
A True Warrior

The devil king kills all the new born kids who can become a threat to him in future.A boy whose mother was killed when he was a new born baby survive this event........The great powers are sealed within him....Will he be able to undo his seal and gain ultimate potential or the students of great dragon lords will be the chosen ones or else....?

DragoZer · Urban
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19 Chs

Lord Niansah

Old man:"Welcome my lord Niansah!"

Hero Niansah: "What is this,Servant Shin? Why do I feel so weak? I can't unleash my full power,this body can't withstand my 100%."

Old man Shin:"My lord! You currently share this body with another person."

Hero Niansah:"What?"

Old man Shin:"Yes my lord! Your name is Niansah or I should say that this person's name is also Niansah.He is the destined one,who has the divine flow."

Hero Niansah:"Ah! I see.So,this person is the destined one who shares my blood and my heartbeat and even my name.Interesting!"

Old man Shin:"Yes my lord!"

Hero Niansah:"What about the seal?"

Old man Shin:"All of your powers are inside this boy;but as you can see,the seal don't allow him to use not even 1% of your powers because his body can't withstand it.But...."

Hero Niansah:"but...what?"

Old man Shin:"But this kid has broken the seal,one time before and unleashed 10% power.My lord!Currently this body is utilising 20% of the divine flow,that's why you are able to share and control this body."

Hero Niansah:"Interesting indeed!This kid can bring out 20% divine flow in this frail body which isn't even trained.

(Hero Niansah looking at his right hand)

So,When the seal is undone the mark appears on the right hand."

Old man Shin:"Yes my lord!But what should we do now?Do you think this kid can defeat him?"

Hero Niansah:"I don't know..."

(Hero Niansah sit on the cut trunk of the tree with his sword hanging down....)

Old man Shin:"Yes my lord! but what do you expect to happen?"

Hero Niansah:"Never expect things to happen,my dear,cause it's better to feel surprised than to feel disappointed."

Old man Shin:"My sincere apologies,my lord."

Hero Niansah:"I think so this kid might be the answer to our question and the key to defeat him.But it will take him some time to grow and polish his skills."

Old man Shin:"Yes my lord!"

Hero Niansah:"No need to worry shin.But remember there are 3 things you can never forget; one the words that are said ; second the moment after it is missed ; third the time after it is gone.

So,I want you to train this kid and bring out its maximum potential."

Old man shin:"Your wish is my command,my lord."

(Light breeze starts blowing and Hero Niansah looks at the sky....)

Hero Niansah:"You know one thing shin, People's live don't end when they die,it ends when they loose faith.

Niansah jumps from the trunk of tree...

I think so I should go now, Good bye for the time being."

Old man Shin:"Yes my lord! I will train this boy for time being,so when you meet him again he will be far better than this."

Hero Niansah look at the shin and smiles.....

Niansah fall on the ground...

Niansah:"Ah! My head hurts! What happened old man?"

Old man:"Nothing! Congrats you are qualified to become my student!"

Niansah:"Wow! Did I cut this tree?"

Old man:"Yes! Now get ready for training!"

Niansah:"I am ready! Let's do this!"