
A Vampire in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

This is a repost from my previous fanfic [The Vampire of Wall Street] The Vampire Alucard finds himself sitting on his throne, the story has reached the conclusion and there is no after story, only darkness and loneliness. His master is gone, his draculine is gone. Only the putrid remains of a protestant mansion remain with vagrant sullying its corners and humidity rusting every bit of pure wood remaining. It is fair to ask, what is more rotten, that wood, or his very nosferatu soul. A silhouette that he recognises well arises in front; the culprit to his eternal life, God. "I want to offer you a second chance Count, this place is no longer suitable for you." After entering a mysterious door, the vampire Alucard finds himself in a nation he never thought he'd visit again, China... but things have changed and this is not the same dimension. Not the same world, not the same Queen, not even the same date. Coming back he's given another chance... since he can't die. Might as well live a life worth living. ** ** THERE IS NO NTR IN THIS STORY. I hope you enjoy this story reboot, I'm going to try and fix mistakes that I did in my first run. Bear in mind that the Alucard I'm writing is according to the original anime and OVAs, there will be instances in which I'm going to need to change his personality slightly to fit the story. That said, enjoy. ** ** Genres: #romance, #action, #harem, #overpowered, #maniac, #gore, #alucard, #vampires, #R18, #highiq, #adventures. https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to check the Discord Server for more information about the story, interaction, polls and my other stories. Advanced chapters will be posted on patreon.com/photosphere Please support me there and enjoy up to 30 advanced chapters.

Photosphere · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chief Cai? What have I done wrong?

After finishing his glorious meal at Tang Wan's villa, Alucard pulled out his tie a little and drove his Rolls-Royce through the streets of Zhonghai in Lin Ruoxi's villa's direction, it would be about a twenty-minute ride and he felt like enjoying himself after that marvellous date.

Tang Wan's taste and smell still lingered on his lips.

'Are you going to Ruoxi's place now?' Alcina's voice entered his mind, he was free to do whatever he wanted now.

'Yes, how are things going on your end?'

'I finished the meeting with the production team, had a little conversation with Ruoxi~ and that's about it. Also, Xu Zhihong came today master, just as you ordered him. Even now he's standing in front of the door waiting to see you, and it's about to rain... How curious, it's as if he's charmed or something~'

'Let him stay there all night waiting.' Alucard chuckled and was about to take the exit to the highway when...

The sirens of a police car resonated behind him!

"Oh?" His sense spread back to check the situation as he missed the exit and continued driving in Zhonghai's rich district. He saw the person inside the car and smirked then pushed the accelerator!

'You want to play again, huh?'


'Master, stop playing... I want to spend the night with you after you finish with Ruoxi... ' Alcina's voice passed through his mind with an irritated tonality, he had just left one nuisance and another one came right after...

'Quite demanding aren't we?' He asked as he drove past many cars. The police car is right behind pursuing.

'If I demand, you're going to comply with me right? Master~' she asked, not wanting to pressure him, but showing her interest. She knew from his memories, he was very doting with his draculines, especially if she had potential.

Which she obviously had.

'... Be a dear and go to the police station in Zhonghai and get rid of today's incident in the records whatsoever.' The count sighed at his Draculine's attitude and remembered there was still that matter to sort out.

'Fufufu~ it shall be done Master, make sure to reward me plenty tonight.' She smirked and got to work.

'Conceited... You're still under punishment.' He smirked back with a smirk and passed by another car.

"Vlad Tepes! Stop the car now!" A feminine voice resounded through the megaphone, trying to make him stop!

"Who are you? The cop of the year? Go suck your mom's tit lil' girl!" Alucard smirked and looked back, sending that to her mind just as loud.

Behind his Rolls-Royce Ghost, a Dodge Charger SRT8 2012 Hellcat with obvious police design tailed him like a lion.

The engine roared loudly down the road as the policewoman inside didn't hold back in the slightest!

This girl had been chasing him all day... It was past midnight and she was still here, what was she tailing him for? Couldn't she wait till morning? He had a woman to coax...

'...You're the shamelessness master.'


'What did that bastard just say!?' The policewoman thought in outrage! he dared to curse at the police!

Well, he also dared to shove them out of the road.

She kept following the Rolls-Royce at full speed through the city, but he was getting farther and farther, with her trying to keep up.

Why the hell is he so fast!? Her charger was no pushover, could it be that his Rolls-Royce is also customized?

'It's because you're a shit driver little girl.'



Alucard kept driving as he sensed that madwoman threw away any sign of contemplation and pushed her charger to the limits, slowly but surely closing the distance between them, there weren't many cars on the road now either and after giving the small section of the city a full lap, he would be once again back to the exit towards Zhonghai.

'She's Zhonghai's Baixuan District's Sheriff, Cai Yan... Cai Ning's little sister.' He recalled memories from the people he had 'devoured', her identity was fairly known, not as a sheriff but as the daughter of the Cai Clan in Beijing.

She's even got an American Charger... The irony.

He could sense her through his omnipresence, it was a beautiful grey-haired young woman in her twenties, with a slender body and short hair. Her purple eyes shone with wrath as she pursued him.



Alcina's figure flew with two massive wings she blinked constantly, each time jumping about 30 metres, her current omnipresence limit after becoming a demi-goddess and cultivator.

She loved when her master gave her assignments, as ridiculous as they were sometimes, that meant she would be able to ask for repayment later!

After a few minutes, she finally caught a glimpse of the objective.

It was a police station, but not Zhonghai's headquarters.

Her figure blurred and appeared inside a room. There, a man with a police uniform lay on his back, with a hat on his face, sleeping...

Not aware that an impossibly tall and beautiful woman dressed in a victorian dress just appeared before him like a ghost.

Her eyes flashed red as she asked, "Wake up."

The man's body squirmed and the hat fell off his face to the ground.

"Tell me the location of Zhonghai's Headquarters and also, the name of the chief and commissioner if you know it." She asked, no... Commanded.

"The Chief's name is Cai Yan the younger Princess of the Cai Family, the Commissioner's name is Lian Baixu and the headquarters are located at the Wuyin District, right beside the old brown market." His will was dwarfed like a piece of fragile paper, not being able to resist.

"Do you know if the commissioner is currently at Zhonghai's HQ?"

"According to the protocol, he should be." The 'puppet' answered.

"Good, show me a map to this 'Wuyin District'" she didn't know a place here, managing to find this station only by purposefully looking for one.

The policeman took out his phone, typed some things and showed her the map.

She nodded and her body disappeared, freeing the man from his trance, "W-Who?" Who was that woman just now?! He couldn't even control his own body! A ghost? It must have been a ghost.

It could also be a goddess with that appearance of hers... Whatever it might be, she wasn't human!

That man would request a change of office to the HQ the very next day.

Lady Dimitrescu 'walked' her way to the main headquarters with a smile plastering her pretty visage.

'If I had such marvellous powers in the past, I would have ordered Ethan Winters to tear out his balls and eat them himself! Hmph... Someone else will have to carry your fate in this world.' She giggled as her body blinked once and again.

Following the map's location and arrived within a few seconds, crouching down to go through the main door.

She walked through the main door and one of the nearby policemen paled, "Huh?! Y-You, stop right there!" He followed the protocol, but doubted his senses greatly!

For the love of Yama, she's huge!

Her eyes flashed red and spared him a bored look, "Guide me to where Lian Baixu is located."

The man's will got subverted and he bowed with a nod, making his way to the commissioner's room.

There were another two policemen and a policewoman.

"Ignore me and forget I was ever here." They complied.

Alcina followed the man until they reached the commissioner's office and opened the door without even knocking on it and bowed to Lady Tepes.

The gigantic woman entered into the room, she could have directly appeared here, but didn't know if this man was Lian Baixu, she'd have to ask one by one in every office... That or consume anyone here...

Upon seeing the huge woman coming in, the commissioner that was now checking some reports paled.

"Who are you!? Why didn't you knock on the door? Jianwu, you let her in!?" He screamed his standard surprising questions, her height didn't give Alcina a trait of a monster, but it didn't change the fact that her towering appearance was as attractive as she was frightening.

"Jianwu, you can get back to your place and forget this ever happened." She ordered.

The man nodded under the ridiculous gaze of the commissioner and left.

"You're Lian Baixu huh? I want you to tell me if you've got any report of a red Rolls-Royce today." She asked and leaned on a wall since there was no seat for her size.

The man's body shook a little, his will clearly stronger than an average person's.

But he answered nonetheless, "Yes, there is an arrest order under the CEO of Hermes, Vlad Tepes and the CEO of Maple Corporation, Tang Wan. According to an afternoon report, the two were caught through the traffic cameras, driving down the road of Leihuan avenue at high speeds, jumping lights and driving a car without a valid number plate. The number plate 'C0UN5' doesn't exist in our data."

"They proceeded to obstruct their own arrest and bash police cars out of the road, almost managing to injure Chief Cai, increasing their danger to the maximum level. Chief Cai lost the suspects and asked for reinforcements, two officers were dispatched to proceed with the arrest a few hours ago. Her first location to search should be Tang Wan's mansion." He resumed all the information he got.

'You heard him, Master.' She said with a light chuckle.

'You know what to do, and tell him to use his own methods to register the number plate on my name.' Alucard sent back dismissively.

"I want you to erase these proceedings right this instant, call your officers back and forget this matter, from now onwards whenever the processing is established on Vlad Tepes or Alcina Tepes, you shall get rid of it stealthily and without anyone's knowledge, bribe whoever you need to accomplish it. Also, register the 'C0UN5' number plate under Vlad Tepes' driving registry. Are we clear?"

"Yes madam, it shall be done as you order." The man answered with the utmost respect.

"Excellent, then you shall forget I was ever here, just follow the orders." Her voice fainted as she disappeared just like that in her shadow. Going back to Alucard's place and leaving a hard-working commissioner.

'Master, you're still playing around...' She sighed at her master having fun with that police officer who as a matter of fact, wasn't having fun in the slightest.

'Don't worry, I'll finish this quickly.' Alucard said with a snicker and slowed down, his glasses and hat appearing out of nowhere.

The two were now on the Highway towards the district where Ruoxi's villa was located.

Cai Yan got surprised when she saw him slowing down and pulling to the side, 'What is he doing!?' She thought she would have to bash him out of the road for him to stop.

She got out of the car and took out her gun, walking slowly to the car but pointing her gun right at the driver's seat.

This showed her naivety as well as her lack of experience.

Alucard sighed at that and waited for her to come by the door.

"Come out of the car now!" The Chief, Cai Yan, reached his window and pointed her gun at him through it.

Alucard's response was to lower his glass and turn his head towards her, "Why exactly am I being stopped Chief?" He asked shamelessly circulating his shadow to destroy two particular devices that were close by without her even noticing.

One on her body and one in her car.

Cai Yan's eyes opened widely at his shamelessness! 'Motherfucker, you ask me why am I arresting you!?' She only needed an eyepatch at this moment.

"I'm not playing here, Vlad! Get out of the car now or I will have to take you out!" She asked once again, not bothering to entertain him.

Alucard snickered and stuck out his arm making her flinch, but she managed to not shoot the gun!

He rested the arm on the door and tapped it slightly, "I'm also not playing Chief Cai, I'm asking you why am I being arrested... I don't remember doing anything wrong."

Cai Yan grits her teeth and was about to open the door and pin this shameless bastard to the ground when her communicator rings, indicating a call from the channel.

"Chief Cai." The voice of a middle-aged man was heard.

She frowned and pressed the button, her gun still pointing at the smiling Alucard.

"Commissioner, I have Vlad Tepes on the spot, I'll communicate back once he's in custody."

"Chief Cai, let Vlad Tepes go... I have contacted Feihuo and Ji, they're making their way to the station now." The man said dismissively, not accepting a 'no' the two officers were making their way to Tang Wan's mansion when the orders were received.

"What's the meaning of this commissioner!? Were you bribed or something!? How can you order me to retreat now!" This was simply outrageous!

"You have heard me, Chief Cai, it's an order. Retreat, I won't repeat it." He said and cut communication, he was the commissioner of the whole Zhonghai province while she was the chief of a district of Zhonghai. He was her superior even if she was from the Cai Family.

She had to heed orders. That's what police do.

Cai Yan lowered her gun and gave Vlad a deep glance, "Bastard, what did you do!?" When did he make the call? She was sure he spoke to someone to bail him out!

"I don't know what you're talking about Chief Cai, I have not done anything wrong..." he said with 'irritation' as if he really felt offended here.

"What are you talking about!? I just pursued you at high speed through half of Baixuan District! And you tell me you didn't do anything!?" Cai Yan's patience was reaching her limit, she directly stuck her hands inside his car and grabbed him by the collar!

"I'll get you Vlad Tepes, you won't escape! I know you're into something shady, just wait!" She screamed with her face very close to his.

Alucard snickered and also grabbed her by the neck before sealing her lips in a searing kiss!

Cai Yan's eyes widened! "W-What?"

Alucard's kiss was short, like a long peck, before he pushed her away!

"If you keep pursuing me so adamantly at midnight, I assure you... you will get me, Chief Cai!" He said with a smirk.


His Rolls-Royce accelerated leaving a lot of smoke as he left, leaving a bewildered and stunned Cai Yan behind...

That was her first kiss... Her face blushed slightly, it tasted like wine... Idiot! Stupid!

Her narrowed eyes and blushed countenance glanced at his disappearing red lights!

'You think you can subvert justice!? This is war Vlad Tepes!' She would declare the war on this man today and surely get him arrested!

He was even worse than that man, Yang Chen!

With her mind still lingering on what happened earlier, Chief Cai shook her head and accelerated her Charger, the commissioner would surely hear a piece of her mind tonight!


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