
A Voyage Towards End

I, Eren Samus was a unsociable man ,whose entire life based on pushing limits. No he wasn`t a born shounen protagonist, he was a just a paper pusher in his old company. The only good sign in his life was his parents who always supported him, as they knew there son wasn`t talented rather was a hardworker. Things started to change when his parents deceased in plane crash. He became a shut in and indulged in novels and anime to appease his heart. But he was naive , who would have thought that at the last momen- "ITS ISEKAI TIME BITCH" This a work of fiction. ----------------------------------- Eren tried but he wasn't the "TATAKAI" one. ----------------------------------- Cover is not mine found it on pixiv. ----------------------------------- My grammar can sucks sometimes. ----------------------------------- This is FF about Supreme Magus novel.

NoThigh_NoLife · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Family Vacation?


{ From the inner sea of the planet,

from the tower of insight,

from the four corners of paradise,

let them know;

their story is filled with blessings.

Only those free of sin may pass...

"Garden of Avalon" }

[Noble Phantasm ~ The Forever-Sealed Utopia (Garden of Avalon) by Merlin ]



A few days later, Lynna Crestick was at rope's end. Countess was sick of her failure and asked her to do the job or leave early.

"That old bi*ch! I have been saving her axe for so many year's. Even to get rid of her husband, that's how she repays me?

I'll make a last attempt before getting out of house. If this fails, I will flee to Gorgon's empire."🤬

She has been told by Genon that Doomberry kiss had a very strong poison . How Count was still alive, was he a inhuman?

Some hours later, she succeeded. After eating the soup, Count had trouble breathing and he was finally dead!🪦

Lynna just like her colleagues started sobbing, while everyone was grieving, she was crying with joy. She didn't need anymore to work her axe* for someone else.

First she waited for investigation to end.

Jadon the new count, imposed martial law,

prohibiting anyone to flee. Lynna thought she won't get caught as she threw all the remaining poison and carefully washed the flask.

All rooms were checked which put a huge toll on her cuz of stress. And she started to realise. She killed a person, a good one too.

To hide her guilt she think of future but her thinking went another direction.

"What if the Old bitch betrayed her ?

She didn't thought of this possibility."

She tried to sleep so that she could forget.

Lynna had just closed her eyes when the door knob started rattling like someone was forcing to get inside.

As soon the light turned on, the rattling stopped.

{ Sees Ghost 👻



Soon the roomates started bickering.

But after a while, the room temperature suddenly dropped, where even breathing became a trouble. There windows got fogged.


One of her roommates got so scared, banging the door while calling for help, but no one answered. All they could do was cover themselves with blanket.

All her roommates got so scared that, they thought this was the work of vengeful spirit.

Lynna was a woman of action, she didn't believe in folk tales. She raised her nightstand to smash the window, when she saw him.

{ You thought it was Lark

But it was me DIO! ノ⁠~ ノ⁠~ノ⁠~ }

The late Count Lark was infront of her, even though this was second floor. His whole figure was pale white, glowing like a firefly.

His eyes were shedding tears of blood. Snow blue flames were erupting from his hair dancing around him, screaming with pain.

His surroundings were covered with darkness.

(Darkness M voice. Mp3)

There eyes were locked, Lynna couldn't look away while holding the nightstand.

"How could you do this to me?" His voice sounded distorted and distant, it was barely a whisper but they could here it clearly.

All started banging the door, but when they turned. They found the Count was already inside the room, despite the window was still locked.

When he extended his hand, all fell unconscious.

{ He must have groped everyone.}

When Lynna woke up she found she wasn't inside her room. She couldn't determine the location. As her eyes focused. She noticed some humanoid forms laying on the ground, only a few metres away.

When she got closer, she found skeletons.

Lynna screamed, when she noticed those skeletons nightgown, those were of her roommates. Her screams changed to shrieks.

She started run when she heard moans*.

Then she tripped into something soft* and squishy*. When she opened her eyes, she stared at a tombstone where was engraved:

"Here lies Croblan lark, beloved father and husband."


Lynna realised this place was lark's family burial place ground.

Then she started remembering. The poisoning, the twisted door, the ghost. Lynna was losing her mind, when she found moving figures weren't undeads but other members of staff.

Two of them were her accomplishes. Zamon and Bisya.

"Lynna is that you? That scream of yours almost explode my head." Bysa said.

{ Bro' capping. 😂}

"Where in the god's name are we?_____The Count!" He recalled all the events and exclaimed.

At those words all of them froze up in place.

"The count is back!" Refia said with chocked voice.


Soon they all looked around, finding the corpses of their roommates. There clothes were intanct but there bodies seemed to age centuries.

Suddenly the ground trembled, lightning strikes were falling and a raging fire erupted from a open grave.

"How could you do this to me?"

Count's spirit rose from the flames.

"Prepare to get judged by my ancestors!"

From the tombs nearby count, three skeletons rose unearthed from the graves.

"Murderers!" wailed a old man's voice.(moan*)

"Traitors!" yelled a woman's voice.(moan*)

"Vermin!" said a young voice.(moan*)

"The die is cast!" Count said with an otherworldly voice.

"Confess!" He was pointing to Refia.

"I am innocent! I swear!" He yelled.

{ Bro's WEAK! }

"Liar" then he was dragged to the flames.

"He will serve me in the underworld to atone for his sins!" Said lark.

"Confess!" It was pointed to Olmund.

"I confess! I confess! It was me stealing the bolts, exploiting the inventory. That's why there was not enough." He said pleading.

{ Nig- - - really?😅 }

"And how do you atone!?"

"I am sorry! I swear! " { PATHETIC! }

"It's not enough!" He was too dragged to pit.

Soon, Lynna, Bysa and Zamon confessed about where they destroyed the evidence or still kept it.

"Magnificent!" said the Count with his cheerful voice, which was now different from the otherworldly voice, clapping his hands with delight.

"Was this all," Zamon wanted to say but he was caught of.

"A farce? Old fool I knew you were up to no good!" said Poltus.

"Jaydon, Keyla, be a dear and bring me those letters and other evidences."

The long years of service, the savings of lifetime, all those careful plans for his retirement were shattered, Zamon thought.

Lith sighed with relief. Everything went according to keikaku*.

The Count too was happy with result.

"Ahahaha! Flying has been memorable experience not to mention their faces!" He was laughing like a kid successful in pranking his parents.

"You should have seen there faces! Priceless!

I never had so much fun in my life!" He patted Lith's shoulder, covering him with the make-up powder.

As soon as they got there hands on evidence, Count immediately used his communication amulet to contact king's bureau of law and order.

Then his family arrived.

When they arrived, one way or another, all the staff was assembled to see the mysterious woman who had spawned the Count's fifth son.

They expressed much admiration for his mother and sister respectively even my father got some fans.

He thought that the rumours would die down but the story has already took a different tone.

The household was now split in two factions.

The first one was #TeamLith leaded by Poltus which refused step back his theory.

"Who could have thought that such an airheaded like count could also be a schemer. Not only he got himself a beautiful mistress, he also had smarts for choosing a woman whose husband resembles him so much that he would never suspect the son isn't own. That witch of a countess can't hold a candle to such gorgeous woman."

The second one #TeamRaaz was leaded by

Hilya, the head of kichen staff, first chef and Poltus oldest rival in terms of authority and gossip skill.

"Are you got senile or what? The count is too chivalrous to cheat, even on a treacherous hag! Clearly he had an affair before there wedding and Sir Raaz is the offspring of that love.

That means not only he's Count's real fifth son, but the young mage and his sister's are all his secret nephews! That's why he cares so much about that boy, and why he has bought them all here now, to preserve the bloodline."

Lith didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Beside Mikasa was laughing like she was holding her stomach rolling around.


Aside from gossip living in Count's manor was peaceful.

Count Lark took the initiative to explain everything. Raaz and Elina wanted to scold Lith, but Count bowed to them. Which made them embarrassed and flattered to say anything.

Whole family couldn't stop to look around the walls, everything seemed out of a fairy tail. Soon the delicious and sweet smell of pastries immediately caught their attention.

As soon the cart entered his family mimiced their host behaviours politely sitting around the table in an ordered manner waiting to be served.

The girl's couldn't stop giggling.

Lith. exe stopped. "What the🦆?"

It wasn't the maid pushing the cart instead it was Dio! Just kidding.

It was Hilya accompanied by some kichen personel.☺️

Hilya personally served the count and his own family occassionally showering them with complements.

Count Lark was both embarrassed and surprised. Hilya barely serve him in his birthday, and he didn't know why his staff has taken such liberties with esteemed guests.

Lith signalled him to explain later and stopped the rest to take a single bite.

After checking there wasn't any problem did they started eating.

Following days were much awkward.

There wasn't any assassination attempts cuz all the evidence had made a fuss for countess.

Koya Lark looked for any weakness to exploit

even the magico kid but couldn't find their parents. The countess could only curse for her husband hobbies. She knew nothing about magic, only a little from Genon.

Meanwhile Lith family was quickly getting accustomed in the manor wearing beautiful clothes and eating delicious food.

Lith instead was quite annoyed. The Count, Keyla and Jaydon had showered praises upon Elina, Rena and Tista for there fair skin and beauty.

"I am so envious of you girl's. I wish I could get rid of all those things in mys face." Keyla said . Overtime the camraderie has grown between girls.

"You are already so preety If only..." Tista was

threw Lith a meaningful look, that he pretended, not to notice.

Jaydon interest towards Rena was obvious but he got many stone-cold glares from Lith.

Rena was flattered by the young man attentions and care from the brother.

She wasn't naive. She would only accept complements not any improper gifts.

Finally, the Count received the notification through communication amulet that annulment was successful. He was once again a free man.

The first thing Lith and Count did was inform Nana.

She was more worried about her business.

😅She tried to act all old and frail.

Contrary to everyone expectations she called again for a different reason laughing at the juicy gossip.

"Hahaha You can't believe what just happened to me! Someone tried to kidnapped me !" A long laughing pause followed.

"So Lark this is my annulment gift for you.

For now you can introduce yourself as a bachelor or widower. I'd go with widower chicks dig rich!, while lonely man would require lot of explaining why you have two kids. Ta ta!"

" Koya you never listen to me when I talk about magic and there rules. I hope they don't make you suffer as you're mother of two kids." Count sighed with regret shedding tears.

Lith went to him patting his back.

Lith and his family spend two more weeks in the manor fully enjoying the hospitality.

Rena and Tista could freely mock there little brother for the painting and the heroic aura depicted with him. Living everyday with Lith, they couldn't see him as great or overbearing. He was only their little brother.

Lith also discovered about resonance magic.

It was a recently discovered branch of light magic, using it would ascertain if two people are blood related or not.

"Intresting, back on earth this could become the foundations of forensic analysis. This mage Duke Marth, seem to be alive and well teaching magic in the white Griffon academy.

This makes two famous mages residing there. Maybe Nana moved to Lightning Griffon for her air magic prowess, while the

White Griffon specialises in Light magic.

If I have to choose, I would pick White Griffon, cuz I have already merits through being a healer and for future purposes being healer would get me merits enough for my family." Plot*

Returning home was traumatic for the family. No more servants, no more relaxing, no more sweets. It took many days and more sighs to get to routine.

The count sharecroppers had done a nice job, they even repaired and Reinforced the house making it brand new. The count has also send them with many gifts.

A lot of clothes that had been prepared for them, a lot of make-up from Keyla and a whole crate of food from Hilya. The cook was really fond of family and couldn't wait to have them again at the family.

While Lith was practicing and Mikasa was training Tista. She informed with an alert.💢

Soon the man arrived. He wore an expensive robe which was dirty and ripped in many spots. He was unshaven, his hair was muddy too.

"You! You have finally returned, I have waited for weeks, sleeping in mud and eating berries but it was all worth." He said.

"Bro who're you? I don't even know you?"

Lith was confused.

{ Wanda: You took my everything.

Thanos: I don't even know you. }

"I'm Genon Ghishal! You killed my entire family! And?I will kill your entire fam-" His head was detached.

"You talk too much!" Lith said after practicing the 'Gravity blade spell'. His Gravity manipulation has increased.

Tista came to watch the ruckus, then she found a cold corpse , she wasn't scared.

"Lil bro! What happened? Who was this?"

She pointed at the corpse.

"A fool, who wanted to kill my family."

Lith said, while getting shocked.

Tista disintegrated the corpse. Then she smiled.

"Ototo-kun let's go for the training!" Tista said excitedly.

(Hey, Mikasa come closer. I am getting chills.

I can't imagine what will happen, if we disclose about our relationship.)

(What are you talking about? I have already informed her, I can't wait. How she will confont you. 🤣)


It's 20th chapter. I will skip the visiting of lightning Griffon. The Old hag was a side character with a purple core.

After this chapter would be related to White Griffon admissions, it means the poison case of Distar's daughter.

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