
A Diary Of Secrets

"Dear Diary, Today I had a wonderful but also chaotic day at the café. Me and all my friends had so much fun today but also had to go through a chaotic crowd of customers. We also had to fix my stupid problem of leaving the backdoor open, letting in two dozen cats. But at least we got some cute cat pictures and a semi renovated break room. I wonder what's in store for tomorrow", Emiko writes down the things she experienced today at the café. She ponders on what will happen tomorrow, the day after that and all the upcoming days in her life. She hasn't missed a single day writing in her diary and she challenged herself to write something in it everyday. Diaries are meant to be kept secret from everyone but she sometimes just feel like sharing her thoughts with her friends but she knows that there are somethings that just need to be kept secret all to yourselves so she scrapped that idea. She closes her diary and dozes off to sleep.

During English class, Emiko required some help from Kichi with answering some questions that she didn't understand. Kichi kindly helps her out as she takes some notes down to do revisions. "Hey Kichi, can you teach me on how to be good at English as you are?", she ask him and he replies, "Simple, I just watch a lot of videos, shows and movies that were all in English. I did had to use subtitles earlier on but that problem slowly faded away as I understood what the content is all about without subtitles." Emiko wrote down more notes to make her remember what Kichi said.

After class ended, Emiko quietly wrote down on her diary. "Dear Diary, I got mo-", she stopped as Kichi was about to start a conversation with her and she quickly hides her diary from out of his sight. "What were you writing?", he asked her. "Oh nothing", she says. Kichi shrugs it off and talked to her for awhile before the next lesson begins. Emiko sighed in relief that Kichi didn't fully caught her writing in her diary. She remembered the promise she made with Kichi which states that they both won't keep any secrets from each other and that includes diary secrets. But she felt like this is too important to her, too important that she needs to bend their promise from a secret she isn't ready to reveal to him.

Next class begins and everyone took their seat. Emiko didn't paid too much attention class cause she already pre-read everything that she speculated was gonna be taught in class. "Hey, focus Emiko.", Kichi whispers to her. "I am but not too much though. I already read and understood everything the teacher is teaching.", she whispers back to him. Kichi tries to make her focus in class but the teacher caught him not paying enough attention and he was told off. Emiko giggles behind him and declares that she wins the whisper battle. While in class, Emiko continues to write down in her diary. "-re closer with Kichi. He helped me out today with English today. I wonder how I would repay him one day. Perhaps a kiss on the cheek?", she finishes writing down and having a slight blush before fully focusing for the rest of the lesson.

During lunch, she actually decides to only hangout with Midori as she leaves Kichi behind with Nikko. The boys went ahead and bought a lot of food and went ahead and devoured all of it like some sort of food monsters. The girls slowly eat in the back and had some conversation with each other. "Midori, can I tell you a secret? But you must keep it a secret from Kichi and Nikko.", Emiko says to Midori. "Sure but didn't you and Kichi made a promise since you guys were in kindergarten to never keep secrets from each other.", she replies to her. "Yes I know about our promise but I want to keep this a secret from him even if it means that I'm breaking our promise.", she says to her. Midori saw a spark coming from Emiko's eyes, a spark of something new is rising. "Okay then. So what is it that you wanna tell me about that you have to break your promise?", she asks her. "I'm writing a new diary this year and there are a lot of things that I don't wanna show to Kichi. It all involves with me experiencing a new feeling that I'm still not quite sure of". she says to her.

"May I see your diary? Pretty please", Midori asks Emiko for her permission to see her diary. "Sure", she replies and gives Midori her diary. Midori read through all of the diary very quickly and understood all the context. "I can tell what feeling you are developing Emiko", she says to her. "What feeling am I developing, Midori?", she asks her with curiosity sparking in her eyes. "That feeling you are developing for Kichi is known as L O V E. Love", she says to her which shocks Emiko leaving her in a paralyzed status while her whole face is completely red as a tomato. "Emiko? Emiko are you there?!", she calls out for Emiko's subconscious and shakes her around a bit to get her senses back.

Within Emiko's subconscious. "L-love?!", she thinks to herself. "Has it finally happened like those stories I keep reading about childhood friends falling in love with each other?!", "No, this can't be but it all makes sense", "How am I suppose to handle this?!", "Should I confess or keep it all to myself". She panics within her mind before Midori slaps her back into reality. "Midori to Emiko. I repeat, Midori to Emiko. Are you there?", she asks her. "Y-yes", she replies while still being in a daze. Midori sighs in relief. "I know you were in a total shock just now but you don't have to tell him about your feelings. Just not yet", she says to her. "A-alright", she stutters but replies back. "How about this, if you have something that is bothering your head space. Just let me know and we'll sort things out alright", she tells her with a trusting and gentle tone to her voice. Emiko agrees and hugs Midori, "Thank you so much Midori", she says to her. "No problem", she replies back. The two of them finished their lunch, waved goodbye at each other and walked back to class before lunch ends. While Kichi and Nikko accidentally started a food fight that ended with them both and a few other students with detention by the Principal.

Emiko still pondering with the realization of her feelings towards her childhood friend continues with the rest of the school while slowly writing in her diary in between each classes. Kichi finally joined her for the last session but didn't have enough time to ask her about why she wanted to be separated for the first time in a decade of them eating together during lunch. The last class ended and Emiko packs her bag up. "Adieu Kichi~ I will walk back to home by myself today", she says to him as she speeds off into the distance leaving him behind. Kichi was left in a state of shock of what just happened but he still put all his stuff into his bag and left class with a confused look on his face.