
A Virgin For The Mafia Prince

Elena's world takes a wild spin when the rugged Mafia prince, Dante, chooses to wed her over her cousin, Antonia. Facing her abusive family's wrath for allegedly enchanting the mafia prince, Elena's heart remains loyal to her true love, Isaac, whom she plans to escape with. Against her wishes, Dante seals their marriage fate, leaving Elena helpless. Yet, Dante's love for her is boundless, until a sudden twist frames her for betrayal. Unfazed, Dante turns cold and ruthless, opting to marry her cousin. As Dante's cruelty escalates, a shocking revelation unveils the truth behind the false accusation. But it's too late – Elena's heart, once warmed by their love, turns icy. Despite Dante's desperate attempts to mend their shattered connection, the wounds of betrayal threaten to forever shatter their once-promising love story.

Purple_Princesss · Urban
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46 Chs

You Betrayed Me

" you heard what I said, " he repeated pulling my hair even tighter which made me sob.

" you are going to watch it and enjoy every moment, understand ? " I nodded with Affirmation.


I sat in my room, thinking of the disgusting scenario I was going to witness. I prayed and hoped it was all a joke.

Was he really going to make love to Antonia, after everything we had been through together. The thought of it just.ade me cringe.

I wasn't even willing to watch , I had no choice. It was either that or being forced to do something even more worse.

I waited but he didn't show up, I was so relieved. He was definitely joking. But my small victory was taken away from me when Dante walked in. But something caught my attention, he smelt of alcohol and was taking nonsense through out.

I was happy to see he was all own his own, which meant I wasn't going to share a room with my slut of a cousin.

" Elena , my baby doll... Please wear a special...umm... A special lingerie for me please my baby doll." his breath smelt only if alcohol.

Moving towards my closet I picked the red lingerie I had bought some time back.

" Wear it , right here I want to see you wear it." slowly I undressed in front of him and wore my lingerie.

He seemed to study my body like a critic at a fine art gallery. "come , get closer to me I won't hurt you."

I took a step closer but not too close , he grabbed my behind and pulled me closer to him, his face at the same length as my abdomen.

He showered my skin with light kisses while he caressed my thighs. I didn't know how to feel , whether to enjoy what was happening or feel disgusted because of his behavior.

I found myself responding to his touch.

He pulled me closer oneast time making me sit on him as we shared a passionate kiss. His lips on mine , his tongue swirling around with mine and he's hands All over my body.

Carrying me he made me lie down on my back, as he placed himself in-between me.

" Open your legs wide , I want to let your p*ssy know it's owner is her.

I opened up wide , being vulnerable to his touch and command.

Closing my eyes , he held my cheek and said " baby doll, don't close your eyes...I want you to watch everything."

With that being said, he slid the lace thong away from my lady parts and went down on me. His warm breath and moist mouth making me twist and turn as he made his way up my thighs , landing on my lady parts.

I gasped as be lick his way up , making me relive the night of our wedding making me forget all our troubles .my body was responding to him .

Slowly but sure , he inserted two fingers, motioning them in and out, hitting the right spot with made me moan like crazy

His tongue replaced his fingers, he licked and sucked my cl*t , I moaned out loud as he put his tongue inside . Curling my toes, I came on his face and he made sure to lock me dry leaving nk trace .

He continued playing around with his tongue, sending waves of pleasure rippling through me and making me scream his name out loud.

He rose and started to undress himself, I offered my assistant but he asked me toay down and watch. I was enjoying his treatment, he was so loving, caring and gentle . This was the Dante I married not some maniac.

Raising my legs and hooking them over his shoulder, he placed himself in-between me. Ready to penetrate and without wasting anytime he was in . Filling me to the fullest.

He reached down for a kiss , I missed his kisses , his tender loving kisses. We kissed for what felt like an hour, he didn't move at all . He was buried inside me making me wet and want to straddle him . However I didn't want to ruin the moment.

He stopped kissiny me and looked me straight in the eyes , I looked at him with doe eyes signaling him I wanted him to f*ck me as much as he wants , but the words he uttered confused and baffled me.

" Elena ,my baby doll do you know that I love you so so much?" he asked in a calm voice.

" Yes I do ." I managed to let out.

" Then why baby doll, why did you betray me huh , why did you have to tear my heart into a million pieces. The first time I saw you I promised myself I would find you no matter what, but somehow fate brought you to me , From the very moment you stepped into my life, I wanted you to be mine , I knew you were made for me, I did everything I could just for you but I guess that wasn't enough for you right? You had to tear me apart. Yes I'm not perfect but at least I deserve to know the reason. Please tell me why my baby doll."

Tears rolled down his face , this was the very first time I had seen him cry ever since our marriage. However his statement of betrayal and meeting me greatly confused me, what the hell was he talking about? And was the Betrayal nonsense he was spitting. J can't recall betraying him in anyway.

" D...Dante, I'm confused what to you mean by betraying you?" I voices out but he was silent .

" I promise you I would never betrayal you and I..." he placed a finger on my lips hushing me as he begun to move his hips slowly and steady.

I fought back my moans as I looked into his eyes still wanting answers to his weird outpour.

But at that moment he was the most passionate of all time, he took me nice and slow , fire on fire, gaze looked on gsze. It went on until he came inside of me.

I was too distracted by pleasure that I forgot to ask him what he meant. While cuddled in his embrace, I felt a small drop of liquid drop on my forehead. I looked up only to see Dante crying in his sleep.

What could have caused him so much pain that even after our encounter he cried in his sleep. Worried, I slowly wiped his tears away, why would he think I betrayed him , it didn't make sense at all because he was the one who betrayed me.