
A Ugly Bastard In Pirate World

read it till ch 3 become one of his crew and join captain john on his journey through one piece world. The people living in one piece world has committed the most sinful crimes that anyone can think of,So the god ordered that on his behalf he has to bring chaos and calamity in this world to punish them and also spread the wrath of God in every person's heart. ALSO CAPTAIN JOHN WILL SHOW US HOW SHOULD A REAL PIRATE ACT LIKE A PIRATE. WEALTH? FAME? POWER? BITCHES? HE WILL HAVE THAT SOON ENOUGH!!! "So why did you choose me??" The ugly bastard ask "well it's just that you're the most vicious and wicked human I know. also I knew how your mind works, you will definitely betrayed your friends also your relatives just to take what you want" The God replied on his ask. "Quick run!!! John The Purged and the purgatory has arrived!!" "Oh dear~ I didn't know that captain john has been carrying this big thing the whole time" "Shut the fuck up!! your conscience is as ugly as your face, You fucking ugly bastard!!!" HEHE ALSO PLS SUPPORT THIS :>

jojonobouken · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

013- aye aye captain

The atmosphere in the air was thick with suspense as John's eyes widened in astonishment.

"One Piece?! What in the world is that?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with curiosity as he gazed intently at the blind man before him. Hiroshi, caught off guard by John's question, looked back at him with a mix of surprise and confusion etched on his handsome features.

"The One Piece? Are you honestly telling me that you've never heard of it? " Hiroshi's voice carried a sense of bewilderment as he spoke.

John, sensing the gravity of the situation, urged Hiroshi to cut to the chase.

"Enough with the cryptic hints. Just tell me what this One Piece is all about," he demanded, observing the blind man's peculiar reaction with growing intrigue. Hiroshi took a deep breath before launching into an elaborate explanation, his words dripping with mystery and excitement.

"Wealth. Fame. Power. All these and more were possessed by the man once hailed as the Pirate King, Gold Roger. The treasure he left behind, known as One Piece, marked the beginning of a legendary era. It was a time when aspiring pirates set sail to challenge the seas, facing battles and forging a path to greatness. This, my friend, is the Great Age of Pirates!" Hiroshi's voice resonated with a sense of grandeur as he painted a vivid picture of the epic adventures that unfolded in pursuit of the elusive treasure.

As John listened intently, Hiroshi continued, delving into the history behind Loguetown and its connection to the Pirate King.

"Legend has it that the Pirate King himself hailed from this humble village, Loguetown. It was here that the marines successfully apprehended the infamous pirate, paving the way for his public execution. The decision to carry out the execution in Loguetown, his birthplace, was seen as a display of authority by the higher-ups, earning the town the moniker of 'The land of beginning and the end.'" Hiroshi's voice carried a hint of awe as he recounted the fateful events that shaped the town's identity.

"Hell yeah, i dreamt of punishing the bad guys in the whole world you know" John said

"But amidst the chaos of the execution, a daring individual dared to challenge the Pirate King, seeking to uncover the whereabouts of his hidden treasure," Hiroshi added, his voice growing more animated as he recounted the dramatic scene.

"When asked about his treasure, the Pirate King's response echoed with enigmatic wisdom. 'My treasure? It belongs to whoever has the courage to find it.

Everything the world has to offer is waiting on the island that remains unexplored by all but me and my crew,'" Hiroshi recited, channeling the profound words spoken by the legendary figure in his final moments.

As the tale unfolded, John found himself drawn deeper into the rich tapestry of pirate lore, his imagination ignited by the promise of untold treasures and untamed seas.

The epic saga of the Pirate King and his legacy seemed to echo through the ages, promising adventure and peril to those bold enough to seek out the legendary One Piece.

Thousands upon thousands - no, millions of onlookers gathered at the momentous event of his execution. Amidst the sea of faces, men, women, and children of all ages, alongside the elderly with bones weary yet hearts alight, fixed their gaze upon the Grand Line in a fervent chase of their aspirations.

This marked the dawn of the Great Pirate Era, a time when the world brimmed with ambition and adventure.

In a voice devoid of embellishment, Hiroshi spoke, though his eyes betrayed a shimmering fervor that did not escape John's notice.

"The Grand Line? What is it precisely?" John queried, his bound legs trembling slightly.

"The Grand Line intersects with the Red Line, dividing the vast expanse of the Blue Sea into four distinct oceans - the North Blue, East Blue, West Blue, and South Blue," Hiroshi elucidated.

"These lines serve as pivotal conduits for global trade and travel, coveted routes for both buccaneers and civilians alike."

John's grimace deepened as his palm collided with the unyielding ground, startling Hiroshi. Internal rage boiled within him, screaming in frustration at the realization.

"Fuckers , this world is hemmed in by not a mere sea, but by four bloody oceans!" John's mind seethed.

Attempting to steady his tumultuous emotions, John managed,

"So, countless pirates scour the seas in search of the elusive One Piece that remains undiscovered to this day?"

"indeed, why?" Hiroshi inquired.

"You yourself mentioned the sudden surge of pirates on this wild goose chase for a treasure that has yet to be uncovered by any of those countless numskulls!" John exclaimed.

"Perhaps the legend holds true - that the treasure lies in a place untrodden by any save for the one who hid it," Hiroshi mused to the unsightly figure before him.

"Do tell, Hiroshi, did you consume some peculiar fruit to acquire your unique talent, you know the Voice of all things shit?" John probed.

"Nay," Hiroshi affirmed stoically, unflustered by John's questioning gaze.

"Would you not set sail to pursue that famed treasure with me?" John proposed.

"No, the allure of that treasure does not beckon me," Hiroshi promptly rejected, resolute in his stance.

"Then how about punishing all the bad guys in this world?" John proposed desperately, remembering what his really purpose on this world.Also thinking the blind has a strong sense of justice.

"Nay, I'm sorry but im not everyone's hero. But embarking on a quest to unravel the mystery of my mother's whereabouts is a journey I am keen to undertake."

"Then why not venture forth together, in pursuit of both our ambitions?" John suggested, his determination matched by Hiroshi's strength.

"With our combined prowess, we shall unearth the treasure and locate your beloved mother in no time, also punish the bad guys."

As Hiroshi's laughter echoed through the dimly lit room, his face contorted from its usual emotionless facade into one of hearty amusement, revealing a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"You, strong? HAHA! I might entertain the idea had you not found yourself ensnared and bested by a blind man," he taunted, his voice dripping with derision. Before John could unleash a menacing threat, Hiroshi abruptly cut him off, his laughter abruptly ceasing as his expression turned grave.

"Footsteps. I hear approaching footsteps, several of them" Hiroshi declared with a sense of urgency in his tone, his instincts sharply honed.

"Footsteps, you say?" John retorted, his brow furrowed in confusion. Hiroshi's voice lowered ominously as he continued,

"Yes, superficially unremarkable perhaps, but the whispers in the air speak of an imminent danger, of adversaries armed to the teeth drawing near." With swift precision, Hiroshi seized his bow and arrow, poised for the impending confrontation.

"Marines. Curse their relentless pursuit, ceaselessly hounding our every step," John muttered solemnly, an air of resignation hanging over him. Before Hiroshi could inquire further, a shrill, resentful voice reverberated through the entire abode, shattering the tense silence.

"FUCKING UGLY BASTARD! John, we've surrounded you. Surrender now or face the consequences," the familiar voice seethed with animosity.

"Hey, old man, are you a wanted criminal?" Hiroshi interjected, his curiosity piqued, only to be met with another outburst from Anna.

"Lieutenant Commander Anna, already missing me, are you? HAHA!" John retorted, a surge of energy coursing through him before exhaustion began to encroach upon his senses.

He shared a knowing grin with the bewildered blind man beside him moments before chaos erupted in a deafening explosion. The once sturdy structure crumbled, claiming the lives of numerous Marine soldiers, yet some managed a miraculous survival, including Anna and the soldiers under her command. She order her own soldier to maintain a safe distance and have those other soldier sacrifice themselves.

"HAHA, Hiroshi, if you're still breathing, listen closely. Let's shake this world to its core in our quest for your mother and the legendary One Piece!.... also punishing the bad guys" John's declaration was abruptly cut short as his gaze fell upon the mocking grin adorning Anna's face, a chilling realization settling in.

"Idiot! Did you truly think I wouldn't anticipate your reckless actions?" Anna's reprimand hung in the air, but before she could finish, an arrow whistled through the air, finding its mark in one of her soldiers.

"Old man, I have no idea how you managed that, but kindly refrain from such impulsive acts," a man with stark white hair and sightless eyes interjected with a hint of arrogance.

"Punishing the bad guys eh? Aye-aye captain"

And so unfolded the meeting between Captain John and his first mate, the enigmatic marksman of the seas, a figure shrouded in mystery and wielding deadly precision who suddenly popped up like a barnacle under the ship, known as The [White Death]