
A Wondering Traveler

I was there in the beginning, when the first Gods came into being, when the first Stars started to show there dazzling light. When those very first Planets took shape, I was there and watched it all happen. I have watched it all, even before time existed, I am a Wondering Traveler, a Story Teller, a being so incomprehensibly old it can't even be expressed in numbers anymore and these are the many things I have seen in my innumerable years of existence. Hey everybody my name is Wolf11179 and this is my first time writing any sort of story for other people to see, if you have any suggestions for me on who to make it better please let me know.

Wolf1179 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Warp Tunnel Thoughts

In my travels I've seen a great many things, both wonderful and terrifying. I've seen the warmth of life, the cold embrace of death. I have seen wonders of worlds, mechanical marvels of grand proportions, and feats of engineering most would thing impossible. Naturally occurring scenes in the wilderness that would take your breath away. But for all the jaw dropping beauty I have seen, the amount of disgusting and evil scenes I've seen is even greater. Whole worlds with billions of inhabitants reduced to ashes, races turned into slaves for money, entire city's turned into mass graves, country's starving to death while it's neighbors watch it happen knowing they have enough to help. Though my travels are far from done these are some of the things I have learned, love is a very compelling emotion that can make anyone do anything. Greed is the downfall of nine out of ten sentient civilizations, sad really. An last for now even in the brightest places there is always darkness to, if something looks to good to be true it probably is. Until next time my friends.