
A Voyage Towards End

I, Eren Samus was a unsociable man ,whose entire life based on pushing limits. No he wasn`t a born shounen protagonist, he was a just a paper pusher in his old company. The only good sign in his life was his parents who always supported him, as they knew there son wasn`t talented rather was a hardworker. Things started to change when his parents deceased in plane crash. He became a shut in and indulged in novels and anime to appease his heart. But he was naive , who would have thought that at the last momen- "ITS ISEKAI TIME BITCH" This a work of fiction. ----------------------------------- Eren tried but he wasn't the "TATAKAI" one. ----------------------------------- Cover is not mine found it on pixiv. ----------------------------------- My grammar can sucks sometimes. ----------------------------------- This is FF about Supreme Magus novel.

NoThigh_NoLife · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Unlimited Salt Works.


Ooh ooh ah, ooh ooh ah

Broken sleep, all too human

A malady

It's gazing through when I

Dream me a dream soft as a pillow

Dream me a dream

Dream me a dream

Dream me a dream

Dream me a dream

Dream me a dream

Shapes of smoke, all too human

They grow like titans

I would like to fall, silence every call (Would you level me with a dream?)

If I will fall, fall, fall, fall

I would like to fall (Fall asleep)

Silence every call (Would you level me with a dream?)

If I will fall, fall, I will fall, fall

[Broken sleep : 'D A R K' by Agnes Obel]

{ Netflix series: DARK (3 seasons) }




" System roll the gacha " (FGO gacha.mp3)

"Why am getting a bad feeling" Lith thought.

(PRIME of Rizz, Nobita glasses, X doll 2047, Normal sword and Spicy Mapo tofu. )

---------2 mins later---------

What the fuck are those,

[PRIME of Rizz](skill)

A PRIME drink in a AU that's Loganverse .

Where Logan Paul won.

Increases your Rizz moments for a short period of time.

Review: Perfectly recommend for noobs! Who can't get a girl.

Don't worry but I will come the Rizzlord!

Make cringe lines to take your girl.🍹

[Nobita glasses] (Rank - EX)

* Glasses if worn, make you seem dumb.

* Enemy will underestimate you.

* Can help you sneak up to anyone, cuz

nobody cares about useless sh*t.

* Cringe resistance.

* Help you hide your aura and killing intent.

( 3 times a day )

* Help you find your Doraemon in your

world. From which you can exploit.

Review: Bruh..👁️👄👁️

[X doll 2047] (Rank-D, upgradable)

A sax* doll for who can't get a girl even in

different universe. Will obey Masters* all


* Can become a vessel for soul.

* Can bind with artifact's.

Review: Now I can get any waifu!

Dream of all Otakus.😳🥴

[Normal sword] (Rank-F)

A sword.

Review : F for whoever dies, fighting with

this limited durability sword.🥲

[Mapo tofu] (Quality-C)

A dish from Nasuverse made by Kiritsugu


* Help in fooling kids, they will follow your


* Plot armour (Berserker version)

Review : A cheat*, save you from life threatening attacks. 9 time's*🤯


"Sigh.... well they are good, everything for power but why there's a X DOLL!, well I will use her as maid.😳"

Let's eat first. I took out the cake and start eating it. It only buffed him but he was still hungry. "So let's start with getting meat from woods. Well I don't know about butchering, let's go to Selia. She the only hunter in neighbours."

I activated my [PRIME of Rizz] skill for better negotiation. Then I moved towards Selia's house. It was single-storey wooden house with no henhouse or barn. There were weeds growing out of fields.

"She doesn't seem to have interest in farming or stockbreeding, that's good. Her business would be great. There also a shed almost as big as the house itself."

Lith knocked. "You again,are you lost or something?" Selia asked. She was a woman in her early thirties. Tall and skin tanned from exposure to the sun. She had black hair with boy - cut hairstyle. She could have been called cute. But the small bosom and wild attitude made her seem manlier.

"Hi, miss Fastarrow, I need a favour. Can you please teach me how to skin and gut animals."

Selia raised her eyebrow "why?"

"Because I am hungry. I have been long hungry enough that , I forgot it. I know how to hunt, but I know without proper care the meat would become inedible."

"No, you got me wrong. Why should I teach you? And I still don't believe a runt like you can hunt. And teaching requires compensation" Selia stated .

I was thinking about killing her. But still there would be lot problems later.

She was thinking of putting a bad deal to chase away the brat.

"First if you want to learn, you have to bring some game. If you mess up playing butcher, you will only waste my time. So here's my deal, whatever you bring, I will teach you to skin and guy it. But half of it will be mine. Take or leave it."

"So much for the kind and cute woman. This is plain extortion." Lith grumbled.

"I will take it. How long will you stay here?

When I get back with the game. I'll need your help don't forget the deal."

Watching the little runt acting tough, she couldn't help but laugh. "I will stay here until tomorrow."

Then Lith turned around and ran. His Rizz ability didn't work cuz in this deal, there wasn't any leverage.

After reaching the woods, he took out [Nobita glasses] and worn it. Then activated 'Life vision' a vision related ability, which let him see through life force of organisms. He developed this ability last year by infusing light magic in the eyes.

Similar to 'Fire vision' of his vision series.

Lith didn't need something big. As long as the game's condition is alright.

So he used spirit magic to hunt birds and squirrels, just by breaking their necks.

Because of his low presence, he could kill 4 birds and 3 squirrels. He didn't need too much meat. As he didn't have place to keep the game fresh. His system space only helped him keep gacha related items.

[ Mission accomplished: First blood ]

[ Reward : 1 gacha ticket. ]

" Noice. "

While reaching huntress house his greed was debating with his rage. When he reached the door, he took deep breaths to calm and put upon a business face after taking off the glasses.

When Selia heard the door opening, she was on verge of mocking him. But Lith showed his own game, making her whole "Never underestimate a hunters job" speech useless.

"How did you do it?" She was shocked.

"Magic. I am blessed by light, haven't you heard the news 🪄" Lith replied nonchalantly.

"So you are the magic kid, that's explain your shitty attitude."

"Excuse me? You found a scrawny kid asking for help. And what you are doing sending him away with rip-off deal even laughing at his efforts and you thinking about his shitty attitude😡" Lith was really angry now.

"Kid first you come to my door and ask help. Normally poeple would kick your ass. If I comply with any madman wishes, I would be broke like jiffy. Second, you slam the door in my face. That's not a shitty attitude or what's?" Selia laughed an said.

Lith now realised it was true. His hunger and rage has clouded his mind. Getting everything in his Hand from the family had a bad influence. Forgetting the basics about social interactions.

"Sorry, I was the wrong here. So we'll have the deal or I'll leave.🙇🏽" Lith apologized.

Selia started to laugh loudly.

"Hold it, kid. I said that you're crazy and rude, I like it. I am a bit of jerk myself. Wait I will teach you. First, bleed out the game...."

She handed him a knife and started explaining the process.🔪🐿️

Watching him use magic during cleaning, she was impressed. Then she asked

"Since we're making a master-apprentice relationship, mind telling me, why didn't you ask your father or mother👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏽?"

"Indeed,just between us right?👁️👁️"lith look straight at her eyes and asked.

Selia nodded, suprised by getting actual answer.

"As much as I remember my relationship with my brothers is cr*p, especially my eldest brother😮‍💨." He told her all about the deeds of Orpal, even though she was a stranger, It felt quite good after opening up. He told her about the condition of Tista too.

"Despite my parents hardwork, we don't have enough food on the table. My brother is a growing boy too, so he would like to eat more chow than he has."🐖

He would have fits of rage, "Why the heck did you have so many children, when you can't put food on the table? Why he gets almost the same share as me? He does nothing and I work my ass out in the fields, you are just a 'leech' sucking my life. You should have died that cursed day." Lith did his best Orpal impression.

"Are you making this cr*p, but this is sick. Didn't your father beat him up?" Selia was doubtful🤔.

"I wish, it had started from when I was little.

Father would spank him, but made it worse. Now I sleep in girl's room." Lith replied

"Too soon" Selia laughed on a joke😳.

"Too soon, what? Anyways after I learned magic and started helping my family and curing sister, but he didn't change. Now he can't put the blame on me. So he went after my sick sister which , I don't wanna repeat."

Lith spat on the ground to get rid the taste of this memory.😒

"To the point of saying..." He pointed at the hanged game.

"To put her down like an animal? Kid your brothers a lunatic . Selia grimaced.😥

Lith still remember his words....

"It would be much better for her, all of us!

She can't run, she can't walk. Tista will never be able to make friends, get love and have childrens. She is bound to be burden of our family. And what will happen when you two are not there? Who will take care of her? Eliza? Or that little leech wonder?"

He still remember, his mother was crying with the cruel words. Eliza and Tista running to her arms. And Raaz beating Orpal so hard, he couldn't walk for weeks🧑‍🦼.

"Indeed, so that's why don't wanna share MINE game with him🍖. I only despise him, I don't hate him. Hate is like love, an irrational feeling, and my contempt for him has sound foundations." Lith said with a growl.

"Wow, such profound notion befitting of Hunter. Now I will tell you about when you find rabbits try to damage it as little as possible, it will make you a penny. And I will check the condition and buy from you."

Then she teached about how to make money from rabbit fur.🐇

Then she teached him, how to scald the birds for plucking. Then she took out a cauldron for cooking and put the meat inside.🐦

The smell of food made Lith's mouth water.

He used his magic to make the dish and finished it up🍗.

When Selia arrived, "Good God's! Such a gentleman. Woud you like another serving?"

Selia teased him, but his eyes were on the squirrels meat. After devouring everything, he found Selia was frozen in place.

Her mouth was open but no words came out. He gently put the bones on the plate. "Thanks, there was no need to hold the plate for me. That was kind of you." (Rizz success)

After resolving the morning incident. Selia reached him about the game.

"The birds you caught are called blinkers, because they get scared easily and fly away.

Usually, it would take lot of skills but your magic thingy did the job. Only the neck bone is broken, everything else is intact."

She eyed lith for answers.

Lith shrugged, "Just little bit of finesse with air magic." Selia choosed not to pry further.

Watching lith doing everything with magic, Selia grumbled that how easy it was.

"How do I Cook it?" Lith asked.

"Still hungry after eating the squirrels?" Selia teased.

"Yes very, please use the outer camping. So that I don't get a habit of using fireplace."

He used Fire vision* to memorize the heat signatures for making the food perfect.

He started weaving wind and fire magic for perfect balance of the meat from all angles.

Selia was amazed by the dance, but she thought it was too extreme, until the delicious smell reached her nose.

The smell was so good, that it made her stomach grumble.

Again Lith started eating, it lacked salt and spice but nonetheless it was the best meal.

"I can't believe. I can't feel hunger anymore"

Lith falled to ground and cried happily.


Hello, these were the gacha items he got.

Later gaining gacha tickets would become hard. It would be like hidden achievements.

Or any main quest related to the plot.


Hunting chapter took so much space.. haaiyah! Perfect 2000 words.

[DARK was one of the most famous NETFLIX]

[series. With so many twists and riddles. It ]

[has 3 seasons. ]

[DARK : Connect Dots Beyond Imagination]


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NoThigh_NoLifecreators' thoughts