensive as the resistance pressed forward with unwavering determination, inching ever closer to victory and the liberation of the Grid.

Gem, heart pounding, grips the controls of the sleek, egg-shaped Eggpod. Light streams through the transparent cockpit, revealing a chaotic battle raging below. Recognizer ships swarm like angry hornets, their red lasers painting the sky with deadly streaks. Black guards, agile and relentless, pursue on their sleek Light jets.

But Gem is undeterred. With nimble fingers, she maneuvers the Eggpod with balletic grace. The hover rings on either side whir to life, propelling the craft with silent efficiency. With a flick of her wrist, she activates the rocket engine, a burst of flame shooting from the rear as she rockets forward, leaving a trail of white smoke in her wake.

A Whirlwind of Destruction followed as Gem transforms the Eggpod into a deadly weapon. Her fingers dance across the controls, unleashing a hail of energy blasts from the pod's mounted cannons. Each shot finds its mark, exploding Recognizer ships in showers of sparks and metal. Black guards are no match for her agility, their plasma blasts were deflected or dodged with effortless precision.

The black and white body of the Eggpod, emblazoned with red highlights and hazard stripes, becomes a blur against the chaotic backdrop. It zips and zags, a whirlwind of destruction carving through the enemy ranks. The air thrums with the roar of engines and the crackle of energy.