
A Wondering Traveler

I was there in the beginning, when the first Gods came into being, when the first Stars started to show there dazzling light. When those very first Planets took shape, I was there and watched it all happen. I have watched it all, even before time existed, I am a Wondering Traveler, a Story Teller, a being so incomprehensibly old it can't even be expressed in numbers anymore and these are the many things I have seen in my innumerable years of existence. Hey everybody my name is Wolf11179 and this is my first time writing any sort of story for other people to see, if you have any suggestions for me on who to make it better please let me know.

Wolf1179 · Fantasy
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A Knight for a Kingdom

Planet BT-678 in the Dark sector, is completely devoid of all futuristic technology, it's all medieval age stuff. I went to this planet to take a look around, to see if I could find anything interesting, and low and behold another planet ran by Humans and of course their in the middle of a war because why wouldn't they be. So as any good Story Teller would, I strapped on some knight armor and grabbed the biggest sword and shield I could find, cause bigger is better. From what I could tell the whole war was started because the Princess of Storm Veil, Cassidy, was forced into an arranged marriage with the Prince of Greyrock, Flint, and Flint treated her as a trophy instead of a wife. So Cassidy ran, she collected her most valued and trusted protectors and ran, naturally the Kingdom of Greyrock wasn't going to take the insult, so the Kings consoled and it was stated, bring the Princess back and marry her to us or war.. we shall wage. Knight after Knight Scout after Scout, they searched and searched but they never found Cassidy, after a week passed the King of Greyrock declared war, and faced with no other option the King of Storm Veil did the same. Thus leading to Me showing up in the middle of a war. As I said I grabbed some armor and weapons, and joined the war, on the Storm Veil side naturally. I fought on the battle field for weeks, when my sword would break I would swap it out for a bigger sword dropped by other Knights same with the shield. The longer I fought the more I was noticed by others, which led to problems, like "who are you" "where did you come from" and my favorite "what rank are you to be giving me orders?" My answers to those questions where as followed, "I'm a mercenary" "from my house" and the answer that always got me in trouble was "higher than you" it was a wonderful time, well except for the death and what not everywhere but that is war. By the time the war was all said and done I actually ended up saving the Kings life and found his daughter Cassidy as well, after she had ran away from Greyrock Knights. She was hidden outside the capital of Storm Veil when they captured her and where holding her prisoner quite cliché really. The King and I actually ended up becoming sworn brothers too as I saved his life an all, and in return I pledged fealty to his royal family. Oh right before I forget the Kings name is Squall, like a sea storm, the Queens name is Tempest, the Crown Princes name is Typhon, and then the odd ball the only Princess Cassidy. I became the Royal family's Head Guard and the King and Queens personal Advisor, and I must say I looked rather intimidating, outfitted in a shining white heavy armor with engravings of wolves and thunder storms and a blood red cape, with a matching tower shield that when placed flat on the ground came all the way up to my head, and a greatsword also matching, I truly was an imposing sight with my armor on and weapons in hand. Am not sure just how many assassins I killed, but it was above ten and no less than 100, if that tells you just how many people wanted King Squall dead. All and all it was a satisficing experience, I served him for 20 years and then resigned from service to "die" in peace in the mountains, after a teary farewell to the now King Typhon and Royal Advisor Cassidy, I left to "die" in the mountains. So far this world has been one of my favorite ones I've visited, I think I'm even going to leave a clone here to keep watch and serve the Royal family of Storm Veil, for my sworn brother Squall, and the children he left behind. Until next time friends farewell.