
A Weaklings Animosity

In this world full of monsters and dangerous beings everybody is power hungry wether that's the weak or the strong they were always trying to get stronger always aiming to be the best Evan was no different from everybody else but it's hard to be the strongest when you were born with no gift at all Because of Evan weakness he was always treated as a nuisance and trash until one day several monsters escaped through a portal and that day changes his life forever [system booting up]

Fred_hanes_6789 · Action
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3 Chs


In a classroom full of desks and students sitting in them there was a middle aged teacher in the front of the room. "All right that's all for me and as the last class of the day before you all are released for summer break I want to wish you all a great summer break" said the teacher. In one of the seats in the back sat a 17 year old boy named Evan who was discriminated and hated by teachers and students alike.

Being discriminated or hated was something people like Evan experienced everyday wether that's in school or outside of school. The reason why Evan is always hated and bullied is because of his powerlessness. In a world filled with monsters and many powerful enemy of man kind almost everybody on the planet earth has a gift that makes them special, wether that is super strength or the ability to conjure flames out of thin air almost everybody has a gift but there are still a few people like Evan who was not born with a gift. People like Evan were treated as a nuisance and labeled as dead weight on humanity but the feeling was mutual. As much as society hated Evan, Evan hated society just as much and always thought that all society has done to him is make his life more miserable and harder so he shouldn't own anything to society.

As everybody was released for summer break Evan headed straight home in hopes of not encountering any of his bullies but unfortunately his life was not gonna be that easy, Nathan one of his many bullies was waiting outside the school for him. "hey buddy before you enjoy your summer break let me give you a parting gift, follow me", Evan didn't really have a choice so he followed him already knowing what the "parting gift" was. Nathan took him into a shady looking alleyway and Nathan grabbed his shirt collar and pushes him onto a wall.

"Look I don't have any money on me Nathan please just let me go" Evan desperately said, "I would be the one to decide that not you" as soon as Nathan said that he threw a punch landing on Evans face leaving him on the ground with a bloody nose. Nathan had a strength enhancement gift which was pretty common but it is still better than Evan who has no gift. "Now tell me the truth, where the f*** is your money, is it in your bag somewhere". "I don't have any money on me Nathan please let me go", Nathan kicked Evans stomach making him spit some blood and leaving him gasping for air. "where the f*** is your money you b****", Evan was always bullied in school and it became his norm to be bullied everyday at school but never once did Evan retaliated back, he was always holding his hate and anger back in fear of causing the situation to worsen making his bullies beat him even more because of retaliating but this time with the little pride left in Evan he no longer wanted to let Nathan beat him up without even resisting a little bit.

"I gave it to your b**** after she sucked my d*** you f***". After Nathan heard what just came out of Evans mouth who usually just took the beatings and dont resist at all surprised him but angered him even more. "you wanna f***ing die you worthless piece of s***, trash like you who has no gift will never do anything in life just go die already you b****". Enraged Nathan took it out on Evan and after a few seconds Evan was knocked out cold.

After a few minutes Evan regain consciousness and tried to stand up which proved difficult due to the damage. I wonder what I should do when I get home today thought Evan. Evan is currently living in a apartment by himself due to the death of his parents caused by monsters escaping through a portal. His apartment was a normal looking room with a shelf full of books and a wardrobe full of clothes with a computer placed on a desk facing a wall and a bed in one of the corners of the room. When Evan arrived at his apartment he let a sigh of relief that school is over and collapsed on his bed face first, after a minute or so he turned on his phone and scrolled through metube wondering what video he should watch first when all of a sudden he got a notification on his news app.

News line 10 was the news app that Evan had and it would notify everybody if monsters have escaped through a portal near your location. Evans city usually didn't have much portals in it in the first place so hearing that there was a portal in his city surprised him a bit. After skimming through the information he found out that it was a f rank portal and everybody in the area should stay inside until hunters have killed all the monsters, most low rank portland go unnoticed because of the low amount of energy coming from it which goes undetected by many hunter orginizations. After reading that he instantly hears several running foot steps down the apartment stairs followed by several shouts of people.

Evan quickly stuffed his phone in his pocket and opened his door to find several people in the apartment racing up the stairs. "get out of my way" screamed one of the man as he pushed a woman out of his path. Confused to why they were all running he asked the lady who was pushed by the man in a hurry in a confused tone "hey what's going on, why are you guys running up stairs" she then stood up and both of them hears several screams of people in the floors below them. The lady then said "s*** there coming" and started bolting upstairs again, Evan then shouted "hey what's going on". Confused to what is going on he looks down at the stairs and sees what looks like small green, bald children's with long ears holding all sorts of weapons running up the stairs. After seeing them he thought that they appeared to be goblins from the textbook at school that they were forced to read and fear took control of his body and he followed the rest of the pack up the stairs of the apartment.

After a few minutes of running Evan and the group of people made it to the roof and barricaded the door blocking the goblins entrance to the roof after that everybody just stared at the door the whole time. Evan looks down the building to find several dead body and several other goblins chasing more people. Before Evan and the group of people could catch their breaths several loud bangs were heard on the barricaded door from the goblins attempting to get on the roof to slaughter them. Evans city is known for people having really weak gifts and several people with no gifts at all so the chance of anybody in the group with an actual gift that can be used to fight the goblins is slim to none so fighting back was out of question.

All of a sudden a young man stepped in front of the group of people's view and was wearing the apartments uniform signaling that he was an employee instantly immediately gaining the people's trust, "everybody my name's Cayden and I have the power of telekinesis and I don't know how to fight but I can get some of us down this building before they can get through the door". Then a man in the group shouted "well what are you waiting for, get me down there".

The man who said that was the man Evan saw earlier who pushed a woman in his run to the rooftop. Right after Cayden said that he was able to get people down the building everybody including Evan swarmed him begging him to get them down first. Cayden was trying his best to get as many people down the building as quick as he can but time was ticking and even though his ability is rare it seemed very weak and he started to struggled after brining a couple of people down.

Evan knew that the goblins could get through the barricaded door at any moment and Cayden could only get so many people down before that happened he just hoped he would be one of the few who made it down. BANG! that was the sound of the barricaded door being forced open and in came several goblins charging at the group of people with evil, sadistic smiles. Evan took a last look at Cayden who had a Expression of fear and guilt "sorry" was the last word he said before jumping using his telekinesis to get down the building.