
A Wicked Reincarnation

When a girl who's obsessed with MHA dies, she's reborn into the MHA world but she's given a role, that role being a villain and she's given a system accordingly. However she has a few problems, the biggest being she doesn't have a body and she only has 24 hours to find one. Started: May 24th, 2023 *Boa Hancock is how she looks

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Izuku's perspective:

I felt the villain before me dig a knife into my side and I hissed at the pain which he taunted me about. I felt the world go dark and suddenly I was in this dark area, was this death?

[ No this isn't death you're being given a second chance at life, as you are dying.]

A screen read and I looked around to see a gorgeous girl she turned and saw me.

" Are you being given a chance at living again."

" Kinda sorta, anyway do you want to be my body because I only have 2 hours left to find one and we could help each other out." She blurted.

" Well what would being your body involve." She breathed calming down.

" Well you see a lot of things, but shit you're Izuku Midoriya don't question how I know, I just do, nevermind." I was interested now. Why was she so hesitant to tell me.

[ Sharing a body would go against your mission of becoming a hero, she must become and thrive as a villain.]

She walked towards me and I sucked in air. She stood on her toes her breast squished against me, she was gorgeous, and smelt like vanilla and lemon. She then brought me close I thought she was going to kiss me and went to move away when she whispered in my ear.

" I know what you did to that boy in middle school, you got so fed up, fed up with society and then you murdered him, this is an opportunity to wipe society clean and start again. I won't lie murder, rape, manipulation, forced births, bondage, torture, and so much more must be done for me to remain alive, but just now that a hero isn't always a good person and a villain isn't always an evil one." She went to back up but my hands had curled comfortably around her waist.

I'd murdered the little boy, and got away with it. His parents found him barely recognizable. I'd took a piece of glass stabbed him in the throat then the back twice paralyzing him before torturing him to death and it felt good, to good. I leaned down before breathing in her mouth.

" What's in it for me?" She smiled as she let her eyes rake over me.

" Well what do you want?"

" You, and to aid the quirkless community, to fix society, and for a certain motherfucker to die." Her smile widened.

" So you'll be my body?"

" We can share it if you promise Endeavour dies." She nodded and stated cheering. " And that we help the quirkless." She nodded her eyes holding nothing but honesty.

" Ground rules are needed, but something you should certainly know, we will be having a great deal of sex, and acquiring more quirks." I nodded.

[ To seal the bond you must consume one another's DNA ( hair, skin, blood, and saliva not included, nor is sweat.)]

She looked at me for a few seconds and then got on her knees. It was a gorgeous sight. She unzipped my pants taking out my dick and began to suck it like a lollipop. I'm a fucking virgin and so this was an undiscovered euphoria. I picked her up.

" I only have 30 minutes." She states as I flip her upside down and eat her out as she sucks on my dick. She moans every so often and I aim to hit that spot several times over and she moans one more time and I loose it cumming in her mouth. She swallows and then cums and I follow her example by swallowing her fluid. It's sweet unlike what I've heard.

[ Second and third form are being made please discuss and choose the options for such things.]

I let her down softly and she straightened her skirt and pulled up her underwear.

" I'm Yumi Mako by the way." I nodded as she breathes we went through everything our joint form had long black hair like her, my green eyes and freckles, plump lips, fair skin, and was Greek god lean, it was perfect but now for the genitals.

" I say we should make it a guy."

" What about the guys we'll have to seduce?"

" We can use the third form for a girl." She replied and I nodded.

" So how long?" I asked awkwardly.

" You're 7 and a half inches or so?" I nodded.

" let's make it eight and a half and with a diameter of 2 inches." I did the math and it appeared visually. I guess a girl could take that comfortably or with a little discomfort.

Next came the third form and as Mako had got to make the guy mainly as I assume she as a female who is attracted to guys knew what girls liked in a guy, I got to shape the girl. Mako threw in facts about female anatomy to make sure I didn't mess anything up. The third form had smooth and fair skin, mid back length hair, gorgeous violet eyes, plump lips, a little bit of fat on her stomach for healthy eating, and a gorgeous smile.

" You really are a sweet guy." Mako said.

" What do you mean?" Mako then moved added a few things, thick thighs, breast that looked pillow soft, a nice and firm ass, and a snatched waist. I forget I'm not making my type but the general guys type. I could care less about the added shit personally but most guys did and this was the goal body in society.

[ Now create quirks for them!]

I got excited as I looked at Mako. She gave the guy the ability to see the desires and secrets of others. I couldn't decide on what to give the girl.

" What quirk have you always wanted?" I thought on it as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

" Ooh, I know Blood Manipulation." She nodded in approval of the quirk. The system didn't give us another prompt.

" For me I think I'd like to have shadow manipulation." The system gave a ding.

[ Do you Izuku Midoriya take Yumi Mako to be your wife, and mate for the rest of your life until death do you part and vice versa?]

I looked at Mako making her a Midoriya she was nice, smart, and considerate.

" I do." We said at the same time making us laugh. Soon I was fading back. I woke up to see the villain still stabbing me. I watched Yumi take a knife and stab her in the head.

[ Midoriya Lovers +100 exp & Quirk: Speedster]

I sat up and groaned. Yumi moved over to me and raised her hands the shadows curling around me and healing me. I thanked her with a gaze as it was still painful and bleeding but a lot less as Uraraka came to my aid with the others it was almost summer and the league was only getting more aggressive. Our internships had Nighteye dying, I guess he'll be an easy victim. Nighteye wasn't abnormally odd but I found out through his own journal that he'd been engaged in a drug trafficking operation which he stopped all might from catching. I was takin to the infirmary and healed before being slapped and told to return to class.

I returned to class and everyone was talking as Aizawa waited patient. Mineta was being a perv.

" How about we kill him after school and Endeavor as well?" I liked the idea a lot. Sho was scared as hell for summer. He had to stay an extra five hours after due to volunteering to help move all of Aizawa's things.

" Hey Deku, do you want to go with us to the beach in a few days?" I smiled nodding at Uraraka my feelings for her seemingly watered down immensely. She went to tell her friends.

" Midoriya, thankfully you weren't to badly injured, enjoy your summer." I nodded being dismissed as I grabbed my things and waited by the gate. Mineta came out and started walking home alone. I threw on my hoodie and followed. Yumi used her ability to pull him into the alleyway. I took the knife I'd gotten off that villain and entered it as well. I felt my hands shake.

" I can do it if you want me to." I shook my head as I stabbed the knife into his head. He couldn't even scream as I tore the knife out of his head. Apparently Katsuki couldn't mind his damn business and approached us. Yumi hid me against the other wall, in the shadows. Bakugou looked fucking terrified and I refrained from the fear on his face and he watched in horror as Yumi's shadow's tangled around Mineta's limbs and then pulled him apart before spelling out on the wall.

' Don't worry, he raped a girl, this was his punishment.' Katsuki ran back to UA and me and Yumi dipped quickly. I went to the game store after taking off my hoodie and cleaning my hands. I couldn't buy anything but it would be a good alibi as the store owner came in and I was deligently browsing the gaming computers. Yumi walked up beside me.

" I may or may not have changed all the tags to really cheap things so buy as much as you please or threaten to cause a scene." I picked up the computers I wanted in bulk and took them to the counter.

" Sir, are these prices correct?" I asked innocently he checked and shook his head no. " Oh so what's the real price?" Yumi used her shadows for something behind the counter. She was stealing a bunch of shit. He groaned and I gave him a confused look.

" Each of those are- ugh." He groaned sexually and I realized she was making him jerk off.

" Sir I'm afraid I should check on you, you seem to be in pain." I stated and he went to say no but I peaked over and instantly turned away acting mortified.

" Look kid I'll make this offer one time, anything in the store is 50% off for the next 2 hours if you don't tell anyone about this." He said ashamed. I looked down.

" As a hero in training I shouldn't ignore the law." I stated about to leave.

" Free, it's free, I'll close shop, anything you want, anytime, it's free."

" I shouldn't accept bribes." I stated he continues to jerk off and I scrunched my face in disgust.

" Here the lease, you can have the whole company but I need this job." I thought on it.

" You've ran him down as far as he can go, accept." Yumi stated and I hesitantly nodded. He flipped the sign to closed and I grabbed every last bit of tech I wanted. The guy left with a sigh of relief as I walked out of the store. I then went home to my mom. She wasn't there and has left a note one of which I was expecting.

' I'm out living, figure it out- Mom'

I sighed and looked in the fridge which was empty.

[ Midoriya Lovers +1000 exp, Quirk: Sticky Substance]

" System options on exp?" I questioned

[ You two may agree to spend exp on a number of things however at your current level you may spend it on quirks or skills]

" Show us the shop." Yumi stated. We weren't expecting a lot but the lack of was surprising to say the least.

[ -Yumi Body: 1000 exp

- Money Quirk: 200 exp

- Helpful Hint Quirk: 500 exp

- Intellect Skill: 400 exp]

I looked at Yumi.

" We have to kill Endeavour, we'll get more, we need the others more then my body." She said and so we purchased everything but her body. We both felt a surge of intelligence making us a lot smarter, and the helpful hint quirk kicked in immediately.

[ Helpful Hint: Endeavor is currently home alone and will be for 3 more hours]

However the money one was confusing. Yumi sighed.

" We really needed a fuck ton of money." She said and we went to my room to dress in all black as a make shift vigilante suit. We opened the door to see suitcases stacked ceiling high. Yumi opened one and inside lay money. We looked at each other and nodded. We got dressed and left out. We arrived at the residence with 2 hours on our hand we slipped in with ease. Yumi and I found him in the bathroom I grabbed the stolen knife and we went in the door creeped open and he was instantly entangled with Yumi's shadows he tried to resist as I stalked toward him he looked me in the eyes and I leaned in as Yumi had taken out the cameras.

" You should have been better." I spat and stabbed him. Cutting him through the torso to where he was dying from blood but him living wouldn't do so I castrated him and took his dick and balls and shoved him down his throat. He was choking on himself and blood. Yumi took her shadows and blocked his mouth and nose before I applied pressure to his throat. He struggled until he didn't and was finally lifeless. One less asshole in the world. Yumi wrote on the wall.

' Don't worry, he's a family abuser and rapist, this is his punishment'

We left with 30 minutes to spare. We made it home thanks to shadow drifting. Which allowed us to make it home and without being seen in 20 minutes. I smiled at Yumi, two mother fuckers down.

[ Midoriya Lovers + 5000 exp, Quirk: Hell Flame]

We took the money and began walking to the bank as we made it we invested the money in so much shit before leaving. We then took the rest of our money and bought just things we wanted like a hell of a lot of food. We got home and mom was home she looked at all of the tech in shock.

" I won a contest." I lie and she rolls her eyes before going to her room.

" Open store."

[ -Yumi's body: 1000 exp

- Dark Continent: 3000 exp

- Quirk: Never Suspected: 500 exp]

We bought all of them and Yumi hugged me her face holding a devilish smile.

" How about we pop your cherry?" She suggested and I followed her like a dog to my bedroom. She stripped and I followed her lead as she pushed me on the bed. She climbed on top of me.

" How old are you?" I asked as I was 17.

" I'm 17, do you not want to continue?" She questioned about to climb off.

" No just thought you were unable to give consent." She lowered herself onto me, and I groaned at the warmth that enveloped my region. She did all the work bucking her hips and kissing on me. My whole body was warm and in the mood, my head was clear as she bounced on me, in the best way. I pulled out when I came and I was exhausted a little. Yumi laid on me her body fading almost. She'd came twice and I felt good holding her.

" You're good at sex." She mumbled. I rubbed her hips and butt enjoying the smoothness of it all and just massaging it.

[ Midoriya lovers have complete a round of sex, + 1000 exp, and completed 40% of the tutorial mode]

I made a mental note of that.

" System what other task must we do to finish tutorial mode?" I questioned and Yumi sat up.

[ -Kidnapping

- Torture

- Rape

- Stealing

- Breeding

- Something taboo ( Like incest or public sex)]

Me and Yumi shared a look.

" I say we go and steal from a store, rape and breed Toga, torture and kidnap Chisaki and how does having a blowjob in public sound?" Yumi suggested.

" My mother is right there we don't need to rape Toga or have sex in public and risk people see my girl." I felt oddly possessive over Yumi who nodded.

" System is there a quirk to help us not be told on by a victim of ours?"

[ Do you wish to buy Quirk: Sexual Mind Break for 500 exp ( this quirk is upgradeable)?]

" What happens is we spend the full 1000 on it?" I asked since it was upgradable.

[ Level two of the quirk!]

We nodded.

" We would like to buy that quirk for 1000 exp." The system beeped and buzzed before a ding sounded and we felt a bit stronger. We got up sluggish at first before standing up fully. We crept into my mother's room after picking the lock to find her naked. Yumi covered her mouth, and restrained her. I got in-between her legs and Yumi sound proofed the whole apartment.

" What the hell Izuku."

" Punishment bitch, now be a good hoe like you've always been and hold still or there will be consequences." Yumi snapped and I nodded nuzzling myself into my mother. She struggled so Yumi bound her breast painfully Inko sucked in a pained breathe as she whimpered but she was soaked. I looked at Yumi who nodded.

" You fight against it but you're soaked at the mere thought of your son, taking you like this, and I bet you want me to breed you." I taunted and she got wetter. I laughed. " Looks like that's a yes, so who am I to deny you that." I said thrusting in as Yumi took some cash and left out. I continued noticing my mother's taped mouth, and bound body by rope. I continued drilling in and out of my mother who wasn't half as tight as Yumi but whatever.

I finally felt my breaking point arrive as I gave a solid thrust before releasing in my mother.

" Is she bred?"

[ Searching... Searching... Yes! Inko Midoriya is pregnant]

I nodded and pulled out that's 70%. Yumi came back with moving supplies, sex stuff, and a whole bunch of books in boxes. My mother spasmed as her eyes turned dull before her eyes filled with hearts for a few moments then back to normal.

" Mhm, fuck me again." She moane like a bitch in heat.

" You'll have sex much more often but only for money and you'll always use protection and be on the pill, you'll be a good mother and make food for Izuku anytime he ask along with doing whatever is the most motherly but commands go before this installed instinct." Yumi stated and I nodded.

" Yes of course, I have to get up bright and early for work sweetie but Yumi is more then welcomed to stay she is your wife." I nodded.

" I'm starving." I said and my mother scurried up and went to cook. I got up and Yumi threw me some clothes as we left mom in the kitchen we went to the gun store. Yumi blinded him and we stole a bunch of ammo.

We made it back without being seen. Yumi sprayed it with perfume and set the ammo in her body care box. We began to pack.

" I made food." Inko said.

" We'll be moving soon so you should start packing." She nodded. Me and Yumi ate and so did Inko before we continued packing up. We started shopping for a perfect place for a home. Finally we found it and it was cheap. We called the person up and they said they wanted the money up front. Me and Yumi went and got a car before driving out there is was just perfect. Our house was fantastic and had everything and so much room. The old lady who owned it met us and smiled.

" All for One lived in this house at one point and time and so a few rooms tend to send buyer's away so I understand if you no longer wish to purchase it." Me and Yuri exchanged looks and nodded buying it she smiled and left. We will grow from here.