
A Witcher Tale: Ron Aydesson

When Ron Aydesson awoke, he realized he had memories of another time in his head. It was days before he graduated from Ban Ard Sorcerer school with these interesting memories. Thanks to the unique memory he gained with his new memories, he started his journey in the sea of ​​destiny.

Aydehan · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

9. Haddart and Rulf

After the couple parted, Ron looked around, wondering who might get the most appropriate answer. Then he just sighed and turned towards the part of the village that was closer to the fields.

The fields shone with a golden glow under the summer sun. Like the guards waiting for him, houses made of wood awaited him, as in every village. Most of the men who owned the house were seen sitting outside idly and smoking a pipe.

Women often cleaned their houses with broomsticks in their hands, and the scene of the dried mud being thrown out of the house couldn't help but disgust when Ron's eyes reached his eyes. The worst thing was that all of these women, regardless of young or old, started to wipe the dirty piece of cloth they were holding in their hands after spitting on the ground.

When Ron saw this, it was his parents' last reaffirmation of how clean he had been in his childhood. At least because their house was by the sea in Novigrad, they were washed every week with buckets of water from the sea.

Ron noticed that two men was sitting on the worn wooden chair and headed towards them. "Greetings," he nodded appropriately. "Hello to you too, kid. You came with the person who completely covered himself with that cloak, didn't you?"

Ron nodded, "Right, we're both traveling together. Our way continues until Rinde, which is far from here."

One of the two elders has a bushy mustache, which of course was not in the fashion of the period. The mustache, scattered in all directions, resembled the broom used by women. The other had a bushy beard and a bald head, his head so shimmering in the sunlight that people could witness a second sun rise.

"Older people my name is Ron Aydesson what is your name?"

Man with mustache raised his hand and showed himself, "I am Haddart," and then pointing to the bald man next to him, he said, "This is Rulf."

He then glanced at Ron's clothes, especially at the shirt he had woven afterwards. "Young people are wearing these days? What are you a bard?"

Ron scratched the back of his head, "The thing is, I'm just the innovative son of an innovative tailor. At the end of a long journey, I am returning to my family in Novigrad."

"So, you're a tailor, huh? Why are you so far away from your family? Besides, was it hard for you to be alone? Look, me and Rulf were together when we were babies, then we both got married at the same time, and now we're together again. We've never been apart from our destination, so we've been able to live much longer than our peers. It looks like we'll have at least ten more harvests if it continues like this ha ha!"

Haddart's friendship with Rulf was deep, with his laugh at the end and then throwing his arm around Rulf's shoulder, Ron realizing he shouldn't waste any more time, "Well old folks, shouldn't you be in the harvest now?" he changed the subject.

"These bones and hands are too old to harvest, so now we have children and grandchildren. Also, their beautiful women help it, why should we harvest?"

Rulf interrupted Haddart, "they say my grandson is afraid to go to the harvest because a ghost haunts him. Who, for Eternal Fire's sake, would think a ghost would just pop up? It doesn't make sense for a ghost to suddenly appear when not a single monster has appeared in this area for the past two decades."

Haddart turned his head towards Rulf. "And what about the four people who left the village? They disappeared in the blink of an eye just a month ago, no one even knew where they were headed!"

"So, what, Had? My dead wife would also run around from time to time. Moreover, once walking in the snow, there was no trace of it, remember? But we still had no trouble at all."

"You senile Rulf! We had to hire a total of four witchers for your dead snow! Once your wife was almost lynched by the villagers for being a witch! No one was silent because Master Witcher Vizier came and claimed otherwise!"

Ron remained silent, feeling that he could learn a lot of useful information by staying with the two of them. The discussion of the two suddenly grew and progressed from the simple gossip of the village to a fight with the gossip they heard in the kingdom.

Ron couldn't take it any longer, "Calm down old people, I still have a question." Meanwhile, he used his telepathy ability to calm the duo. Then, continuing this ability, he began to read the minds of the duo.

Four names really stood out among the memories, these were "Givilt, Hagen, Griffa and Teressa. Givilt and Hagen were men, and they had left the village in search of a better life, according to the information he received from the two. But again, according to the information he received from the duo, the most striking name among these two was Teressa. The two competed for this woman and Givilt won. Hagen married and continued his life with a woman named Griffa, who was three years younger than Teressa.

One day Griffa fell very ill and the three of them wanted to take him to the old witch of the village. This was not quite possible because at that time the witch was busy gathering grass in the wild. Panicked when they couldn't find him, the trio straight up packed their stuff. Haddart saw them for the last time as they stole a carriage and left the village as if they were fleeing the village.

However; While Ron read this in Rulf's mind at the same time, though there was consistency in most of the memories, it was when Rulf saw his carriage driving along the field road, which was different from the village main road.

Ron read them thoroughly and then grinned at the two of them. Then he took out a bottle of cheap wine from his bag. "Older people it was great talking to the two of you, I learned a lot from your unique experiences. Please accept this wine. Have fun both of you."

"Goodbye young man, maybe one day we will find you again in Novigrad and ask you to sew clothes for us? Then we will gladly repay your treat!"

"Maybe if the day comes, don't hesitate to call Tailor Aydesson."

Ron disappeared as quickly as he had come, the women let out their secretly holding breaths very quietly as this handsome young man left. According to Ron, his body smelled bad from excessive sweat, but for the women here, his body odor was so appealing that they unconsciously held their breath to avoid another odor.

Ron then dragged himself towards the village square where they were to meet. Talking to the two of them actually tired him out. Being in that ugly and filthy place was especially tiring, he felt very tired, especially because of the women's greed staring at him, which made him flee at the end of the conversation.

Finding a relatively solid boulder, Ron then climbed onto it. The flat stone was wide enough to hold another one of his, he decided it was far better to meditate here until Dragonfly arrived.

Harmony, when his mind was cleared, he felt a harmony with the environment, even with the world. Although magic itself was a spree of chaos, Ron felt like a painter thrown into it. All this chaos was the colors on his palette, and at that point he was like the painter who always mixed these colors together.

Of course, everything was great except for one color that was offended with him and came very close to him. It was the air element that had resented him as a result of his youthful stupidity, which Ron had little affinity for. However, the part that brought it almost to the breaking point was that Ron tried a magic that was close to impossible for him in his second year. As a result; now he feels very little of the air element. It was almost non-existent, but the element of air, now less than usual, seemed to be reconnecting with him, albeit very slightly.

Ron accepted the happy news with a smile. Then he started using these paints with his palette in his mind.

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