
A Ugly Bastard In Pirate World

read it till ch 3 become one of his crew and join captain john on his journey through one piece world. The people living in one piece world has committed the most sinful crimes that anyone can think of,So the god ordered that on his behalf he has to bring chaos and calamity in this world to punish them and also spread the wrath of God in every person's heart. ALSO CAPTAIN JOHN WILL SHOW US HOW SHOULD A REAL PIRATE ACT LIKE A PIRATE. WEALTH? FAME? POWER? BITCHES? HE WILL HAVE THAT SOON ENOUGH!!! "So why did you choose me??" The ugly bastard ask "well it's just that you're the most vicious and wicked human I know. also I knew how your mind works, you will definitely betrayed your friends also your relatives just to take what you want" The God replied on his ask. "Quick run!!! John The Purged and the purgatory has arrived!!" "Oh dear~ I didn't know that captain john has been carrying this big thing the whole time" "Shut the fuck up!! your conscience is as ugly as your face, You fucking ugly bastard!!!" HEHE ALSO PLS SUPPORT THIS :>

jojonobouken · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"FUCKKKKKK!!!!" the ugly bastard shout. The people that currently present in his sorrounding start to look at him then show a disgusting glare towards him. The ugly bastard quickly notice that he now successfully traveled into another world,the people dress completely different than his previous world he originally came from America but force to in japan because of his grandmother request,but unfortunately after his grandmother died JOHN didn't have enough money to fly back to America and he decide to just live in japan. As a part of Japan's citizen of course he also start reading manga then after he reached the puberty age he then start reading erotic comics and become addicted to it and start having a several fetish. Some are normal but there is also disgusting and weird one.

John immediately stand and immediately run away because of that embarrassing moments. "FUCK THAT GOD!! I SWEAR IM GONNA TURN THIS WORLD UPSIDE DOWN!!!" John swear while smiling upon the heavens and his fist aiming at it. Because of his big fat body it just takes a little jogging to feel that there are something in his chest and struggle to breath. John immediately stop running and decide to just sit in corner and then pant like a crazy. "What the hell..pant.. I just run a little bit then I feel like I been running for an hour...Fuck my head is starting ache again!!" John immediately tried to stand up to call for help but when he is about to stand up his vision went black and his body fall in floor. Many people immediately go to see what happen on him but when he saw that he is just a outsider because of his strange clothing no one decide to lend a hand on him.

The crowd that circles around around him start to look at each other. They want to help him but because of his origin is unknown also because he is already old enough no one have reason to help him. After a 5 mins of waiting a boy following a girl on his front decide to walk near on currently unconscious john.

"Jean, quick!! Help me bring this guy to our clinic!!" The girl said. The man that following her immediately run towards John then said "No, we will not!" The man that following her gravely disagree with her.

"B-but can't you see that he is currently suffering from grave illness?? I just can't ignore him wh-" The man didn't give a fuck about whatever the woman is trying to say,he just grab the woman's wrist and pull her away.

The woman bite jean on his arm and successfully escape from the jean. "FUCK YOU!! I don't care anymore if you don't want to help me then fuck off I'm just gonna take this man alone on the clinic" The woman said then tried to lift the heavy body of john,But unfortunately john's weight is too heavy for her to lift. The crowd then start to boo jean because of what he did,some of the crowds quickly came out and help the woman to lift john.

"Geez... Alright Ana you won" jean then start to sway the man that come to help Ana. The crowd then start to question what jean do.

"Hey what are you doing? Didn't you hear what your companion said? She said fuck off go we didn't ne-" The man that tried to expel jean suddenly shut up when jean pull out his gun and aim it at the man's forehead. The man that tried to help Ana gulp heavy and realized that jean and Ana is part marines that help the peace to exist

"Bastard don't make things worst,if you want to help then put that away and help me carry him" John's body that even 5 man is struggling to lift, jean put john on his shoulder without breaking a sweat. "Alright don't just stare at me like a ghost and get the fuck out of my way." After jean said that,the people start to make a way for him and proceed to walk towards the marine's clinic.

After half a day later, john finally woke up... To Be Continue.