
A very unexpected meeting

The Whitebeard pirates thought that the only surprising thing they will see the day Ace is back to them from Impel Down is meeting the feminine looking marine Ace kidnapped from Impel Down. Oh, how wrong they were. AceLu. Fem!Luffy. DiffDFLuffy. OverprotectiveStrawhats. Alive!Ace. Alice!Thatch. Alive!Whitebeard. Exclaimer: i do not own the story! The story is owned By: Kheillucky

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Chapter 7 - The List

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece

1. Sabo

1. Koala

1. Law

4. Garp

"Man, after hanging out for a long time with the Strawhats and their crazy family makes normal life boring." Vista whined

Today was a very normal day. Bright sunny day, calm sea, Ace training like crazy, Pops drinking sake, a dog figurehead marine ship approaching, all the commanders lazing on deck... wait, marine ship?

"A marine ship is approaching!" A pirate shouted. Automatically everyone looked at the horizon to see the dog figurehead marine ship

Everyone watches (except Ace who is still busy training hard for his girlfriend "She is not my girlfriend") the approaching ship in anticipation and excitement.

What? They're very bored.

"What pleasure do I owe you? Gararara" Whitebeard ask as soon as the marine vice admiral entered the ship.

"Edward." He nodded in greeting. "I have to have a word with Ace."

That took everyone by surprise "Ace?"

"Yes." Garp gritted his teeth in anger "Ace."

"Pops, why is everyone so qu-" Ace asked "Shitty geezer!" Ace shouted in fear

"Ace." Garp turned his head to see his very bad influence grandson, "I told you didn't I? The moment I heard you're seducing Luffy I will end you!" Garp said in a very low tone raising his fist ready for a 'fist of love'

"Luffy?" A pirate said in confusion

"Arg! Stop it old man!" Ace yelled trying to run away

"Wait, he's Luffy's grampa!" Namur shouted

"Stop it damn it!" Ace yelled barely escaping the fist "I told you I wasn't seducing her!"

"Lies!" Garp yelled again readying another fist

"She's seducing me from the start!" Ace yelled

Garp froze when heard that, a mocking laughter erupted from him, "If you're going to lie to my face, better do it properly!" His first flew hitting the deck "If you're going to seduce my cute grandson then take responsibility and take the hit like a man!"

"Arg! Stop it shitty geezer!" Ace yelled running away and hiding behind Whitebeard who was only laughing

"Wait, did he say grandson?" A pirate whispered

"Didn't he know?"

"There was a newspaper about it."

"It was even on the front page."

"Gurarararara long time no see Garp." Whitebeard laughed "What do you need for Ace?"

"Pops, you know that crazy old man?" Ace asked completely surprised

"Gurararara we go way back." Whitebeard laughed "Why don't you calm down then we'll talk about it."

"Hmpf." Garp agreed then sat in front of Whitebeard "Heard from Sengoku that my no good grandson seduced my other turned no good grandson." Garp sighs in defeat brushing his hair using his hands "Then Luffy had the bright idea in announcing it to the world."

Whitebeard's eyes twinkle in amusement "Grandson?"

"Luffy. They met in Impel Down." Garp explained, "And I really like great grandchildren." Garp whined

"Why don't you think you can't have one?" Whitebeard asked, enjoying the reaction of Garp.

Garp looked at him like he grew 2 heads "Two men can't have a child together. I had a long list of beautiful women for Luffy but Luffy refused to even see them once." Garp grumbled again "The kid's dense as a rock."

"Gurarararara. Wonder who the brat inherited it from?" Whitebeard teased but was unnoticed by Garp

"I even hoped that one of those friends of his will be a match." Garp grumbles again then glares at Ace "Then he met Ace in Impel Down and told me he likes Ace!"

"Hey it's not my fault those bastards sent Luffy in my cell!" Ace yelled in defense but back down the moment Garp glared at him again

"Is there something wrong with Ace?" Whitebeard asked challenging Garp to say anything bad about Ace

"Nothing. But I want great grandchildren! Damn it."

"Haven't you read the news yoi?" Marco asked with the shit eating grin. He and every pirate will be enjoying the shock of the marine hero after knowing that the grandson he thought he had was a girl all along.

"I don't really care about reading that much." Garp answered picking his nose

"Then how did you know about Luffy and Ace?" Whitebeard asked, the shit eating grin was back

"Senny told me." Garp answered again flicking the bugger from his fingers

"Oh, then why don't you read it for yourself." Izo said giving the newspaper article about Luffy.

Garp looked unamused at being given something to read but accepted it. "

The ex vice admiral of marine Monkey D. Luffy is now a pirate!

"Damn Red Hair influencing Luffy to be a pirate." Garp growled in annoyance

And not only that, she was a girl all along! Is this part of her plan in defeating a yonko right after disappearing for 2 years?

"Bwahahahah my grandson already challenged a yonko!" Garp laughed proudly. The Whitebeard grin only grew noticing that Garp didn't notice the other important announcement

Not only that, reliable source said that they heard the Straw Hat captain declare on marrying the 2nd commander of the Whitebeard pirates earning a rather long rant from the No. 2 revolutionary.

Garp frowned "I see Luffy met his adopted brother." He folded the paper and gave it back to Izou who took it back but didn't leave his side. He was sure that Garp will want the paper again after the big revelation "So what's so important with that?"

"Gurarara I think you missed the biggest announcement in that." Whitebeard laugh

Tick marks appear in Garp's forehead "Spill it Newgate. My fist is itching to punch Ace again."

"Why don't you tell him about your girlfriend Ace?" Izo teased already backing down already excited at the new revelation

"She is not my girlfriend!" Ace yelled already blushing

"You have a girlfriend?" Garp asked in a low tone ready to hit Ace again "You already have a girlfriend but you still seduce my grandson?"

"She is not my girlfriend!" Ace yelled again

"How dare you two-time my grandson!" Garp growl again

"That's mean, Izo. Putting gasoline to the fire." Vista whispers as they watch the grandfather and grandson run around the deck again.

Izo only grinned "That's what Ace gets for destroying my make up."

Word count: 1,030