

The next morning sure enough he was called in to another crime scene. This time it was a therapist that had been killed. Over night Lucifer has called in a few favors before heading to bed and I did my bachelors and masters degree in criminal psychology and criminal law.

I even had to wake up a few professors at California state university to file and apply for it all with some handy mist and compulsion magic. By sunrise I applied as a criminal psychologist to the FBI and compelled myself to be on loan to the LAPD temporarily to do my field work hours.

A little compulsion on the new Lieutenant that was replacing Pierce, aka Cain, and I was set to work on a trial bases as a ride along with detective douche, aka Dan. When I arrived at the crime scene with him both Ella and Chloe were surprised while Dan was both angry and mutinous.

I ignored him though and told them both. "I decided to get my law degree a week ago and finished up my thesis on my masters degree last night. I'm slated for the FBI and on loan so I can do my field work hours here at the LAPD as temporary consultant. The new Lieutenant thought it appropriate to put me with Dan here since he has so much experience and expertise. She just chewed him out for arguing against her orders is all he's mad about."

Dan gave me an irritated glare before asking about the crime scene. I noticed Azrael near Ella who was to a uniform about getting a search of the premises. Sighing I headed to the closet and opened it up, revealing the boy hiding inside. "Detectives, you may want to talk to him and question why he has blood on his hands."

That got the ball rolling. Next I took notes for Dan while he did the questioning before going to the parents of the kid and compelling the father to admit to his guilt right there.

When he confessed to the murder weapon being in the construction dumpster down the block, we took him in while I gave Azrael a pointed look as I released my bloodlust on her. She gulped and had Ella follow her out of the room quietly.

Soon enough I got the confession of the man who murdered the therapist all recorded and signed by him before my compulsion wore off and he started crying and begging to redact it. He was hauled away to a jail cell to await trial while I sat next to Dan's desk and filled out paperwork.

I asked him while he typed it all up. "Is it always this easy?"

He shook his head. "Never for me anyway. It seems this time it's a first for us both. You did good out there by the way."

I thanked him before he asked. "So when's your fire arms training?"

I chuckled. "I've been a licensed carrier since last July. As for the tests, those are this weekend. Soon I'll be certified to carry in the field and a few seminars later and I'll have my badge for the LAPD. It'll be temporary until I finish my training to become a FBI agent."

He sighed. "So you're going big time then?"

I shrugged. "Unless the LAPD can keep me busy, I'd say so. I've no interest in being a uni. It sound so boring to be taking statements all day and handing out speeding tickets."

He sighed reminiscing about his time in uniform. "We all gotta start somewhere."

I nodded. "And I'm starting here."

When I finished up the paperwork he grabbed a new case that came up on the wire and we were off. This time it was a gang shooting. The El Monte Flores 13 that were shot by the Hells Angels over coke turf.

I got to show him my hand to hand combat skills in action as we took down half the Hells Angels and twelve of the Flores because of the ten bodies they dropped between them and the Coke we found on the premises when we went to arrest them.

It was a very series bust and I even took a bullet for Dan with my vest on saving his ass. When we brought them all in with nearly a thousand kilos of cocaine and heroin, we got a round of applause from the whole department.

Hell, they couldn't stop confessing to crimes and open unsolved cases, even going so far as to incriminate their bosses on both sides for everything from murder to sex and drug trafficking while telling us where the bodies and drug houses were.

We kicked it to the lieutenant who put us on the task force where we spent the next three days taking in nearly a thousand criminals who all ratted out everyone they could think of for past and ongoing crimes.

Twenty cops in thirteen departments were arrested for corruption and the FBI was called in to help with the manpower to continue where we left off. Almost two full drug gangs were wiped out of LA over the next week.

On the bright side I finished both my gun safety and shooting tests with perfect marksmanship and the full training course for my field requirements as the week dragged on. By the end of it Dan got a medal while I received a lot of praise for my skills.

Dan ended up sleeping at his desk on the last day while I filed the last of our reports and gave them to the higher ups. I noticed Ella wearing her cross shaped necklace still and she seemed to be praying when I walked passed her office. Sighing I finished the paperwork and woke up Dan. "Hey, give me a lift back to LUX, I need a change of close and a shower."

He woke up startled and agreed. We drove in silence mostly while I stared out the glass before he finally asked. "How are you and Lucifer so different? I mean, you're a decent guy when you're not using that awful nickname he told you about and he's well, a jackass."

I snorted. "The difference between us other than the hair, is that his father was an asshole that wouldn't listen where as he had no clue I was born. I raised myself on the streets and fought for survival while he wasn't given a chance. He was victimized in a way while I simply survived what life threw my way."

The car went silent for a long time and Dan sighed. "Is that why he seems to get away with everything?"

I looked over to him and raised an eyebrow. "You're one time talk. Believe me, I'm not judging you, but I know for a fact you were a dirty cop. And Maze may have kept quiet, but you talk in your sleep. I'm well aware of what you did with the Russians and the idiot."

Dan froze up and I sighed. "My point is that while he gets away with minor rule breaking and in some cases not so minor, you've gotten away with far worse repeatedly. They let you off even when the gun you stole from evidence was used in a murder spree. Three victims including a preacher, that's too much bad PR, but we both know it could've gone a hell of a lot worse for you than a pay cut and a demotion."

He gulped audibly before saying. "I see your point."

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you. He helps out on cases. You may not understand it, but he does, and it brings the guilty to justice and let's the victims Rest In Peace. That's all that should matter to us."

He nodded slowly but sighed in frustration. "But Charlotte-"

I cut him off. "He wasn't there Dan. Hell, I had to talk him out of blaming himself for her death as well. He wasn't there so whose to say Pierce wouldn't have killed her either way? If it's about why he didn't say anything, then you can shove your blame. Chloe was too close and if he'd told her then Pierce May have noticed like he did over the phone. Imagine if he was near Trixie when he caught on to the lie."

Dan frowned. "But I-"

I snorted. "You're as much a dick to him as he is to you. You fight and argue like brothers really. And if you're going to point out he should've told you, then I remind you that you were a dirty cop by your own words. He had no way of knowing you weren't in Pierce's organization."

He went silent for the rest of the car ride there before sighing. "He could've told someone."

I nodded. "He did the moment you had your suspicions and voiced them in a way that he could respond without risking all he holds dear. Listen, if you're angry she's dead or just plain upset, I'll listen, that's what partners are for, but if you're only going to lie to yourself and make excuses for the blame you feel, then see a therapist. I've not completed my regular psychology degree."

I hopped out and told him. "There's free drinks and a willing ear upstairs if you need them. The doors always open for my partner."

He looked at me a bit more glum before sighing and saying. "Rain check. I've something I need to do."

I nodded. "I'll see you in the morning then. I'll be bringing my own car then."

He agreed to meet me at the precinct and I headed upstairs for a hot shower and an ear full from Lucifer. Chloe has apparently taken a vacation and took Trixie with her some time today and Dan was meeting them at the airport to say goodbye.

Lucifer was blaming himself until I bitch slapped him then went to do it again and he caught my hand. His eyes went red and I growled. "Stop blaming yourself for every single thing that goes wrong. Contrary to popular belief you're not the epitome of all evil nor are you to blame for every single thing that goes wrong in this world!"

His eyes stopped glowing and I pulled my hand away. "But the detective-"

I snorted. "Is a grown ass woman and sure, while seeing your beef jerky side isn't pleasant for mortals, you don't see Linda running off to Europe to grab some alone time."

Sighing I grabbed my towel and dried off while telling him. "Everyone deals with problems differently. It may take her some time but she will come back and if she doesn't then it was never meant to be for you two. As sad as that seems, people do grow apart at times, it's one of the pitfalls of life amongst mortals."

He nodded. "Perhaps you're right. What do you suppose I do in the meantime?"

I shrugged. "You're Lucifer Morningstar, perhaps it's time you started acting like it. Deals and parties are your thing aren't they? Well now is as good a time as any to do that. And if you're looking to do something differently, perhaps you should take up a new hobby until she gets back."

He left a little while later and I got some shut eye. I didn't need to sleep and technically I couldn't as apart of me was always awake and working. Either taking souls to Hades or reincarnating dead ones. Hell, even my nature and fertility parts were out blessing the world in places. All that was left in me was the immortal angel pieces with some skills in magic.

I had my wings and some boosted angel strength from the essence I received in the wings when they were first attached plus my magic and bloodlust/killing intent so I wasn't helpless. Not to mention the immortal part that healed me and kept my body in peak condition.

For the next month Dan and I took down everyone we came across from cartel and hitmen to murdering spouses and business rivals. Hell, we even caught a few terrorists and a college nudist who insisted on freeing the animals at the zoo to the point of killing two of it's employees.

Dan got a raise and I got several awards as our clear rate reached an all time high. Unfortunately he couldn't keep up after such a long and arduous campaign against crime. He was starting to flag behind because of his human stamina and need to sleep and eat.

I started picking up more and more of the case load as the department started to take notice in our work and consider him up for promotion. Unfortunately when they saw me doing most of the work while he slept, it removed any chances of him getting that promotion from their eyes.

In that month alone we worked seventy cases and thirty of which sent at least ten suspects to jail, five of those were even bigger and got kicked up to task forces to deal with. I got bored one day and started compelling every dirtbag in the precinct to confess to their crimes.

I was a bit surprised when three cops confessed to stealing evidence and cash from lockup. They were immediately taken into custody by IA and questioned. The rest of the criminals kept the officers busy taking confessions.

That was a seriously big bonus for the department. Several dozen murder cold cases were closed and another three dozen were opened and closed. A lot of missing persons were taken down and a couple of the most wanted for the FBI were found when the MOB members in custody started confessing to knowing where they were.

I stopped by the other precincts later that night and made myself invisible while doing the same in each of them. The next day it made the papers that LA was cracking down on crime as nearly a hundred murderers were caught and confessed and several dozen serial killers as well.

The obituary pages were seriously long now as bodies were dug up or pieces found confirming their deaths. When my two days off came up, I grabbed a beer with Dan and after he passed out, I answered Hades's war summons.

I summoned all my essence to me as I appeared before him in New York. There the entire city was asleep and demigods were about to fight the monsters coming. My power was with me for the first time since I became a god and damn did it feel good!

Power thrummed in my very being and I felt stronger than I had in ages. Still weaker than I was when I left the previous world but not much weaker than a peak heavenly axis realm at least. My twin blades appeared at my sides while my cloak of night and my scythe of death grew around me and in my hand.

I tapped my hilt once and both my dual swords fused into one claymore sized sword as I drew it. Hades told me the plan while gesturing to the coming monsters and titans. "You deal with Hyperion and I'll take on Krios. The demigods can handle the monsters. As for Kronos, the Olympians can either fight him or die here for all I care."

I shrugged. "Sounds good enough for me."

I brought out Orthrus and gave him the command to attack and slaughter the enemies at will. He grew to the size of a horse and Tyson, the cyclops brother of Percy, hopped on his back. I shrugged and watched as they took off to kill the enemy cyclopses.

I saw Hyperion and moved like a beam of light as I smashed into him with the force of a thousand cannonballs. He flew backwards as he held his gut where I split him in twain. His leges and lower body fell down smocking in front of me as they faded into golden sands and blew away with the rest of him, never having known what truly hit him.

If it wasn't for my decisive and instant attack and his complete disdain for me, he would've had a chance to recover and attack or at least defend against my attack but as it was, these gods and titans were simply too arrogant.

I turned my blades on the monsters, leaving the demigods to fight other demigods. Hades got backup from Hermes, Artemis and Apollo to deal with Krios. Zeus and the rest were off battling Kronos at the moment or else had their heads in the sand.

Either way it was a slaughter fest as Orthrus returned to my side and had my back as we killed an ungodly amount of monsters. Finally fed up with it all, I slammed the ground with my scythe, splitting a giant crevasse down straight to Tartarus.

Hades had the same idea as me seeing as he drove Krios into it slowly with the other three's help. Orthrus knocked a ton of monsters in until he got hit from behind by a rouge cyclops hammer. I yelled but it was too late as he turned and dragged the cyclops down into the pit with him.

Vines burst from the ground and pulled him up as Pan showed up beside me. When I saw the goat footed god he smiled back at me and I chuckled. "We're even now. Orthrus means more to me than what I did for you."

He didn't seem to want to think so but didn't disagree at the moment either. When Orthrus was back on solid land, I sealed it up as a hundred or more monsters were driven into the closing crack by the reinforcement satyrs and centaurs.

Even the minor gods and goddesses showed up to battle and fight here beside us as Hecate appeared beside me. I smiled. "So you've chosen a side?"

She snorted. "I've chosen not to side against you. There's a big difference. The Olympians have much to answer for."

I nodded. "Then let us finish this."

Pan yelled an ear piercing scream that scared away most of the monsters and surviving demigods on the enemy side. While this was going on, Zeus and the rest were weakening and falling because their centers of power were being tampered with.

Their thrones literally represented their power and as such when one was destroyed they lost connection with their domains, becoming all but mortal. As it was only Poseidon remained left and even he was weakening.

Overhead I could see the battle between Percy and Luke who was possessed by Kronos. When Luke killed himself with Riptide, I shed a tear. He may have been a bit of a dick, but he was only the product of circumstance and while he went about it wrong, he wasn't to blame for the real problems he was trying to fix.

The Olympians were corrupted and needed replacing, that bore no doubt in my mind. But then, so were most of the gods of this world. They'd simply been around too long and humanity had forgotten to fear and respect them or to even pay heed to their tales. As such humans grew arrogant, disgusting and vile in some cases and it spread to the gods that were influenced by them.

Now wasn't the time to end them though so in the end Luke was forced to die. The war ended with our victory at a terrible cost. While the demigods who followed Kronos were mostly alive, they were still divided and none really agreed with the Olympians even now.

Zeus and the rest returned to Olympus to repair their thrones while the rest of the minor gods and demigods waited for them. I went up to Olympus with Hades and the other major gods like Pan and Persephone.

While not as power as their sheer numbers, we made up for it in quality mostly. In the end the minor gods and goddesses joined us and waited outside the halls for them to finish and return to power. The minor gods were whispering about acting now and fast but Hecate and Pan both shut them up.

Hypnos was among them with Charon and Thanatos. He'd yet to be captured but I knew it would be soon. When the hall opened up, we entered and met them as equals. We now severely outnumbered them and while they had the power on their side, we weren't by any means weak either. This was a show of force of sorts.

Zeus's face was ugly as he asked. "So, have you come to rebel?"

I snorted. "Hardly. We've come to demand compensation for the minor gods and goddesses. You can not deny our contribution to saving your asses Zeus. If not for us, you'd all be dead."

He bristled at my words before sneering. "And you'd be next!"

I chuckled and unfurled my wings as I revealed half my current power which was double his own at his peak. He paled as I told him. "Like I said, hardly. Though a major contribution goes to the demigods, particularly Percy Jackson, we did the bulk of the work and defeated two of the three titans ourselves while the rest of you combined lost to one."

They all loot like they'd swallowed bugs now as I put away my wings and power. "I'll make it simple. Allow the minor gods before you a seat of power here on Olympus if they do choose and to build a cabin at both your camps, yes the other one too."

Ares grumbled. "Or else what?"

I snorted and pressured him into the ground with my killing intent and bloodlust alone that exceeded his by a long shot. "Or else you'll all face my wrath. Each of you have grown arrogant and self entitled because of the sheer volume of power and human emotions you feed on here. While the power isn't a bad thing, the entitlement is causing Zeus here to go off and rape who he pleases without asking permission and Ares-"

I waved to the dumbass on the floor picking himself up. "-to become so horny for war that he's cursing demigods now."

They each frowned and turned to Ares and Zeus who at least had the shame to look guilty. I sighed. "Olympus was never meant to house the focal point of this much power and human emotion and prayers. It's corrupting you're very cores. Soon I fear you'll start to become rabid if swift action isn't taken."

Athena frowned. "You think dividing it between these minor gods will divide the negative effects as well as the power?"

I shrugged. "It's this, or we destroy you all and split it between them anyway in the hopes that they will not become like you and your grandparents, the titans. Think about it, before Prometheus made humans, the titans were a wild bunch to be sure, but they weren't evil or even vile.they were nature incarnate. When humans, flawed as they were, came to be, their natures influenced the titans and Kronos became mad, eating you all. Now, after so long, you are each being seriously effected by their nature as well. Some worse than others, but in the end none of you are remotely like what you started out as."

Zeus did not like what he was hearing. "So you do wish to overthrow us then!"

I snorted. "Paranoia, bouts of evil and vile acts, rape, abuse and even straight up aggression. Who does he sound like to you all? I can think of only Kronos and his lot."

Zeus growled and I teleported right up in front of him, grabbing him by the neck and hauling him off his throne where he couldn't gather any more strength. I slammed him up against a pillar, shaking Olympus and snarling in his face with my scythe pressed against his neck.

All of this happened so fast only Hermes could see it all. I growled at him. "You idiot and foolish man-child! If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead right now and there's nothing your great and mighty power could do to stop me from killing you!"

I threw him back to his throne as he landed on his ass in front of it. I turned to see the other gods and goddesses. "Make your decisions and make them fast. I want your words as gods as well that no action will be taken against anyone for this. I'm not seeking enemies, I'm trying to fix this broken house!"

They all grumbled amongst them but in then end they really had no choice. I waved my hand as the Olympus council room expanded and the minor gods and goddesses who wished to, placed their thrones there.

Hades and I declined as did the rest of the underworld gods except Hecate who placed a throne and now had one in both places. Oddly enough she's the only one who could do so. Her nature and realm allowed it as magic was neither dark nor light but the use of primordial forces in unique ways.

I mean, I could've with one of my other domain thrones but the rest weren't like me not as powerful either. I could see the relief on Zeus's and the rest of the Olympian's faces when they saw I wasn't joining them.

Pan abstained as well but Hypnos joined them. Pan said he was placing his throne amongst his people and that he planned to dismantle and rebuild the council of cloven elders that governed the satyrs. He was naming Grover his replacement when he wasn't on his throne and was out dealing with things.

Having dealt with the major issues, I reminded Hecate to build the cabins and stood aside as Percy Jackson and the demigods arrived for their rewards. The demigods mostly got rewarded by getting to spend time with their parents and the items they blessed them with. As for Grover, he was told his reward and while the satyrs were mostly happy for him, a few old ones were sad and angry.

Percy and Annabeth were rewarded separately. Annabeth received a tiara from her mother that allowed her to view any book in the world in her own mind. Athena's other children were envious to the point of hilariousness.

Percy however, was rewarded by Zeus himself as the king of the gods asked him. "What is it you desire as a reward for your heroic deeds? We are prepared to raise you up to our status as a god if you should so choose."

Percy looked rough the other gods and I sent him a telepathic messages about the cabins. He decided and told Zeus. "I want each of you to claim your children. No more unclaimed should be forced into Hermes's cabin. All of you should at least care enough to claim your own flesh and blood. This war started because each of you, minor gods or not, refused to recognize the importance of telling your kids they were yours. If you don't even have the balls to do that, then I don't have it in me to continue fighting on your side!"

The gods all bristled while Zeus having been humiliated for the second time in as many hours nearly went apoplectic. I burst out laughing, drawing their gazes and chuckled. "Well said Percy. It is something that as gods, we should at least take responsibility for."

Having drawn Zeus's gaze to me he finally sighed. "Done. Now-"

I coughed. "As it's something that should've already been done before now, I think it's appropriate that we reward it to the demigods as a whole. Percy himself, while willing to, shouldn't have to sacrifice a personal reward for such merits for nothing. Tell us Percy, what is it that you desire above all else?"

Percy looked at me with a complicated gaze while Zeus looked mutinous. Percy then caught his father's eye and sighed. "I'd like to spend some time with my father if I could. It wouldn't have to be too long but one day every month or so each of us should be able to spend time with our parents. Surely that isn't too much to ask for?"

Zeus looked boiling mad but the rest of the council and gods were on Percy's side. He knew when to play the odd and when to fold so he sighed. "So be it! Now, it's time for mortals and gods without thrones here to leave!"

I shrugged and waved a hand, sending all the demigods home with a vast amount of power, basically showing off. All the Satyrs and centaurs outside were sent away as well. I turned to Pan and told him. "I'll see you around old friend."

I teleported our and time my own throne room where I separated all my essence back into my domains to continue their jobs. They weren't clones per say but more like shades. Ghosts of my presence that moved throughout my domains doing my duty and gaining power from it.

Since my throne was in the underworld, the other gods down here received a small percent of what flowed into my essence through my throne. But even then a small percent of a shot ton was a lot! Both Hades and Persephone were at least twenty percent stronger then they'd been before I'd met them.

Once I was done, I etched enochian runes in my rib cage and returned to LA. If they wanted to talk they could Iris message me or speak to my essence and I'd get the message. I spent the next day relaxing with Dan and having a barbecue.

Several officers from the precinct showed up and had drinks with us while a few stopped by for the food before going on duty. When Chloe and Lucifer showed up I was a bit surprised. I could tell with a glance that she wasn't taking it as well as she showed.

We were at Dan's place so it was a bit crowded but I'm a damn good grill cook so it more than made up for any discomfort on their parts. Dan sort of made up with Lucifer, at least, he wasn't thinking of moving his desk anymore for the time being.