
A Weaklings Animosity

In this world full of monsters and dangerous beings everybody is power hungry wether that's the weak or the strong they were always trying to get stronger always aiming to be the best Evan was no different from everybody else but it's hard to be the strongest when you were born with no gift at all Because of Evan weakness he was always treated as a nuisance and trash until one day several monsters escaped through a portal and that day changes his life forever [system booting up]

Fred_hanes_6789 · Action
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A System?

As Cayden made his way down the building using his telekinesis everybody who did not make it down lost all hope. "F*** this why me what did I do to deserve this" was what one man outside the mob of people said before being stabbed several times by a goblin. This made Evan reflect on his life and why did he deserve this he wasn't born with a gift, he was always being bullied and viewed as trash by society, he never did anything bad so why was this happening to him. "F*** this world what even was the purpose of me being born in this s*** hole to just f***ing die, F*** YOU WORLD!". then all of a sudden a screen appeared on his face

[congratulations on being chosen]

"What, what is this thing."

[system booting up, please be patient]

Before Evan could get his answer he was brought back to reality by a scream of a woman being stabbed by a goblin. "Shit" Evan quickly tried to get deeper into the mob In a attempt to delay the inevitable. It was the most gory scene Evan had ever experience, it was like something out of a horror movie as he tried to not trip over the dead bodies under his feet he tried his best to force his way into the middle of the mob to not be the ones killed by the goblins.

[system fully booted, I look forward to working together with you Evan]

"what this thing knows my name?"

[Name: Evan angkey]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Hp: 10/10]

[stat points: 0]

[Vitality: 6]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 6]

[Intelligence: 6]

[Stamina: 7]

[Gift: None]

[Skills: None]

"what the f*** is this"

[you currently have 1 starter pack, would you like to open it now?]

Still confused to what is happening Evan thought that what ever is happening to him could possibly help him get out of this situation so he read the message In front of him again.

[you currently have 1 starter pack, would you like to open now?]

Things possibly can't get any worse thought Evan, "Yes".

[obtained: average hunter sword]

[obtained: 5 stat points]

[obtained: Hidden Gift]

[all items obtain through the starter pack has been sent to inventory]

Evan came to a conclusion that the screen in front of him is similar to a famous mechanic from several games that he used to play. "Inventory" Evan shouted and just like he predicted a screen with several square boxes appeared in front of him, in one of those boxes he saw the sword that he obtained from the starter pack, he touched the box and another screen appeared.

[Item Type: Weapon]

[weapon name: average hunter sword]

[Weapon Type: Sword]

[rarity: common]

[attack: +8]

[special properties/effects: None]

[durability: 1000/1000]

[Efficiency Scaling: average]

[Efficiency: 1/1000]

[description: an average sword with no special properties, commonly used by hunters on portal quests]

[would you like to equip?]

"Yes!" as soon as Evan shouted that one word a dim light appeared in his hand and expanded until it took the shape of a sword. Evan now staring at the weapon in his hand and admiring it with awe all of a sudden the mob of people pushed evan out of the middle of the mob and forced him outside a goblin spotted Evan and came running at him while swinging his dagger like he was trying to swat a fly in front of him and screaming like a mad man, then all of a sudden another screen popped up in front of Evans face.

[New Quest Appeared!]

[Quest Task: kill 10 goblins]

[Quest Name: first kill]

[Quest Progression: 0/10]

[Time limit: none]

[Reward: 25 exp, ???]

[Quest Description: the current user Evan has never killed anything before in his life. To prepare the user for the adversity in the near future he needs to get hit first kill for he would have to kill many more times. To finish the quest the user have to kill 10 goblins.]

Without any time to read the message on the screen a frightened Evan closed his eyes and swung his sword and mid swing he felt the sword landing on something solid and heard a cry of pain and when he realizes he is still alive he opens his eyes and was surprise to see that it had sliced right through the goblins head and another screen similar to the ones before it appeared.

[exp +10]

All the other goblins stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at what made the cry of pain only to find one of their brothers head cut open by a timid looking human holding a sword. Enraged all of the goblins came rushing towards Evan. Scared and full of adrenaline but now having a slight increase in confidence Evan yells "come and get some you green f*** bois"

Evan counted the numbers of goblins and concluded that there was 9 goblins in total now just realizing how outnumbered he was he turned around and ran to the door that they barricaded earlier. When he made it through the door he was now standing on a small floor about half of the room and a stair case leading down the building. With his back faced against the staircase he waited until one of the goblin rushed in and as soon as Evan spotted the goblin he shoved his sword straight through the goblins stomach. After releasing a cry of pain and a few seconds of squirming it died.

[exp +10]

The goblin was stabbed so deep that he had to get the goblin off if his sword for him to be able to swing the sword again but he didn't have the the time as the other 8 goblins were still charging at him. He closed the door to delay some time so he can get the goblin off of his sword, after successfully pushing the goblin off his sword the other goblins have already forced there way through the door but luckily they were very clumsy and many of them have tripped from their loss of balance from trying to force the door open. One of the goblins who didn't trip quickly charged at Evan and as soon as it got in the range of his sword Evan swung his sword and sliced the goblins head off.

[exp +10]

One of the goblins who was before laying down from tripping had now got back on their feet and leaped towards Evan. Evan swung his sword horizontally and it sliced through the goblins rib and almost making a clean slice through the goblins stomach bug either way it was enough to kill the Goblin.

[exp +10]

Another goblin did the same as the goblin before it and leaped towards Evan with his dagger in hand ready to strike, Evan swung his sword down vertically and sliced right through its head. Another goblin came running at Evan and he quickly stabbed it in its chest and immediately kicked the goblin away to pull his sword out of it. Two goblins came at him at once this time and he swung his sword at the closest one to him wich linstantly killed it he then quickly kicked the second goblin away from him and he after pulled out his sword from the first one that charged at him the second goblin he had kicked before was now making his way to him again and with one hirizontall swing of evan sword it beheaded the second goblin.

[exp +10]

[exp +10]

[exp +10]

[exp +10]

Two goblins were now left and Evan could see that they were hesitant about approaching him, which was a good thing because Evan was out of stamina and could not swing his sword much more times.

The two goblins and Evan were staring at each other waiting for the other to make the first move. After what felt like a eternity one of the goblins threw his dagger at Evan, Evan reacted as quick as he can and prevented the dagger from landing a fatal blow by using his right arm to block the dagger which landed in his right hands fore arm but it was now extremely painfully to grip slightly heavy things with his right arm which was his dominant arm and also the arm he used to swing his sword.

[ -3 hp]

As soon as the goblins saw that it was now too painful for Evan to even swing his sword the goblin who threw his dagger picked up one of his fallen brothers dagger on the ground and they both rushed in to finish the job.

Evan now unable to pick up his sword, picked up one of the goblins dagger near him and with his injured arm using the little strength left in it he threw that dagger at one of the goblins charging at him landing on its chest leaving him on the ground squirming "How was that you f***" screamed Evan, the other goblins was still charging at Evan and with his uninjured arm he picked up his sword and swinged it down on the last goblins head killing it. The goblin that was hurt from the dagger that Evan threw was still alive and was now trying to crawl away, when Evan saw that the goblin was still alive he picked up his sword and with one final swing he ended it's misery.

[exp +10]

[exp +10]

[congratulations you leveled up!]

[Reward: 5 stat points]

[congratulations you completed the quest "first kill"]

[Reward: 25 exp, Ring of resilience]

Exhausted physically and mentally from the fight Evan dropped his sword and went to sit down right where he stood and painfully pulled out the dagger in his right arm.

[ -1 hp]

After trying to take in everything that had happened he finally took a look at the hundreds of messages that appeared after the fight and realizes that the messages would quickly disappear if it sensed that Evan was in battle. "I was able to level up and I finished a quest, so this really is just like a game" thought Evan.