
A Wallflower in the background

Naoko Ito stood there in shock, at the statement that befell her father's mouth. "Boarding school?" Unconsciously she repeated the words out loud, trying to grasp the information and to confirm if she had heard it right. An answer came from her mother in the form of a nod, confirming that she had heard it right. Her expression was that of disbelief, confusion consumed her and she was honestly scared. The thought of being with people for 3 years, sharing a room, and that they would know her every secret, scared her. She's never the best with communication, how is she going to survive this? she thought to herself. ***The Cover art is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. Temporary cover.

Usami_Shiro · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Under the Weather at the Semester's Start

The morning at the start of the semester, Yuto woke up with an unusual throbbing in his head.

"Argh... My head hurts..." He groaned, trying to shake off the grogginess that seemed to have settled in overnight.

The sun was streaming through the curtains, but its warm embrace did little to alleviate the chills in his body.

Yuto stumbled out of bed, his usually energetic self nowhere in sight.

He couldn't believe that the flu had chosen this particular time to make its unwelcome entrance. He was looking forward to the new semester and diving into his studies with enthusiasm.

"Ha... Nao-san and the others must've been having fun right now. " He mumbled, looking at the clock. It was currently eight o'clock on the dot. 

So cold, and I'm hungry, but I don't want to walk to the cafeteria feeling like sh*t.

Cursing his fate as he moved through the morning routine of brushing his teeth, Yuto couldn't help but feel like a shadow of his former self. Even the simplest tasks felt like climbing a mountain. His throat was scratchy, and each cough sent shivers down his spine.

I look horrible. 

He glanced at his reflection in the mirror and sighed. His red-rimmed eyes and pale complexion were a clear indication of his condition. He reached for the thermometer and confirmed what he had suspected - he had flu. His body ached, and every joint seemed to conspire against him.

Reluctantly, Yuto reaches out to Aki, his best friend since childhood.

He knew how much Aki had been looking forward to starting the new semester together, though that was just him.

Yuto grabbed his phone and typed out a message:

"Hey, Aki, I think I've come down with something nasty. The flu and I don't want to spread this to others; I'll have to miss the first day of the semester. Take good notes for me, buddy. Sorry to start the semester on a low note.

P. S. Grab me food for lunch and breakfast. I feel horrible."

With a heavy heart, he pressed send. It was hard to accept that he wouldn't be there to experience the excitement of the first day. 

Yuto crawled back into bed, his phone by his side. 

As he waited for Aki's response, Yuto's mind couldn't help but wonder. The room filled with excitement for the upcoming semester now felt like a prison. He glanced at his phone, hoping to see a message from his best friend, wondering how his friends were faring without him.

Finally, a familiar chime signaled a message on his phone. Yuto quickly checked it:

"Hey, Yuto, that's rough. Don't worry about missing the first day. Your health comes first. I'll take notes for you, and I'll bring you some food and pills. Anything specific you'd like?"

Yuto couldn't help but smile at Aki's response. He had always been dependable, and his kindness meant the world to Yuto in this moment of need.

Quickly typing his reply, Yuto's gratitude showed in his message:

"Thanks, Aki. You're a lifesaver. Just some chicken soup and hot tea would be great."

With the reassurance that his friend would help him, Yuto tried to find solace in the idea that he was making the right decision by staying in bed and resting. He knew that attempting to attend the first day of the semester in his condition would be more harmful than beneficial.

As he closed his eyes and tried to drift back to sleep, Yuto couldn't help but think about all the assignments, discussions, and laughter he'd be missing. He could only hope for a swift recovery to rejoin his friends and the semester ahead.


"Hey, Yuto. Wake up. " Aki said, lightly shaking Yuto's body to wake him. 

Surprised, he jolted awake at the disturbance. "What... Is it? " He asked, voice hoarse. 

"I brought your chicken soup and tea. Don't forget to drink your medicine! "

"Oh yeah... Thanks, Aki. " He said, grinning from ear to ear, his complexion still pale. 

"Don't mention it. Though, I need to go to class now, Yuto, sorry. " Aki responded, tilting his blank face down. 

After Aki left, Yuto ate his soup and took his medication.

Days like this continue for the ailing Yuto.


Three days later, when he woke up, it was already late in the afternoon. The sun was setting, and his stomach grumbled. 

"I'm so hungry..." He muttered, sitting up on his bed. 

Upon noticing a porridge wrapped in plastic protection at his bedside table, his face beamed. 

Thank you, Aki.

Thanking his friend silently, he proceeded to unwrap the porridge provided to him. The warm aroma filled the room, comforting Yuto's senses. He took a small bite and savored the taste. It felt like a lifeline during these days of illness.

As he ate the porridge, Yuto's mind wandered to the world outside, where his friends attended classes, the new semester was in full swing, and fun club activities. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy for their energy and enthusiasm, wishing he could be there with them.

After eating his fill, he realized a card at the nightstand. It read:

"Get well soon, Minamoto-kun! "

- Naoko Ito

He smiled brightly at the note that was left. 

Nao visited me!? When?

Why didn't she wake me up?

Ah! I guess she couldn't since I'm sick.

Yuto's heart warmed at the thought of his friend's visit. Despite his illness, the gesture made him feel closer to his friends, even if he couldn't be there with them in person.

Alright, I have to get well! He thought motivating himself.