
A Wallflower in the background

Naoko Ito stood there in shock, at the statement that befell her father's mouth. "Boarding school?" Unconsciously she repeated the words out loud, trying to grasp the information and to confirm if she had heard it right. An answer came from her mother in the form of a nod, confirming that she had heard it right. Her expression was that of disbelief, confusion consumed her and she was honestly scared. The thought of being with people for 3 years, sharing a room, and that they would know her every secret, scared her. She's never the best with communication, how is she going to survive this? she thought to herself. ***The Cover art is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. Temporary cover.

Usami_Shiro · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Visiting the patient

The hours in class seemed to pass by more smoothly now that she had some information about Yuto. She could focus on her studies, and her mind was no longer clouded by anxiety. Still, she couldn't wait for the school day to end to check on her friend.

When the final bell rang, Nao gathered her belongings and hurried to Aki, who had left earlier than her. She felt a strong urge to see Yuto and confirm he was okay.

Nao sucked a load of air and shouted, "H-Hirata-san! Wait...! " She exclaimed, running at full force.

The young man, who already exited their classroom, stopped in his tracks upon hearing the call.

When Nao finally caught up to Aki, her breathing was ragged, she was huffing and puffing.

"What is it, Ito-san? " He asked, looking at her.

Nao bent on her knees, trying to catch her breath, "ha... ha... ha..."

Fixing her posture, she asked, "Hirata-san! May I visit Minamoto-kun? "

Aki's eyes widened as he smiled warmly. You have good friends, Yuto. He thought.

Back to his usual apathetic face, he responded. "Sure, you can come. But first, want to grab dinner? We'll get one for him too. "

"Isn't it too early for dinner? It's only 4 P.M. "

"There's never too early for dinner, and besides. Aren't you hungry too? I kept hearing your stomach grumble beside me in class. " He teased, making her flustered.

Aki's offer to grab dinner together before visiting Yuto was a welcome idea for Nao, especially since she was feeling hungry. She chuckled at his comment about her grumbling stomach during class.

"A-alright, dinner sounds good, and about my stomach... I can't help it, okay? " Nao replied with a pout.

Nao took out her phone and quickly sent a message to her art club, letting them know she would be absent due to unexpected plans. With that done, she turned her attention back to Aki.

"Okay, all set. Let's go get dinner and a meal for Yuto," Nao said, ready to head out with Aki to the cafeteria.

Aki grinned in response to Nao's acceptance of his dinner proposal.

"Great, let's go grab some food. " 

As they reached the cafeteria, it was bustling with students.

Since It's a popular spot where students hang out, especially after a long day of classes. Aki navigated through the tables and the bustling environment with ease, and Nao followed closely behind.

The aroma of various dishes filled the air, making Nao's stomach growl again. Aki chuckled at the sound, and Nao blushed, feeling self-conscious.

"Looks like your stomach can't wait any longer," Aki teased.

Nao rolled her eyes playfully. "It's your fault for mentioning it earlier."

After arriving at the food counter, Nao was troubled to choose from the many options. Fortunately, Aki offered to help her choose a meal and even picked something for Yuto. With their trays full, they found an unoccupied table and sat down to enjoy their food.

"Hirata-san, how long have you known Minamoto-kun? From the sound of it, you seemed close. "

"Ah, that's because Yuto's parents and mine got along well, and I'd visit his place occasionally. "

"It must've been fun."

"No, not really. He's always been a troublemaker."

"Though you said that, you care, don't you? " Nao teased.

The conversation flowed naturally as they enjoyed their meal. Nao learned more about Aki, his interests, and even his quirky sense of humor. It was a refreshing change from the anxiety that plagued her earlier in the day.

With the meal for Yuto carefully packed, they made their way to Yuto and Aki's dormitory. Nao's heart raced with relief and excitement as they approached Yuto's room. She hoped to see her friend and make sure he was on the road to recovery.

"Shh! Be quiet, okay? We don't want to wake him up, right? " Aki whispered.

Nao nodded, "Mhm," She mumbled.

As she entered the dorm, Nao quietly made her way to Yuto's room, her heart racing.

Gently pushing the door open, she peeked inside. The room was dimly lit, and she could see Yuto lying in bed, covered in blankets. He looked pale, but at least he was resting. Nao let out a soft sigh of relief.

Not wanting to wake him, she tiptoed to his bedside and placed a small get-well card on his nightstand. It was a simple gesture, but she hoped it would bring a smile to his face when he woke up.

"That's it? "

"Yeah, I didn't want to disturb him. Thank you for letting me visit today, Hirata-san. "

Nao quietly exited the room, closing the door with care. She knew that Yuto would need time to recover, and she was determined to support him in any way she could.

As she returned to her dorm, Nao updated Ema on Yuto's condition and expressed her gratitude for the earlier breakfast. Ema smiled and reminded Nao to take care of herself.

The evening with Nao catching up on her assignments and chatting with Ema. She kept her phone nearby, hoping for any news from Aki about Yuto's progress.

When night fell, Nao couldn't help but think about her friend. She hoped that Yuto's recovery would be swift and that he would be back to his cheerful self in no time.