
A True Warrior

The devil king kills all the new born kids who can become a threat to him in future.A boy whose mother was killed when he was a new born baby survive this event........The great powers are sealed within him....Will he be able to undo his seal and gain ultimate potential or the students of great dragon lords will be the chosen ones or else....?

DragoZer · Urban
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19 Chs


Niansah:"Let's do the training!"

Old man:"Yes!"

Niansah:"So what should I do?"

Old man:"First you will train your mind."


Old man:"It's simple.What is your goal?"

Niansah:"I want to become strong!"

Old man:"Why do you seek strength?"


Old man:"Let me show you something!"

(Old man points his stick at the sky and says Change and suddenly the whole view changes.....Everything goes black...old man disappears into black...Just Niansah stays in the centre of this dark place...)

Niansah:"Where am I now old man? Old man...?Old man can you hear me?Old man...?"

Suddenly a town appears in-front of Niansah and a moment later he was standing in one of the street.....

Niansah:"What is this?"

Suddenly Niansah hears a scream.....Niansah rushes toward that scream and see something horrible that he never have seen in his entire life before.A royal soldier was killing a new born baby boy and her mother who was hold captive was screaming....

Niansah was so frightened and angry to see this scene,he runs toward the soldier who was mercilessly killing that baby boy to stop him but Niansah's hand sliped pass through him like a ghost.He realised it was a world in which he can't interfere.

Niansah was shivering in pain,anger and fear.Royal soldiers were killing new born babies one after another.There were screams and cries for help but no one was able to do anything against royal soldiers as it was an order.

Niansah:"Wh..y...?What is this?Why are you killing them.Stop!"

Suddenly the scene changes;Royal soldiers were bowing in-front of a person.They were reporting to him that they killed all the new born babies as was ordered by him.That person smiled at the soldiers.

Niansah stands in-front of that person and asks him...

Niansah:"Who are you?"

Then old man appears at the scene and tell Niansah that he is the present king;King Cerebus and no one dare to stand in-front of him.Not only he is powerful but also he is intelligent.He is strong and seeks more strength to rule the weak and torment them

Niansah:"But Why was he killing innocent children.Why!"

Old man:"He was killing all the children who could possibly defeat him in the future.So cruel,So disgusting...his very existence."

Niansah:"I think so I have found my cause,old man.I know why I seek strength.I want to defeat those who torment the weak just to protect there rule and authority."

Old man:"Indeed that is the right mindset.But you have to be witty and powerful to defeat him.Your mind training is not over yet,it will continue even when you come back to your life,you will learn the realities of life...but for now this is enough;

Just like a flower which is growing in a dark place suddenly see a beam of light,that flower starts to grow toward that source.Similarly a person who has a defined goal starts growing faster than a person who don't have.Now let's move to physical training.."

Niansah:"But how will physical training help me in the real world?"

Old man:"The things that happen here also influence your body condition in the real world.So when you train your body here;your body in the other world will also show results...."

Niansah:"Then let's start..."