
A Virgin For The Mafia Prince

Elena's world takes a wild spin when the rugged Mafia prince, Dante, chooses to wed her over her cousin, Antonia. Facing her abusive family's wrath for allegedly enchanting the mafia prince, Elena's heart remains loyal to her true love, Isaac, whom she plans to escape with. Against her wishes, Dante seals their marriage fate, leaving Elena helpless. Yet, Dante's love for her is boundless, until a sudden twist frames her for betrayal. Unfazed, Dante turns cold and ruthless, opting to marry her cousin. As Dante's cruelty escalates, a shocking revelation unveils the truth behind the false accusation. But it's too late – Elena's heart, once warmed by their love, turns icy. Despite Dante's desperate attempts to mend their shattered connection, the wounds of betrayal threaten to forever shatter their once-promising love story.

Purple_Princesss · Urban
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45 Chs

Havoc Reigns

Waking up by her side used to be a blessing, but then I didn't know how to feel anymore.

The warmth between our bodies just felt right even though I knew she broke my heart.

I couldn't help myself from smiling when I saw her cuddled in my embrace , bringing back memories of when I fell In love with her but now it all vanished and I felt a void that wouldn't be filled easily.

I rose and got up slowly in order not to wake her up. I felt a sudden shiver as cold air went in and out of the holes of the room.

It was a terrible place , but she deserved it. Slowly unlocking the door I made my way out, glancing at her one last time and left.

Entering my room , a pillow came flying my direction nearly hitting my eye. And there stood a furious Antonia.

" Where were you? " she asked reaching out for another pillow. " Dante I said where were you?" she swung the pillow with full force aiming at me.

" Enough!" I exclaimed as she reached for another one , " I was with my wife !"

" Ohhhh... So you left me here waiting for you so you could be with your so-called wife , I banged and knocked on the door countless times and you didn't even bother to answer, you probably even f*cked her ."

" well of course I have every right to f*ck her because she is my wife."

Antonia was getting out of hand , she needed to be put in her place.

" Wow, isn't that fascinating... Even after showing you proof and evidence you still decided to go back to her after all she did to you. And yet I thought she was the naive one ."

This b*tch started to get a little bit too comfortable and didn't show not even a single bit of respect towards me.

But she had a valid point, maybe I had let my lust get in the way of my brain's ability to think.

" Look Antonia baby , I'm sorry okay... Please forgive me. It won't happen again, very soon she will be out of our lives and I will soon marry you making me my queen."

With that being said she seemed to cool down , thank god otherwise I wouldn't have spared her disrespectful attitude.

For hours now she did not say a single word to me. She suddenly just got up and left the room.

A few moments later , she had returned , her clothes soaked and blood at the back of her blonde hair.

" Antonia, what Happened to you ? " my question seemed to evoke an uncomfortable feeling.

" Nothing I just slipped and fell in the bathroom that's it ."

For some reason my instincts told me she was hiding something, I got up and called for Mercy to come and assist her.

" Please, you really don't have to Call her I will handle everything myself."

Mercy knocked and made her way inside.

She looked at Antonia with an eye that would send chills down anyone's spine.

She quickly uttered, "Your Majesty, you need to know what just happened in the bathroom. Antonia was trying to drown Elena!"

My initial indifference shifted to a glance at Antonia, who attempted to explain the situation. "Dante, my love , it's not what she's making it out to be. Elena slipped in the tub, and I was helping her," Antonia insisted.

This greatly confused me because she said she slipped in the tub.

Mercy interrupted, determined to share her version of the events, "No, your majesty, I saw everything. Antonia was deliberately trying to harm her majesty. You need to believe me."

Antonia stood motionless,I looked at her waiting for her response "Dante, you know Mercy can be quite dramatic. She's exaggerating the whole thing. Trust me, nothing serious happened."

Torn between conflicting stories, I turned to Mercy and questioned, "Are you sure about what you saw?"

Mercy insisted, "Yes, your Majesty I'm sure. I wouldn't lie about something like this."

Antonia, sensing my hesitation, softened her tone, "Dante, please. She's making it up. I wouldn't harm Elena. You know how much I care about you."

Frustrated with the conflicting accounts, I turned to Mercy, "I need a moment alone with Antonia. I'll talk to you later."

Mercy pleaded, "your majesty please, you have to believe me."

Antonia seized the opportunity, placing a hand on my arm, "It's alright, love. I promise you, she's just trying to cause trouble."

After asking Mercy to leave, I turned to confront Antonia. There was a tense silence in the room as I tried to make sense of the conflicting stories.

"Antonia, explain yourself. Mercy seems convinced that you were trying to harm Elena. What's the truth?" I demanded, my tone stern.

Antonia, ever the skilled manipulator, looked into my eyes with an expression of innocence. "Dante my love, Mercy is mistaken. She tends to exaggerate things."

I weighed her words against Mercy's urgency and the unsettling feeling in the air. Antonia continued, "why are you so worked up anyway ?"

I sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. "Antonia, I need to know the truth. I can't ignore this, especially if Elena is in danger she is still my wife after all."

She approached me, placing a hand on my chest. "Dante, I love you. But you can't keep pretending to care for her , she is nothing to you "

As I looked into her eyes, searching for any signs of deception, a wave of doubt swept over me. Despite the conflicting accounts, a part of me wanted to believe Antonia. I shook my head, trying to clear the confusion.

"I... I don't know what to believe right now. But I need time to think," I admitted, the uncertainty evident in my voice.

Antonia nodded, her expression a mix of concern and understanding. "Take your time, Dante. I just want you to know that I would never betray your trust."

As she left the room, I was left alone, grappling with the difficult decision ahead. She was right anyway, why did I even care .

As I pondered the tangled situation, a familiar voice echoed from downstairs – my mother. I didn't want my mum knowing what was going on in my mansion,I rushed down stairs to meet her.

She expressed concerns, mentioning she had been trying to reach Elena, but her phone wasn't going through. I couldn't tell her I asked Adrian to destroy it.

Antonia was beginning to get on my nerves, descended the stairs, she greeted my mom with a bow, and said, "Hello, Your Majesty." They exchanged greetings, but I shot Antonia a stink eye. She wasn't supposed to come downstairs; my mom wasn't supposed to know about her yet. It could bring chaos.

I quickly intervened, introducing Antonia to my mother, "Mother, this is Antonia, Elena's cousin. She came after hearing about Elena's condition."

Curiosity etched on my mother's face, she inquired, "What's wrong with Elena?"

Antonia sighed, replying, "I found her in the bathroom, drowning herself in water. Luckily, I was just there in time to save her."

My mother's expression shifted to one of concern. "Oh, my dear. We need to get her help immediately. Dante, we can't ignore this."

"I've already called for the doctor to see her; she's in her room," I informed, watching as my mother left promptly to see Elena. Without hesitation, I turned my attention to Antonia, anger bubbling within me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you come downstairs? Do you want to cause chaos?" I questioned sternly, my frustration evident.

She responded with a seductive smile, getting close and drawing circles on my chest. "I wanted to meet my future mother-in-law."

My annoyance deepened. "We have a bigger problem on our hands. What if Elena exposes us?" I emphasized that the gravity of the situation could deepened before we could do something about it.

Antonia's smile wavered, replaced by a look of contemplation. "We'll handle it. I know how to keep secrets, Dante. Just trust me."

Just as my suspicions heightened, I discovered Elena and my mother holding hands, engrossed in conversation. Elena seemed ready to unveil our secrets.

"Well, you see, Antonia isn't what you think she is. Her and Dante," she began explaining before locking eyes with me.

Intervening swiftly, I assured my mother that I would take care of Elena and promised her that everything would be fine. Once my mother left, I turned to Elena with a stern expression while gripping her hair tightly. I told her what I was going to do next , give her a sweet punishment.

" What!" was all she could let out.