
Chapter 1

Fated to bear the daily burden of losing a someone I loved dearly, a pain that doth weigh upon my heart with each dawn. My mate, he perished four centuries since when I was a mere seventeen, in a fierce battle betwixt werewolves and vampires. His memory, a steadfast mark in my soul, time doth fail to erase. To me, he was a precious soul.

As the princess of our noble werewolf realm, I am bound to unite with a suitor of my parents' choosing. This royal duty led me to reject the advances of near forty suitors. In the face of my refusal, my father resorted to the drastic measure of forcing a union upon me.

One day, overwhelmed by emotions, I transformed, my beastly nature taking control, and fled into the untamed wilderness. There, in the heart of the jungle, I sought solace. The untamed realm had the power to quell the tempestuous storm that raged within me. When at last I returned to my human form, I found myself atop a towering peak, gazing upon a mesmerizing waterfall that danced gracefully before me. I cherished this serene moment, silently yearning for it to last an eternity.

But fate had a different design for me, for as I prepared to leave, my gaze was drawn to a stranger undressing. He stood at a distance on another lofty precipice, seemingly preparing for a bold leap into the abyss. A question stirred within me - "Is he about to jump?" - and I resolved to seek an answer.

The spectacle of the unknown man captivated my attention. I had not previously witnessed such a sight, and I found it impossible to avert my eyes. His form, sculpted and virile, enthralled me. I yearned to caress the sinews of his abdomen.

He continued to shed his garments, revealing more of himself to my prying eyes. He was oblivious to my scrutiny, and with a boundless leap, he hurled himself from the precipice into the void. I watched in disbelief as he plummeted, the height an abyss of terror, even for one of my werewolf lineage. I, who had never dared to dive, even with the comfort of the waters below, found myself suddenly determined.

"Here I goooooooo," I whispered as I cast myself into the air, defying the fears that gripped me. The descent was harrowing, and my balance wavered. I descended, a mere feather in the grand expanse, my trajectory unsteady. The man noticed my faltering descent and his surprise was evident as I landed with a graceless splash. Immersed beneath the water, I struggled to resurface.

To my astonishment, he plunged into the depths to save me, his unerring hand extending to rescue the wayward soul.

Hours passed, and when I regained consciousness, I found myself in an unfamiliar chamber. The flickering flames nearby cast an eerie glow, and I was wrapped in clothing foreign to me. I surveyed my surroundings and discovered that I was in a modest cottage. As the door swung open, I tensed, prepared for any intruder. My eyes glowed, my fangs and claws lengthened, a silent threat forming.

Before me stood a young girl, bearing a tray laden with steaming nourishment. A gasp escaped her lips as she nearly dropped the tray. My senses told me that she was no threat.

"Pray, tell me, where am I?" I inquired.

"My elder brother found you," the girl replied, cowering. "He claimed you had fallen from the heavens."

I knelt to her level, seeking more answers. "And where might your elder brother be?"

"Brother has ventured forth for a hunt and shall soon return," she replied, setting the tray near the hearth.

"I must take my leave. When your brother returns, do convey my gratitude," I said, preparing to depart. I spared her no time to respond. As I neared the exit, an encounter of a most unexpected nature transpired. The door swung wide, narrowly avoiding a collision with a burly man bearing a deer upon his shoulder.

"Steady there, princess," he murmured, his voice gentle, a smile gracing his lips. My cheeks flushed as his gaze met mine. His presence, accompanied by that disarming smile, kindled a strange warmth within me. How could I harbor such sentiments, a mélange of desire and confusion? Images of his unclothed form besieged my thoughts, stirring desires I could scarcely comprehend.

As I stepped aside, allowing him to enter, he spoke, "Greetings, I am Michael. And you are?"

Despite his address, I retained my true identity, preferring to shield my lineage. The title of princess bore me no joy. "I extend my gratitude for your salvation, but I must resume my journey."

I moved to withdraw my hand, but he restrained me. "I fear I cannot permit it, for you were attempting to end your own life, and I shall not stand idly by."

His words bore wisdom, though his smile belied his firmness. I averted my gaze to stifle emotions that sought to overwhelm me.

"What manner of suicide do you presume?" I countered. "I am a werewolf, unyielding to heights such as these."

He remained resolute. "Strength may falter in the face of fear. I witnessed your trepidation as you descended. You were afraid."

I relented, my anger slowly dissipating. "I was afraid, but why do I engage in discourse with a stranger?"

My patience waned, and I ventured to leave once more. However, his grasp tightened, detaining me. "At the very least, partake in a repast with us before embarking on your perilous quest," he proposed. I wished to refuse, yet my gaze met his, and his enigmatic smile left me no choice. "Very well," I acquiesced, a decision I found difficult to comprehend.

The meal was set before us, and I regarded it with trepidation. The familiarity of the fare was overshadowed by my doubts concerning the family before me. "Why do you not eat, my lady?" inquired Michael's mother, her discerning eyes noting my reticence. I offered no immediate reply. Before I could, Michael, in a display of audacity, seized a morsel from my plate and consumed it. "Are you wary of poison," he postulated after swallowing. I had no retort, and I commenced my meal, aware of the peculiar circumstances that had brought me to this hearth.

Martha, Michael's mother, spoke to me reassuringly. "We would never resort to such malevolence."

We conversed, and Michael recounted his experiences in the untamed wilderness, even weaving humor into the exchange. It was an evening of mirth and camaraderie, unlike any I had known before.

I experienced a joy that had long eluded me. Later, we ventured outside, joining a gathering of villagers seated by a campfire, basking beneath.

Next chapter