
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · History
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43 Chs

We are each other’s keeper

Bai Mei Li yawned, stretched and then continued to hug the extremely warm little meat bun. It was so comfortable and Bai Mei Li felt very content snuggling with it… and it was snuggling her back. She snuggled it into her breasts and went back to sleep.

After another hour the little sleeping pillow finally began to struggle. It was uncomfortable and it was also starting to get hungry. It wanted to eat now, it wasn't tired anymore and wanted to get up now. It lifted up it's little head and looked at the woman hugging it so tightly.

"Big sister… Big sister… I'm hungry." A very small and cute voice sounded in her ear. She mumbled something moved a little and then fell silent again.

The meat bun wasn't happy at all. "I'm hungry ! I wanna eat big sister!" The little voice yelled impatiently.

"Okay, okay.. give me a se…." Bai Mei Li's eyes popped open. She distinctly remembered sleeping alone last night so how was it that she woke up with the responsibility of feeding someone? She looked down and saw an extremely cute little face looking back up at her. It was a little baby boy and he was blinking impatiently at her and looking very wronged.

"Too tight!" He said in a very cute and childish tone. Bai Mei Li instinctively released her hold on him, and then sat up. She looked around. The ice shield was still up and it didn't look as though it had been tamped with. She spread her senses out to see if there was anyone else but she didn't feel anyone else.

She frowned slightly. She didn't feel anyone not even the child looking up at her pitifully. Thinking about it he was probably in the cave when she sealed it up but she just hadn't been able to feel his presence.. Was it because she just wasn't using her abilities properly?

"Big Sister feed me." The child was looking at her, but now he looked like he'd been wronged. She was ignoring him and his stomach. Didn't she know he'd barely eaten anything these past few days. He was very hungry okay!

"I… uh… who are you sweetie?" She asked carefully. The child looked to be about three or four so she didn't have much of a guard up against him. Most adults on earth didn't really protect themselves against children. In fact as long as they were at least a bit moral they would naturally try and care for a lost child asking for help.

"Xiao Jun is Xiao Jun." he continued in his impatient voice. He wanted to eat.

"Jun'er do you know your full name?"

"Xiao Jun is Jin Yuan Jun."

"Jun'er I'm Bai Mei Li. You can call me sister Mei okay? I'll fix you something to eat." She got up and rubbed his little head then moved back to the fire pit was, then she took out some cooking supplies started a fire and started cooking. She looked at the dirty but extremely adorable child. "Where are your parents?" The child was here now. Even though she needed to figure out where he came from that didn't change the fact that he needed to eat no matter what. First things first.

"They died. What is sweetie?" He tilted his head as he watched her cook. Clearly he didn't really understand what died meant. He was much more interested in what that strange word was that she used.

Bai Mei Li paused in what she was doing when she heard him say that his parents were dead. She understood that he was just too young and likely still believed his parents were waiting for him. There was no need for her to force reality on him so she didn't question him about his parents anymore. "Your just so cute that you look like a piece of sweets so I called you Sweetie." She said with a gentle smile as she looked at him for a moment then continued cooking. "Do you know where your home is. Is it close?"

"it's far, but I don't know where it is. My brother said he would find me no matter where I am. He said that I just have to live." He seemed sad and lonely when he said this. He was just a child so of course he wanted to be with his family. He'd barely stopped being considered a toddler. He was completely incapable of taking care of himself.

Bei Mei Li sighed softly. It was obviously that this kids family had gone through some kind of tragedy. Was this brother of his even alive? She occasionally looked at this kid as she cooked. Bai Mei Li was an extremely logical person, she wasn't the type of person the dealt with self delusions. Well except for when she was trying to convince herself that she was dreaming, in fact she still likes to indulge in that fantasy. Well actually she was kind of indulging in it right now. It was quite nice… she liked it. But where this child was concerned she had no intention of fooling herself. If this kids home wasn't anywhere near this forest or even if it was and no one was left alive then what? Would she abandon him? Of course not. How could she? She had her own problems, but it was impossible for her to just ignore him in favor of her problems. She frowned a little as she poured the congee into two bowls and brought them over.

"Come off the bedding Jun'er that's where we sleep. Lets eat over here." She beaconed him over with the food. He immediately come over and sat down obediently and opened his mouth. Clearly he wanted to be fed. It was likely instinctive. His mother must of spoiled him quite a bit. He was loved. That was good. She smiled. She she cooled the congee with her ice and then fed him slowly. It took two whole bowls to fill his empty little tummy. Once he'd eaten he yawned and then crawled back into the bedding and fell back asleep before she could ask him anymore questions. She smiled then ate two bowls herself she stored the rest in her ring. It would stay fresh there and they could eat it for breakfast tomorrow too. She cleaned up and set the dirty dishes aside.

Sitting in the lotus position she tried to cultivate. This was her first time trying to do this in earnest. She closed her eyes and focused. The familiar feeling of her stirring in her dantian gave her a sense of security. Thanks to the memories she understood the power system. She was currently in the Qi mastery seventh layer. The two realms before that was the Body and Foundation realms.Each realm had nine layers. The next realm for her would be the Core realm. Being in the third realm seventh layer at the age of fifteen had her labeled as a super genius.

'Her.' No, wait… it wasn't her… It was that other girl... right?

She shook her head to clear those thoughts and she opened her eyes and looked at her hand she slowly condensed her ice Qi. She had duel attributes both fire and ice. It was extremely rare and very hard to duel cultivate. The reason was because the attributes were polar opposites and finding the proper technique to cultivate it was just too much so the previous owner hadn't really bothered with it.

She tried to condense the fire essence, with some concentration she was able condense it, but it wasn't easy and she certainly wouldn't be able to use her fire attribute in a fight.

She exhaled slowly and calmed her mind down. Cultivating was harder then she thought. Her mind kept jumping to other things. She had too many memories, everything was just too new and as soon as she assimilated new information she had tons of follow up questions. She was dealing with a bunch of anxiety, uncertainly, and excitement.

This wouldn't do. only by being able to use her powers freely and instinctively would she be able to protect herself and Xiao Jun.

She once again employed her breathing technique to help slow her rapid heart beat and calm her nerves.

After several cycles of breathing she managed to calm down enough to cultivate for a few hours, but that wasn't anything to be proud of. After all cultivators in this world typically cultivated from five hours to an entire day… or even days.

She sighed and got up. Xiao Jun was already up. He was currently playing with some toys. She frowned and looked about him, only then did she notice a tiny ring on his small finger. She frowned a little. For such a small child to have a spacial ring he would have to be from a influential family. It would have to either be a super sect or large family… perhaps the royal family? Her frown deepened as she tried to work it all out.

After wasting several minutes thinking about she decided to give up and went to pick up the dirty dished. "Jun'er would you like to with me to do some chores?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes!" He said excitedly then got up. He put his toys away and then quickly went to her side. He didn't know what chores where but he really liked this big sister she was kind and pretty like his mother. He liked being with her. He didn't have a sister so it was good that he had her now.

Bai Mei Li took his little hand and walked to the ice shield. With a flick of her wrist the ice shield parted for them. It liquified and fell down like a waterfall and then spread apart like a curtain. They walked though and then it hardened back sealing the space. As soon as where out and walk a little bit Xiao Jun let go of her hand and started running about looking at this and that… just playing around.

"Jun'er don't go to too. I don't want to loose my Sweetie okay? I'll be sad." She said gently as she watched him playing.

"Sister Mei am I your only sweetie?" He asked with anticipation written all over his little face.

She walked over to him rubbed his head. "You are my one and only sweetie, so you mustn't get lost, I would cry. Stay close to me okay?"

He nodded his he'd eagerly, he was clearly pleased with her answer. He continued playing but stayed close by her.

She smiled softly and slowly made her way back to the river so that he could explore and play. With the help of those memories she was able to answer his questions and satisfy his curiosity.

After about an hour and a half they made it to the river. He immediately jumped into the river and in a very carefree manner began to play in the water. She laughed and started washing the dishes. After that she began to strip then she stepped into the river and caught the excited steam bun and stripped him while he squealed. She washed him up then let him go and washed his clothes. She also washed the clothes she'd been wearing. Once she was done she used Qi was dry herself and then their clothes. She dressed then put the dishes away.

"Jun'er it's time to come out now." She called out to him. He looked extremely disappointed but he still obeyed and ran to her. She laughed and embraced him using her Qi to dry him up then dress him in his now cleaned garments.

Unable to resist them anymore she kissed up his cheeks. She kissed them until he was breathless from laughing.

After they were done she led him back to the cave, sealed it back up and settled him down with some snack and toys. Once she was sure he was satisfied how back into the lotus position and began cultivating again.
