
A werewolf Journey to power

A Soul from earth got transmigrated to a new world a world where fantasy like creatures are and best of all bloodlines due to his past life he sought after power even if he has to become a demon doing that.

Joshua_Odogbo · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Black heart

In a dark space Ethan woke up to see himself standing in space with planets all around him and stars far in the distance.

From the distance came a dot that was getting ever so darker and bigger, it got so big that it seems to consume his entire eyesight pulsing with black blood and some blood vessels, it came to a spot in front of him and shone with a dark and eerie light

Ethan suddenly has an impulse to touch the heart which he couldn't control, As Ethan hands touched the heart he starts hearing cries of a baby and he found himself in a room with a baby lying in a crate as it was been rocked gently by a woman whom he deduce to be the baby's mother not long after the baby fell asleep and the mother left the room closing the door gently.

After 5 minutes after she left strong gales of wind start to blow in the room and the curtains where lifted up and the windows wide open yet the baby was still fast asleep.

A black heart with the same appearance as the one he saw in the dark space he was once at, then descended from the sky directly towards the baby, and swiftly assimilate into the babys body.

And a voice was directly heard which had with it the majesty of an emperor with arrogance and pride in it. "This is mine own whom i have chosen to be my descendant, his blood now carries the blood of the ancients king of wolf #$&+:;&/?. His true capabilities shall be sealed untill he turns 18 years of age which will awaken the heart".

After the voice which boomed like thunder ended Ethan woke up in his own room again and he touched his ears as he felt something wet on it. Removing his finger he saw blood from his ears. he look around him to find a tissue to clean his hears and spoke some words to check weather his ears are damaged or not. After all that, he sat down on the bed and start sorting out the new memories. It turns out that his real potential was sealed and will be released after his 18 birthday.

What he will gain after all this he don't know as there seems to be some fog covering that part of the memory.

Ethan looked towards the window and saw that the sky was beginning to brighten up. Ethan didn't try to sleep again as he knew that even if he want to he wouldn't as his body was used to waking up early.

He cleaned the room and checked the time on his wristwatch which also served as a device for everything it was just like a phone shaped like a watch.

Ethan walked outside of the room to be met with a view he wasn't expecting. He thought he would be seeing destroyed houses here and there as he has yet to have full access on the memory of the previous owner.

Everything was beautiful and clean. the road was tidy well kept, Ethan decided to go to a VR. center to get access to a VR game known as bloodline online.

After entering the building he walks towards the reception and he pays the fees for the game. His total balance was 100 credits and after the fee he has 40 credit left. He could have just saved up to 200 credits and buy a VR headset but the previous owner loves junk food too much, and well he spent all his money on junk food.

After he sat down he asked the receptionist how to operate the VR headset, who looked at him as if he was looking at a fool. He came to his mind and taught him how to use the headset and left.

Ethan switched it on and he fell asleep.

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