
A Werewolf Tale

"In the shadows of eternal night, Elizabeth fell in love with Michael, a love that transcended time and space. However, their love was brutally severed when Michael met a tragic end, and Elizabeth was cursed with immortality. Four hundred years later, a mysterious twist of fate unravels as Elizabeth encounters a boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to her lost love. This seemingly coincidental meeting initiates a whirlwind of events that will reshape the supernatural world. From deadly vampire clans to fierce, bloodthirsty werewolves, Elizabeth finds herself at the center of a dangerous power struggle. vengeful vampires, determined to end her immortal existence, relentlessly hunt her. As the forces of darkness converge, Elizabeth's struggle for survival becomes more desperate. Will she endure these relentless challenges and find her lost love? Or is there a more profound destiny awaiting her? In a world of eternal night, love, and vengeance, 'A werewolf Tale' takes readers on an enthralling journey through the supernatural realms, where Elizabeth's fate remains uncertain, and secrets from the past are bound to resurface."

AlexisKing · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

I had scarcely caught my breath after the enchanting melodies that flowed from Michael's lips when the elders of the village insisted that he grace us with his music. They adored his songs, and amongst the youthful folk, he stood as a paragon of songcraft. It was clear to all that the lyrics of his compositions were praises and laudations to another soul. My gaze wandered, and I beheld a maiden seated across from us, her countenance gently touched by a rosy blush, as if Michael's dulcet verses were dedicated to her alone. Indeed, every word he uttered seemed tailored to her beauty - her strawberry-blonde tresses, the pink of her lips, the azure depths of her eyes, and her curvaceous form. The beauty she possessed drew every eye in her direction.

As I sat by Michael's side, the villagers around us cast curious glances my way. Murmurs filled the air, whispers wondering about my presence among them. One man, Diego, who towered over the assembly with his formidable frame, could not restrain his curiosity. "Pray, young sir," he inquired, "who is this maiden seated beside thee? We have never before seen her."

I had not revealed my name, and thus, the task fell to me to provide an introduction. "I am Elizabeth," I declared.

Diego's questioning did not cease. "And from where do you come from?" he pursued.

"Thank you for your hospitality," she began, my gaze averted, "but I must take my leave."

However, my intentions were met with further inquiries. "Why venture out at this late hour?" an elderly woman inquired. "The night is far advanced, and the outskirts are perilous. Will you not stay till dawn breaks?"

"Your concern is appreciated, but I am self-sufficient and shall depart," I responded, attempting to maintain a veil of secrecy about my true nature.

Just as i rose to my feet, yet another query was hurled in my direction. "Where shall you go, at such an hour?" suggested a woman who seemed more understanding. "The late hour is treacherous outside the boundaries, and your departure at this time is perilous."

The maiden was interrupted as I sought to answer, but Michael intervened, providing a response on my behalf. "She is a wanderer," he explained, a glimmer of mischievousness in his eyes. "A wanderer, indeed."

The man's mother added her thoughts. "Michael, would you be so kind as to escort her to the boundary? However, do not cross it, my son."

Michael readily agreed. "Of course, Mother."

We departed together on our journey to the boundary. He confided in me the reasons for his insistence on my concealing my true identity, explaining the village's deep-seated animosity toward werewolves. This disdain, born of their scarcity of men, had forged a vow to avoid any entanglement with our kind. "But why do you hold such enmity toward werewolves if you are one?" I inquired. I had been led to assume that he was a werewolf due to the daring feat I had witnessed when he leaped from the precipice.

"I am no werewolf," he confessed, "for I, like all who dwell here, am human."

The revelation left me in astonishment, for I had never fathomed that a human could be as fearless as he.

Our journey concluded at the boundary, and we paused there. "It hath been a pleasure to meet thee, princess," he offered, a slight bow accompanying his words.

"Why do you address me as a princess?" I inquired.

"Because you resemble one," he replied. His words had the power to summon a crimson hue to my cheeks, and he was not oblivious to the effect. With a hand extended, he proposed a parting handshake. I accepted, our hands clasping, the contact lingering for a fleeting moment.

"I must be on my way," I declared, reluctantly withdrawing my hand. His touch had ignited a blaze within me, and I yearned for more. Though we had met only this day, it felt as though I could confide in him about anything, a sentiment unshared with any of the suitors who had crossed my path. None had matched him in handsomeness, accent, or character. We parted ways.

My solitude was soon disrupted by a pack of black wolves, encircling me with menacing growls. Their intent was clear - they sought conflict, and they would not relent until they had it. Two of their number sprang at me from my left, but I evaded them nimbly. Now confronted by five adversaries, I focused on defending myself, for one of them swiftly leaped, and I reacted, grappling it by the neck, biting down until life departed.

The remaining four adjusted their strategy, encircling me and approaching from multiple angles. I dispatched the nearest with a powerful swipe of my claws, cleaving it in twain. However, the savagery of one struck my leg, teeth piercing my flesh. My retaliatory blow was swift, causing the creature's eyes to bulge and life to ebb.

The remaining trio, recognizing the futility of their aggression, fled. As I watched them retreat, I discovered that the wound upon my leg was healing more slowly than it should have been. I wondered at the sudden aggression of these werewolves, a question unanswered as I continued on my way.

My return home, concealed under the cloak of darkness, occurred near midnight. Fortuitously, my absence had gone unnoticed, thanks to the decree of my father, who had confined me within our chambers and forbidden me from mingling with others until my wedding day. The burdens of royal lineage, far from their assumed privileges, left me disenchanted, with dictations of attire, conduct, speech, and, most importantly, the choice of a lifelong partner.

After a much-needed bath, I rested upon my bed, as memories of the day washed over me. I lamented the circumstances of my birth, the yearning for a life beyond the restrictions of royalty. My leg throbbed, the physical pain compounding the mental anguish.

As I closed my eyes, my thoughts turned to Michael, and I sought to dispel them. It was futile to dwell on one whose company I would likely never enjoy again. Furthermore, the emotions I harbored were less genuine affection and more of a carnal nature, fleeting and transient. Yet, I chided myself for such sentiments.

Eventually, I drifted into slumber, the thoughts of the young man I had encountered fading away.