

Alex stopped her hand from pinching him and instead, he held her hand and stroked her gently.

Their hands are together.

She felt like electricity ran in her body down to her spine as he stroked her hand under the table.

This man has a strange effect on her. She didn't feel this way even with Adrian.

Her breath quickened because of what he did.

She saw Alex's father frowned while looking at them and suddenly he spoke, "Wait…" he said and still looking at both of them, "Where are your hands? Why are you only eating using one hand?"

She just closed her eyes.

She just wanted to disappear that very moment like a bubble.

She suddenly felt her hands being lifted.

Alex suddenly raised their entwined hand and waved at them.?

The elders laughed. She could see the happiness in their faces.

God. Diane just kept her eyes closed. What the hell is he doing??

They are like teenagers and lovebirds. This is shameful.