
A Werewolf Tale

"In the shadows of eternal night, Elizabeth fell in love with Michael, a love that transcended time and space. However, their love was brutally severed when Michael met a tragic end, and Elizabeth was cursed with immortality. Four hundred years later, a mysterious twist of fate unravels as Elizabeth encounters a boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to her lost love. This seemingly coincidental meeting initiates a whirlwind of events that will reshape the supernatural world. From deadly vampire clans to fierce, bloodthirsty werewolves, Elizabeth finds herself at the center of a dangerous power struggle. vengeful vampires, determined to end her immortal existence, relentlessly hunt her. As the forces of darkness converge, Elizabeth's struggle for survival becomes more desperate. Will she endure these relentless challenges and find her lost love? Or is there a more profound destiny awaiting her? In a world of eternal night, love, and vengeance, 'A werewolf Tale' takes readers on an enthralling journey through the supernatural realms, where Elizabeth's fate remains uncertain, and secrets from the past are bound to resurface."

AlexisKing · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

The morning sun brought with it a cruel awakening, as an excruciating headache pierced through my slumber. Sitting up, I was met with a faint knock upon my chamber door. It was a maid who entered, bearing a cup of tea. She appeared hesitant, her gaze averted as she spoke, "Good morrow, Princess Elizabeth."

Elena, her name, had been a cherished companion of mine, my dearest friend, but ever since my father's proclamation, our bond had been fractured. The expression upon her face trembled with a combination of fear and reluctance. It pained me to see her this way.

"Was it my father who compelled thee to undertake this task?" I asked gently, my heart aching for the torment she was enduring. "I thought we were friends."

"I… I had no choice," Elena stammered, her voice quivering, and hastened to depart.

It was at that moment I resolved to take matters into my own hands. The time had come for me to escape the oppressive life that my parents had decreed for me. This day, I would leave the palace, no matter the obstacles. Where I would go, I knew not, but the streets of a distant kingdom were preferable to the torment I endured here.

The day held its own burden, for I was slated to meet the suitor chosen by my father. This looming encounter did nothing but add to the weight upon my shoulders. It was time to escape this wretched fate, and I had decided upon it.

In the shadows of morning, I gathered what I could carry: a selection of jewelry, some gold, and other essentials. My steed, my trusted companion, stood ready, as silent and faithful as ever. Together, we departed the palace grounds, leaving behind the misery that had plagued my existence.

My first destination was the tranquil waterfall, a place of solace and reflection. I had considered the notion of settling there, but my heart yearned for more than such isolation.

As I descended from the mountains, I encountered a grievous sight - my horse had fallen prey to some unknown assailant, a savage devourer of life. Horror gripped my heart as two wolf-men, fearsome and formidable, descended from the skies towards me.

Swift reflexes saved me, my fangs and claws extending, my eyes assuming a fearsome yellow hue. Their brutal assaults were met with deft evasion as I defied their attempts to grasp me. Yet, the confrontation could not be avoided.

I seized one of these wolf-men, tearing his arm from his body, using the severed limb to strike his compatriot, who reeled from the force of the blow.

The armless wolf-man lay in anguish, rendered incapable of further harm. Taking advantage of this momentary respite, I turned to the remaining assailant. With a swift, deadly thrust of my hand, I seized his heart, bringing a swift end to his existence.

The wounded wolf-man groaned in pain, his breathing labored, unable to escape the agony that gripped him. In an attempt to extract information, I addressed him, "I will make thee an offer. Reveal thy identity and the purpose of thy assault, and I shall permit thee to live out the rest of thy miserable days in peace."

"Why should I trust thy word?" he responded, his voice strained, pain etched upon his features.

"I shall place my trust in thy words as well," I retorted, "an agreement for mutual benefit."

Amidst his agony, the wolf-man spoke. "I am sent by Prince Lionel of Gala, who seeks to claim thee, dead or alive. His frustration at thy rejection has driven him to madness, and he is resolved to have thee as punishment for thy defiance."

Prince Lionel, a suitor I had despised above all others, had earned my ire with his relentless boasting of wealth and charm. He had once proclaimed that no woman could resist his allure, further fueling my abhorrence for him. "He hath made me a target for my refusal to wed him," I pondered in disbelief.

The injured assailant continued, recounting the prince's rage and his vow to exact vengeance. Knowledge of this malice kindled my resolve to escape. With a final farewell, I allowed him to live on, watching him from a distance as he moaned and cried out for help.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I found myself gripped by hunger. Shedding my garments, I embraced my transformation, and with swiftness and grace, I embarked on a hunt for sustenance. A deer became my quarry, but as I moved to strike, two spears were hurled in our direction, one piercing my stomach, the other claiming the life of the beast.


End of Pov.

Micheal, upon witnessing the shocking scene in the forest, found himself befuddled. There lay a young maiden, unclothed and grievously injured, with a spear cruelly piercing her belly. The young woman bore an undeniable resemblance to Elizabeth, the lady he had encountered a mere day prior.

"Elizabeth?" he exclaimed in sheer disbelief, wasting no time in hastening to her side. Swiftly, he removed his shirt, employing it to shield her modesty and protect her from the elements. With a sense of urgency, he gently gathered her form into his arms.

Without hesitation, he traversed the forest with the wounded maiden, making a direct path to his village. The sight of a lady of such distinction in such a dire state prompted gasps and whispers of astonishment from the villagers as they beheld her.

The village's skilled healer soon examined her injuries, revealing the grave extent of her condition. While the wound itself was not necessarily lethal, the substantial loss of blood, combined with the troubling slowness of her natural healing, left her in a perilous situation. Swift action by the healer managed to stanch the bleeding and seal the wound.

Micheal's heart swelled with relief upon hearing that Elizabeth was on the path to recovery. He paced restlessly, much like a man awaiting news of the birth of a child. Upon learning that she would indeed recover, he decided to retrieve the deer ensnared in his trap.

As Elizabeth gradually stirred from her slumber, her gaze alighting on a setting that stirred a faint sense of familiarity, she was met by the intense black eyes of Micheal. His expression bore the unmistakable traces of concern and relief as he inquired, "How are you feeling now?"

Seeking to rise, Elizabeth's weakened state swiftly betrayed her, as a searing pain shot through her belly. Oddly, her innate healing abilities seemed sluggish, failing to respond as they normally would. "I am… I am well… but how did I come to be here? I was on the verge of…"

Her words were halted by Micheal, who recounted the series of events that had led to her grievous wound. Though she understood the circumstances, her resilient spirit would not yield. "I have faced trials more arduous than a mere spear thrust, so I shall recover."

Micheal, however, remained troubled by the gravity of her condition, urging caution. "you had fallen into one of my traps, and a spear did grievous harm to thee. I arrived in the nick of time, or else…"

Elizabeth's nonchalant demeanor did little to alleviate his disquiet, yet he acquiesced, redirecting the conversation toward her predicament and the belongings that appeared to be hers. "You are aware that you are welcome to stay until you have determined your course? It seems you are a runaway in search of refuge."

Nevertheless, Elizabeth was unwavering in her resolve to depart. "I am grateful, but I shall decline."

Micheal comprehended her determination but also recognized the unassailable truth of her condition. "Clearly, you can not journey in your present state. Thus, you shall require recovery before you venture forth."

With those words, he exited the cottage, offering her a respite. Left alone with her thoughts, Elizabeth pondered the enigma of her decelerated healing since her arrival in the village. She contemplated the path ahead, acknowledging the trials to come, ultimately deciding to seek rest and rejuvenation in preparation for the challenges that loomed.