
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

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She controlled her breathing carefully and tried her best to get into her cultivation zone.

It was so hard!

She'd never been the type to meditate on earth so this was extremely difficult, and she understood how important this was which was why she was putting in so much effort. Her brows were furrowed, a clear sign that this wasn't working.

She decided to try this a different way. She stopped trying to cultivate and started to dig into the memories. She took the next two hours to just carefully go through and accept all the memories that had been left behind by the remnant of the former Bai Mei Li's soul.

The process wasn't nearly as easy as she thought it would be. She'd assumed that she would be to just absorb the memories but that wasn't what happened.

To allow herself access to the old Bai Mei Li's memories in the same way that accessed her own she discovered that she had to fully absorb the soul and she found that anything that had to do with the soul was a very delicate process.

At the very least because it was just a very small piece it only took a couple of hours and once she was done she could actually feel the difference. This body felt far more natural.

She raised a hand and made a fist opened it and then made a fist again.

"Much better." She said out loud. She hadn't really noticed before… or made it was because she work up in so much pain that she didn't really notice how unnatural this body felt to her. Now she really didn't notice the different between this body and her old one.

She closed her and instantly circulated her Qi. It was far more fluid. She felt that if she used any of the techniques she would probably be able to execute it with far more ease. Instead of searching the memories as though she were searching a database it felt more like she lived the experience herself.

She stretched and then got back to business. She once again tried to cultivate. Emptying her mind was still a challenge but at least she now clearly understood how do to it.

After three hours she opened her eyes and smiled. The feeling of having pure energy flowing though out her body was truly a pleasure. It was sensation that she found difficult to explain. It was like cool and fresh spring water just flowing naturally through out her body revitalizing and healing everything it touched. Other people from earth probably wouldn't be able to understand such a novel thing. The people from this would really took such a wonderful thing for granted. She circulated her Qi again and wondered if this was what Wonder Woman would feel like. The thought thoroughly amused her.

Her internal clock allowed her to keep track of the time. So she knew exactly how long she'd been practicing. It appeared to be something all cultivators could do.

She opened her palm and a small pill appeared there. She swallowed it and then started again once her Qi was replenished.

Five hours later she opened her eyes and found Xiao Jun starting at her with an extremely pitiful look. She gave a shallow laugh and pulled him her embrace. She kissed him asked if he was hungry. He nodded vigorously. She laughed. The sun had gone down a few hours ago, it made sense that he was hungry again. He'd only had breakfast and then the snack that she'd left him.

"Jun'er is such a good boy.. waiting so patiently in this boring place. Sister will feed you and then play with you before bed okay?" She smiled.

Xiao Jun hugged her neck tight and nodded his head again. "Sister hurry up and cook Xiao Jun'er food so we can play!" He quickly got off of her lap then pulled her hand to lead her to where the food was cooked. Bai Mei Li laughed and allowed him to pull her.

She cooked some meat and rice for them. After they were done she played all the games Xiao Jun could think of before he exhausted himself and then finally put the satisfied meat bun down for the night.

She smiled looking at him. He was such an easy child to care for. He was kind, happy, and obedient. He wasn't overly demanding. As long as he was fed and entertained he was happy. That was a good thing because he would probably be with her for a little while. It was best if they could get along well.

She stood up and walked to the mouth of the cave where the ice shield was and opened it and walked out. She didn't re seal it because she wasn't going far and she didn't want to lock Xiao Jun up. She didn't want him to be scared if he woke and couldn't find her and then he was trapped in the cave. Once she of a clear opened place very close to the cave she flicked her wrist and beautiful and very feminine sword appeared in her hand. Now that she had completely assimilated all those memories and taken them as her own she was much more confident in her combat skills. If she fought that Almiraj now she was certain it would barely be able to trouble her. But she herself had barely ever touch a sword. It didn't feel smart just rely on memories that weren't really hers. She should familiarize herself with all the techniques she was now capable of now.

So for the next three hours she started in the basics and went over every move she knew in thirty minute intervals.

After she was familiar with them she went back to the basic movement techniques and practiced them for the rest of the night. The former owner had learned a lot from her sect and the new owner was determined to master it all better then her predecessor had.


The next morning.

Xiao Jun had woken her up for breakfast. After having such a great day yesterday he was even more energized . They ate the left over congee went to the river to bathe and came back.

Bai Mei Li practiced after breakfast all the way through lunch. She fed Xiao Jun on time then practiced until dinner. Once she fed and played with the cute steam bun she put him down for the night. She warned him that she might leave and told him not to be afraid that she was only look for some sweet things for him eat in the morning and stay put and be a good boy. Xiao Jun agreed and quickly fell asleep. Bai Mei Li left the cave and after checking twice that it was sealed well she left into the forest.

While it was true that she was indeed looking for some fruited and vegetables to add to his diet she was also hope to run into demon beasts. Demon best meat was good for the body and Xiao Jun was a growing child. She was also hoping to find some eggs, that would be good for the both of them.

She didn't intend to go in the direction of the Almiraj because where there was one there would be hundreds. She wasn't confident enough to deal with such numbers. The original probably wouldn't of been able to as well. Instead she would go in a new direction. The original had come here before so she knew she would be able to find the food she was looking for as well as beasts. It should only take her a few hours and than she would be able to go back to Xiao Jun.

She took a deep breath used the movement technique that she was going to use. It was called Qigong. This would be the first time she'd tried to use it. She was nervous so she focused her mind carefully and then moved. She shot forward like the wind.

The speed startled her and she lost her concentration and tripped. She yelped and then rolled a few feet which was extremely embarrassing so although she knew that there wasn't anyone around when she got she still looked around her as she dusted herself off and gave a awkward laugh.

"I totally meant to do that…" She mumbled and then laughed a little more.

"I can do this." She nodded to herself and then focused again and then once more initiated the foot movement.

This time she was better prepared from the speed she would be moving and didn't make any mistakes. She had the memory of moving this fast but that was just a memory after all. A memory wasn't enough to help her completely anticipate how it would actually feel to move at such extreme speed using her own two feet.

Once the fear went away she felt nothing but pure joy. It was incredible. She wasn't likely to ever miss driving a car again.

Moving at this speed and it didn't take her long to find the area she was looking for. Seeing some eatable fruits she slowed down and started picking them. There were several different kinds and she wasn't sure which ones he might like so she picked a bunch of all of them. The spacial ring made storage easy and all the food that she put in there would remain fresh no matter how long it was put in there. Although the space wasn't infinite there was about ten feet worth of space so there was more than enough for the both of them.

After getting was she deemed enough she looked around again. Now she needed to find me. She still had the Almiraj in her ring but her memory said that they were known to taste bad. She was saving it for its parts. She could make money off it, and while she had gold there was no need to wasteful.

Just as she was looking around and trying to decide in what direction she would go in to look for a beast she heard the growl of one. She grinned at the sound.

Strangely enough there wasn't too much fear, she was felt more excitement than anything else. She wanted to know if all the practicing would better it reaction time. That would mean she incur less injuries.

With a large smile she carefully made her way in the direction of the sound