
A Throne of Shadow and Thorns

Brianna and Michael were natural born enemies. He was an Prince Alpha wolf and she was the Princess of Vampires. However, after centuries of battle both are tired of endless war. What will happen as they figure they are destined to be mates? Will they reject one another? Or give fate a chance while betraying their kingdoms? " I don't hate you Michael." Brianna confessed as she looked into his ocean eyes as Michael's furrowed his brow. " What? You were born to hate me. And I was born to hate you." Michael stated the obvious. " Trust me I tried, but no matter what I did I couldn't bring myself to hate you." Brianna said as she look at the floor. " Damn do you how long you driven me crazy." " Excuse me-." Bri was interrupted as he placed his soft tender lips on hers. " I love you." Michael said as they parted. Also working on: Ex Mafia Boss turned into Mafia’s Boss Mommy?!?

Elysian1233 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 5- The Meeting

Brianna tilted her head towards the window as she heard the continuous howling of the wolves as a smile crept upon her face.

" Those wolves, always making a show." Adelaide sighed as she attempted to fix Brianna's waist long hair.

Brianna shook her head as she disagreed, " Maybe they're just excited."

" Excited for what? Your birthday? Oh please remember we are technically still enemies. I doubt they would be overjoyous to bow to you, the Princess of Vampires." Adelaide rejected the idea as she moved Brianna's head back to the center placing jewels and diamonds in her hair methodically.

Brianna rolled her eyes as she informed, " Well you know it's a custom wolves do to announce their arrival and anticipation."

Adelaide blinked multiple times unbeknownst to that information. Brianna knew a lot of random things. She was like a book of miscellaneous collection., " How do you know that?" She stopped as she put her hands at her hips.

" My dearest Adelaide, I know many things. And besides all the reading you complain about, it really does work." Brianna smirked as she swayed her head as Adelaide accidentally, not so accidentally pulled her hair.

" Ouch!"

" Oh I'm sorry, I was just trying to fix your hair to put the crown on." Adelaide said sarcastically as she added the finishing touches. " And done!"

Brianna looked at the mirror as she stayed quiet examining herself. She always looked great but right now she felt beautiful.

" You look gorgeous! Absolutely lovely, Bri!" Adelaide exclaimed as she clapped her hairs.

" Adelaide, you really surpassed yourself." Brianna gave Adelaide all the credit as she flipped her hair back and rubbed off some dust from her shoulders.

" Well you know me. I am an artist. An artist creates art of course the canvas has to be suitable." Adelaide joked as Brianna giggled.

" Okay, Okay. Now is time to pick the dresses I'll wear tonight."

" Oh, yes. But I don't know how you'll choose all the stunting.Besides there are over a hundred of them and you need to wear three. I could never make up my mind."

" Since there are so many you chose first."

Adelaide's mouth fell as her eyes widened, " There is no way I could probably wear something so beautiful. Besides their from their majesties how could I ever-"

Brianna interrupted Adelaide as she grabbed her hands and looked into her coffee golden eyes, " Adelaide you are worthy to wear this, you are a duchess yourself. And I need my best friend to look just as spectacular as I do. Besides, my parents wouldn't even mind, they care for you as I do. So please pick one."

Tears formed from Adelaide's eyes as she fanned her face as she spoke with a cracking voice. " O-Okay you don't have to force or beg me to. Since it's your birthday I'll do as you wish." Adelaide quickly turned around as she examined the dresses on the rack as she picked out the dress. It was an elegant three quarter length sleeve puffy pink dress that was embroidered with lace and some diamonds that accentuated the waistline. It complimented Adelaide perfectly as her violet eyes shined against her pale blonde locks.

" It's beautiful." Brianna spoke as Adelaide nodded.

" I know, just give me a minute and I'll help you put on…." Adelaide stopped talking as she went to the other room and within a minute came out looking like a princess as Brianna's mouth dropped. "So, how do I look?"

" You should be the princess, instead of me!" Brianna bursted with joy as she took her friend to the mirror as she leaned her head on her shoulder.

" Oh, wow. I just… ugh. Brianna, why do you have to make me cry!" Adelaide said as tears ran down her eyes as she dried them off.

" Just one thing is missing." Brianna announced as she walked to the closet as she looked through the pile of neverend things she had.Books, crown, jewelry, gifts, endless amounts of dresses and evening wear.

" Bri, what are you talking about? I look just…." Adelaide hauled as Brianna walked forward with a diamond encrusted flower tiara. " Bri, what are-."

" Shush, sit down, you're too tall," Brianna demanded as she grabbed her wrist as she placed her on the bench in front of the mirror as she carefully arranged the tiara on her head. " There, all done." Brianna grinned ear to ear as Adelaide had no words to speak.

" It's supposed to be your birthday." Adelaide refused as she shook her head as Brianna hugged her from behind.

" I know, but I do not mind sharing with those I love. And besides I have like fifty tiaras." Brianna alleged.

" More like fifty crowns, and a hundred tiaras, but who's counting anyways." Adelaide clicked her tongue as she got on and crossed her arms. " Now no more focusing on me, It's your day. You have to look more stunning, more existique, more irresistible than any other creature combined including those female wolves. Chop-chop, now let's choose your dresses." Adelaide clapped her hands as Brianna's eyes darted to the dress as she looked through them all as she had chosen her three selections.

" A red, blue, and purple dress? I mean they're the most gorgeous dresses but why?" Adelaide inquired about why she would choose such distinct colors.

" Yes, perfect for today's occasion." Brianna said with absolute certainty.

" If you say so. Which one are you wearing first?" Adelaide pondered as she untied her robe.

" First the red dress, after my first dance I'll change into the blue, and before the fireworks I'll change into the purple dress towards the end." Brianna explained her plan as Adelaide grabbed the red dress and began to sew Brianna into it.

The real reason Brianna had chosen these dresses would be very special and significant to her heart. The first red dress represents her lineage, how proud she was to be a part of the Vampire Clan, and pay homage to all her fallen brethren. The second would be the blue dress depicting the presences of the wolf clan, the strength and power of their people.And finally, the purple dress would indicate a culmination of both allied powers,a testament to be willing of their new friendship and peace.

Brianna smiled to herself as she chose these dresses for their significance instead of decor, although they were just as lovely. Adelaide had finished corseting her into the dress as she looked into the mirror. For the first time she had not seen herself as Brianna Princess of Vampires, but Brianna Future Queen of Vampires. She bit her lip as she took in every inch of the dress, the red dress was clearly the biggest and most eye-catching of them all. It was a rich crimson ball gown with over the shoulder short sleeves with a sweetheart embroidered diamond encrusted all over the bodice with a visible waistline. It carried a golden lace stitched throughout as it led to the full skirt. She swayed side to side as she attempted to see any errors but it was just flawless. It even brought out the pinkish hue from her skin.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the click clack of Adelaide's high heels returning from the closet as she carried the most adored, rarely worn, most important crown to her. She had fifty crowns but this signified who she was.

" That's…" Brianna stopped herself as she eyed the crown jewel.

" Yes. Oh, yes. Your coronation crown. This has yet to be seen." Adelaide confirmed her suspicion as she went behind her placing the headband on her head.

" It's been so long since I wore it." Brianna confessed as Adelaide removed her hands as the rubies and diamonds twinkled from their reflection of the light perfectly complimenting the gold metal.

" Indeed, but I think it's time, since you're only one hundred and forty one once." Adelaide insisted as she smiled as Brianna nodded. " Alright, I'll go check if both their majesties have arrived and I'll tell the Royal Court announcer that it is time."

" Alright." Brianna agreed as Adelaide stepped out as her eyes darted from the door to the mirror once again when her heart moved. She stopped to check if it wasn't her nerves.

Thump, thump

She inhaled the air around her as she knew her mate was near.

" He's here." Brianna spoke to herself as she looked in the mirror hoping she looked beautiful enough to steal his breath away.

Her head creased as she wondered if the barrier would appear once more. Would she be able to see him today? Will on her birthday she'll get this one gift? She walked towards the window as she looked at the sky when a shooting star passed.

" A shooting star! Let me make my wish. Please oh star let me see and be near my beloved night." Brianna called out as she soon felt foolish for relying on a shooting star to help her wish come true. She shook her head. She thought she was still a child at one hundred and forty one years old as Adelaide walked in with a smile as Brianna turned her head in her direction.

" It's time, Your Highness." Adelaide confirmed as Brianna walked toward her as she let a breath in and out. " Let me just say, you will be a great Queen."

That statement had brought the most beautiful smile on Brianna's face, " Thank You, Adelaide. Now let's go." Brianna announced as Adelaide moved behind her to carry her dress as they proceeded their way down to the Grand Hall.

Meanwhile, Michael and the rest of the wolves anticipated the arrival when he felt his heart palpitate.

Thump, thump

Michael stopped in mid conversation that he was having with his sister as he awaited another sign.

Thump, thump

It was true, she was here. Michael scanned the room attempting to see if anyone could sense him or if he could make out his mate from the crowd. He sniffed as the scent became stronger with each passing second, it was so sweet so intoxicating it made his throat dry.

" What's wrong, Michael?" Lenore questioned as she noticed her brother's strange behavior. He looked like a wolf. She knew he was but he was tracking something or someone.

"She's here, sister." Michael breathed as he looked at every corner.

" She's here? You mean-" Michael cut his sister off to confirm the news.

" Yes, my beloved, she's here."

Lenore jumped as her green eyes twinkled as she finally could meet her brother's love. She looked around as Eli showed up next to her.

" What's going on?" Eli asked as he looked at the strange behavior of both royals looking as if they were hunting.

" My brother's beloved. She's here." Lenore gloated as Eli's eyes widened.

" She's here?" He repeated as Michael nodded.

" Yes, yes. Now help us find her." Lenore urged as they were interrupted by the gasps and awing of the people.

" Look, there's the Princess." Someone pointed out as all eyes drew to the second floor as a shadow movement revealed an outline of the girl.

" Oh my goodness!" Another squealed as the people cheered.

" Brianna!"

" Brianna!"

" Brianna!"

Michael's head fogged as his heart raced a thousand miles per hour, his cheeks reddened as he looked up. He felt lost for words. He squinted his eyes as he attempted to see the Princess but he had no luck as she began to descend the stairs.

" Why do I feel like this? She is just the Princess." Michael thought as trumpets played announcing the arrival of the celebrated royal as nowhere Aurora appeared.

" Now, we'll see the true horror of vampires." Aurora leered as Lenore rolled her eyes, and Michael had his eyes fixed on the center as the Royal Court Announcer spoke.

" Announcing the arrival of Her Highness Princess Brianna, and Her Grace Adelaide."

The door opened as it revealed Brianna to the public. She nodded her head in acknowledgement of her guest as she locked her eyes on her parents, and the foreign majesties as they sat on each throne. As in the middle stood the first watching her move. Her eyes peered over the room as it was incredibly adorned with jewels reflecting the marble walls intensifying the grandeur space radiating all the riches and power their majesties possessed. Throughout laid flowers of all different kinds carefully picked and placed in every corner. Music played with the strings of violin, the keys of the piano, and the angelic voice of faeries echoed. Guests of all different species are there in one room celebrating her.

She walked with confidence as she felt her heart beat faster with every step, she could sense he was here. Someone where, maybe her wish would come true after all. Her eyes slipped to her right where she knew the werewolves would stand as she met eyes with a female wolf whose eyes ran away. Then another male this time who held an unbreaking yielding glare almost challenging with a scowl on his face. This time she broke away as her sight was set forward.

" She's beautiful." Lenore exclaimed as she grinned ear to ear.

" I hate to admit it, but she's gorgeous. Looks like you were wrong Aurora." Eli agreed as Aurora huffed and crossed her arms as he went back staring at Brianna. Damn, he had to admit when he was wrong.He was irrevocably indubitably wrong.

Michael felt every muscle, every bone in his body paralyzed. He had seen her before. She was the girl by the lake. She was the one saddened by the fact she couldn't see her beloved. Everything came into vision.That scent she smelled on her wasn't similar to his beloved, it was his mate. She was his mate. Not anything he had particularly imagined. The stone cold beauty that walked towards him was his red string of destiny. She was also the Princess of Vampires, the person he would be bonded to for life. She was more beautiful than before as it was amplified by such little things as the jewels and dress. Beautiful as if this word could describe her. Would there ever be a word to describe the feeling of awe and perfection? All eyes were attached to her. Her beauty was if the universe itself conspired to place one of its presents down on earth. She was closer than ever before as she stopped in the center, grabbing the edges of her dress as she did a deep curtsy in front of both of their parents.

" Your Majesties, mother and father. Thank you for holding such a celebration in my honor." Brianna spoke as her voice sounded like the same deep honey sound Michael heard before.

" Your Majesties, Queen Cornelia and King Zephyr. It is an honor to be in your presence, and thank you for accompanying me on such a day."

King Zephyr and Queen Lucia sat proud as they beamed with flashing teeth as Queen Cornelia and King Silas gave faint smiles.

" You may rise, my beloved daughter." King Silas commanded as Brianna rose as she turned to the Prince and Princess who would obviously be standing there as her chocolate eyes met with Michael's ocean eyes. Those ocean waves that even Poseidon himself would be envious of. It was him.The Prince of the Wolves. She recomposed herself before anyone noticed as she gave a small bow of the head to the Prince and Princess.

" It is an honor to meet you both, Prince Michael and Princess Lenore." Brianna proclaimed as they slightly bowed as their eyes never left one another until Lenore addressed her.

"It is an honor to meet you Princess Brianna and Happy Birthday!" Lenore replied as she grinned as Brianna moved her eyes back to Michael as she subconsciously gave her hand.

" It is my greatest honor Princess Brianna." Michael spoke with pleasure as he subconsciously kneeled down and planted a kiss on her hand as an electric current ran through their bodies as everyone watched them with tempting eyes as they reluctantly were interrupted by her father as they pulled away.

" Thank you all for coming tonight! I am blessed to have had such a magnificent daughter, who will one day be Queen. Please now everyone enjoy the festivities!" King Silas declared as music and people broke out dancing.

Brianna and Michael immediately locked their eyes on one another as they wanted to be in one another's arms, but this was unbelievable. They were finally in front of each other wanting nothing to be with one another, but they could not possibly act on their impulses. Not in front of such a crowd, nor their royal majesties but if they could have this small intimacy it was more than they could hope for.

Aurora, and Eli who stood besides them saw this as a competition of authority. They both stared off one another to see who would last longer. Aurora's nose flared as she crossed her arms at Brianna's impudence, while Eli just stood smiling to easen the atmosphere. Meanwhile, Lenore beamed with radiances of goodness as she stood in awe.

" Your Highness Brianna." Lenore called out as Brianna broke her contact with Michael as she turned to speak. " I waited so long to meet you, you are much more beautiful than the rumors adhere to."

Brianna smiled as she looked at the young girl, almost the complete opposite of her brother. She looked like the sun and he was the moon. She was about her size as they stood eye level, as her smile grew more contagious by the moment. She could tell she would already like her.

" Thank you for the compliment, Princess Lenore. But I believe you are quite lovely yourself. Their majesties must have a tight eye on you." Brianna complimented as Lenore giggled as she brought her hand to her lips.

" Oh, you flatter me too much. Even my brother can attest that you can steal even the heart of the enemy. Right, brother?" Lenore offered as Brianna switched her glance back to Michael as he had been staring the entire time.

" Even the heart of the enemy could soften with your presence." Michael smirked as Brianna cheeks reddened as she did not expect his straightforwardness even in front of his own. Aurora squinted her eyes at the both attempting to see the strategy.

" Well, I believe it is a true honor for all of us, especially those living to see such a day where the both clans can come under the same roof and be celebratory. I believe this is all due to you, Princess Brianna." Eli spoke as Brianna turned her attention slightly to the beta.

Brianna shook her head, " I cannot take all the credit. Their majesties have both seen this is a new era for peace and I believe as they do, this is hopefully the beginning. Sir….?"

" Oh I'm Eli, just Eli. I am Michael's beta. So yeah." Eli introduced himself as he scratched the back of his head as Brianna thought his movements were clumsy and cute as someone cleared their throat as they all turned their head to the fiery redhead.

" And who might you be?" Brianna questioned as she perked her brow as the redhead stared back.

" I am Duchess Aurora, daughter of the famous war general Duke Asher. I'm sure you have heard of us." Aurora boosted as she grinned as Eli groaned as Lenore rolled her eyes.

Brianna shook her head, " Unforetaley I have not, but I'm sure if he had an important active role in war he will be remembered, Miss. Aurora."

" It's your Grace, Your Highness." Aurora corrected as she flipped her head as Brianna bit her tongue.

" Of course, your Grace." Brianna slyly repeated as she remembered her best friend looking like nobody standing behind her as she had to have her presence be known within the wolf tribe as she nodded Adelaide to walk forward," I almost forgot. This is her duchess Adelaide, she is my lady-in-waiting and my best friend."

Adelaide bowed to Michael and Lenore, "It is quite the honor of your highnesses, I hope you all had a safe trip arriving."

" Oh we did. It was mostly a smooth ride with the exception of the wolves barking." Lenore joked as Michael rolled his eyes as it drew a smile from Adelaide.

" We can relate, with all the vampires running around it seemed like olympics on ecstasy to prepare for the evening." Adelaide made conversation.

" Really? At least you're lucky everything is on time, with these wolves you have to tell them to get a day before or they will keep playing around." Lenore added as everyone smiled as they continued in their little conversation as Brianna and Michael turned their attention back to one another.


" Well-." They spoke at the same time as they both blushed as they looked away and back at one another.

" You go first, Prince Michael. You are my guest afterall." Brianna suggested.

" Thank you, Prince Brianna.

Adelaide stepped in as she whispered into Brianna's ear, " Prince Ethan wishes to see and speak with you." Brianna nodded as she turned to them with a frown.

" I'm sorry to cut this conversation, but my dearest cousin would like to speak." Brianna explained as Michael went to speak as Eli beat him to it.

"It's alright, Princess, you have many guests to visit. It's understandable."

Brianna smiled in gratitude, " Thank you for understanding. Now if you'll excuse me." Brianna bowed her head as Michael and Lenore copied as she lingered a moment before turning away. Brianna let out a sigh as she walked towards her cousin as Michael's eyes lingered on her.

" Wow, that was painful. How did you have the control to be friendly?" Aurora questioned as she dusted off her dress.

" I think it was quite pleasant." Eli confessed as he placed his hands on his hips. " Who knew they could be so friendly." Eli felt confused by their calm behavior. Whatever vampire he met was a complete savage. But this was the royals? Maybe they were acting?

Aurora's eyes widened as she scoffed, " You cannot be serious!They're vampires!"

" Hush! Aurora!" Lenore reprimanded as a scowl grew across her face, " It is her highness's birthday, and we will behave as good guests." Lenore hoped that no one heard. She did not want to start another war on the Princess's birthday. Besides, she was hoping to become friends with Brianna.

" Sorry, geez since when are you friendly with those bloodsuckers?" Aurora huffed as Lenore walked over to slap her arm. " That did not even hurt."

" Aurora, act your part. Behave as someone from the wolf clan." Lenore said with a sigh of irritation. She felt like everyone was acting like an otter moron. Was this the reason why she was the Princess of the Wolves? Just to be rational as a human?

" Why because they have superhuman hearing, and you don't want to risk offending them?" Aurora tch her tongue as Eli chipped in.

" Yes, that is exactly why. And you and me and everyone else will have to get used to it because we are going to be here for a week." Eli rubbed his temples as Lenore pushed him aside.

" Not only that this is a new beginning of friendship and we will have to adapt our attitude towards them. They are no longer the enemy and you will not attack them." Lenore commanded as her green eyes turned emerald as they sparkled as Aurora stepped back as she put her hands up.

" Okay, okay. Relax,Lenore." Aurora began as Lenore stared at her as the twinkle lessened. Aurora was not scared of Lenore. She was an alpha herself but being the sister of the man she craved she would have to learn to obey her for now., " Besides, Michael commanded us so we couldn't do anything, even if we wanted to. Right, Michael?" They all turned to Michael as he looked off into the distance.

" Right, Michael?" Aurora repeated as she hopeful was his attention as she tapped her shoe.

" Michael?" Lenore called out as she placed a hand to his shoulder as he snapped out of his thought looking at her green eyes.

" What, Lenore?" Michael said in a casual tone.

" We were just asking you something, but I am more interested in what you are looking at?" Lenore inquired as she attempted to look in the same direction Michael did earlier as he shook his head.

" I need a drink." He sighed as he turned his gaze back to the Princess.

" You see he's already suffering from PTSD." Aurora joked as they moved on.

Brianna walked through the crowd as she had been bowed and congratulated by multiple guests as she had seen them friendlier than ever. The leopards, bashesses, faeries were welcoming as always but it was her own kind that seemed suspicious.She had wondered if her parents had something to do with this. As well as being questioned if they were safe in the presence of the wolves as she reassured them nothing will happen as they should continue to celebrate. She made her way to the back where her cousin and his gang huddled together closely as they made looks sideways from the wolves and themselves as they chatted quietly.

" If they attempt anything, I will have their asses." Brianna thought as her cousin opened the path as he opened his arms out towards her.

" Cousin!" Ethan exclaimed as he trapped her in a hug as she patted his back slightly as he drew eyes from both vampires and wolves alike as Brianna was certain Michael was looking without having the need of looking back.

" Let go, cousin." Brianna instructed as Ethan drew back with a smirk across his face. Her cousin and her were never close. The only times they got along was on the battlefield. From planning to attack, he was her partner in crime. However not enough to even this gesture of familiarity made her feel uneasy.

" Now, Now, cousin, we haven't seen each other in a while, but this is how you treat me." Ethan said as he touched his chest.

" Is this how you act as a royal?" Brianna asked sassily as she looked straightly at him as he cocked his head.

" What do you mean? I am perfectly fine. It's those wolves that just make me a little unsatisfied." Ethan remarked as he flashed his fangs as he took another sip of his drink as Brianna shook her head. She looked at him as he had since him a thousand times before. He was a good looking man with over a hundred years her senior, but he still lacked maturity. He had the same chocolate brown hair, her father, her uncle, and herself carried but his hair was disheveled as it covered his ears but with beaming amber eyes that made him look so fearful. He stood a few inches taller than her with his lean physique inquired from his years of fighting as he bore his pale chest that contained claw scars. In every way he looked like a leader, yet knew nothing of ruling, just his obsession with power.

" You knew they were going to be here so deal with it."

" I thought it was a mere joke, there was no way this treaty talks of treaty is real."

" Well it is. Now you will respect them and do not cause trouble."

"You are such a sell out cousin. Already fraternizing with the enemy I see." Ethan replied as Brianna gave him a warning glare.

" They are no longer the enemy. You and your little posse seem to lack basic human intelligence if you can't see two people smiling." Brianna made known as the group mumbled as a particular person stepped forward.

" And what would a half- blood like you know?" The light brown hair girl spoke as she placed her hands on her hips.

" Well, Valda there is a reason I am crowned princess, not just someone's want to be lover." Brianna verified her position in front of the girl attempting to oppose her as Valda's mouth fell wide open as Ethan stepped.

" Relax, cousin." Ethan grinned as she turned her sights back on him, " All she did was say a few words of truth. Nothing to be offended about, especially since everyone in the court knows about your … let me see how should I put it…. Your oddity." He laughed as the rest of his crew joined him as Brianna stared at him. Brianna was accustomed to this. This was her life. She was the butt of the vampire clan.

" Respect your future Queen." Adelaide stepped in as she growled.

" Future Queen, huh?" Ethan questioned as he looked at her slightly deflated yet entertained as Brianna put her hand out as Adelaide furrowed her brows together.

" It's fine, Adelaide." She gave a faint smile as she looked back to her cousin, " Yes, future queen, the position that I will hold on that throne. Now if you attempt anything, I will personally put you in your place, like a good dog." Brianna commented as she turned away as Ethan lingered on her words as he drowned in his wine as she further away.

" Brianna." Adelaide walked alongside as she stopped and looked at her as they both grinned ear to ear. " You a badass bitch, I serve you everyday and any day my future queen."

Brianna snorted at the comment as they stopped near a pillar, " Thank you my lady, in the future your merits shall be awarded."

" No, but seriously like " I will put you in your place like a good dog" you know how to traumatize someone." Adelaide advised.

" Well, if I have to be a bitch to be respected then so be it. I will not like anyone to shame me for who I am." Brianna said with determination as she looked out to the dance floor. At first everyone seemed happy until she noticed a few vampires dancing with one another as the wolves took a step back when they would come too close. Then after the wolves would come and dance as the vampires watched and gossiped. Brianna sighed as she wondered how in the world she was going to fix this.

" Please, don't tell me they ruined your party." Adelaide stressed as she noticed her mood changed

Brianna shook her head as she said with a sad smile, " No, no. It's just the entire atmosphere of the room. Everyone is walking on eggshells because the supposed enemy is here, pondering if they'll attack. Just look." Brianna and Adelaide looked at the dance floor. " Vampires dance with vampires, wolves with wolves, and if the two come near one another they avoid it like the plague."

" It is true we still do not trust them." Adelaide admitted as she lowered her head. This war had been so prolonged people did not know the difference of hatred and revenge. Nothing of it was for justice, it was all for power.

" I can understand that, but can we just put our differences aside? Oh Goodness sake, the both clans are commanded by their Majesties what the hell can we do without being self tortured first." Brianna retorted as Adelaide nodded her head as she touched the beautiful clean white marble pillar.

" I guess it will take time." Adelaide suggested as she held her hands behind her.

" How much time? How much time will I need to reverse this may be irreversible damage of people's hatred without foundation. How much time will it take until I can be with my beloved." Brianna muttered as she stared out to the crowd as she met a set of familiar ocean eyes as she quickly looked away back to Adelaide as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

" What did you say? You speak like a mouse sometimes, I swear sometimes I feel like you're going insane." Adelaide claimed. Adelaide being Brianna long time friend knew many of her weird habits.

Meanwhile across the room when Brianna met Michael's eyes he couldn't help but felt drawn to her. He felt like she was in need of understanding and wanting to bare her soul but no one would listen. How would they be when they were so blind? When she turned away she could help but feel a little saddened yet a smile grew across his face as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear revealing her true sentiments.

"She's nervous. That's cute. Only if I could get myself closer to her?" Michael thought as the idea appeared in his mind. Crazy- absurd idea. But it could work. No one would question him. It was all about diplomacy.

"Michael, are you okay? You just seem to be brooding." Eli who stood next to him the entire time pointed out as Michael chugged down his wine as he handed the cup to Eli. " What you want another cup?"

" Wish me luck." Michael breathed as he walked forward carefully making his way into the crowd.

" Michael?" Eli questioned as he looked at the cup and back at Michael. " This old bastard. Better not get himself in trouble."

Michael ventured amongst the people avoiding touching any vampire as he slithered carefully moving his hands and feet without touching or bumping into anyone. This action made people mutter and whisper from both sides. They never saw a wolf claiming his way onto the vampires as he was doing so. He even felt the penetrative stare of his father on his back, nevertheless he decided to ignore him. Because for this moment he could get away with it. If it was only for this one bit,he could sustain himself a little longer. Maybe? He was inches away from her.

As they were in mid conversation Adelaide peaked at her side as she saw what looked Prince Michael coming towards them, as she did a double take. It was him! She saw his eyes as they looked at those of a hunter. What the hell was he planning to do ? She needs to warn her friend of this sudden action.

Adelaide interrupted Brianna as she whispered, " Don't look now, but Prince Michael is coming towards us." Brianna stopped as when she had finished saying those words Prince Michael was right in her, towering over her.

" Prince Michael?" She spoke breathlessly.

" May I have this dance." Michael blurted as he spoke the words without a second thought as Brianna's eyes widened as Adelaide's jaw dropped to the floor as everyone around them looked at their interaction as Michael held his hand out.

Brianna did not understand if this was a game or could they have a chance with everyone seeing. Her eyes quickly scattered to those over her parents as they stared intently as his parents did the same. She felt her throat close up as she felt the weight of everyone gaping as her innate nature wanted to reject and be repulsed by his action as he spoke again as her gaze shifted back to him once again.

" Princess Brianna, may I please have this dance." Michael asked as a wave of calmness, and earnest washed over her as she no longer felt the pressure to uphold the expectation of anyone else but her wants and needs even if it would be for a moment.

" Yes." Brianna replied as she placed his hand as he placed another kiss upon it as it drew a smile from both. Michael led her as everyone cleared the path as Brianna followed once they reached the center they both looked at the conductor as they regained their composure as the soft symphonies and melodies echoed from the piano, violins, and other instruments that flowed through the hall. They both bowed as swayed side to side as they repeated before they carried the routine of a waltzing as Brianna placed her one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand as he placed one hand in hers and the other on her lower back.

" Have we met before?" Michael queried as he whispered into her ear as they swayed closely.

Brianna shook her head, not recalling a moment where they did. She would have remembered if they had met before. He was her beloved after all.

Michael smiled as he questioned, " Are you sure about that?"

"I would have recalled it if I had ever met the Prince of Wolves." Brianna retorted as she rolled her eyes as he tilted her chin as her eyes met his.

" I think you should look a little closer, my love." Michael alleged as his ocean blue eyes glistened as her memory faded back to the alpha wolf she had met by the river as she was compelled by the same blue eyes. They could not be the same, could they? " So do you remember?"

His voice snapped her out of the recollection as she shook her head again and refused, " No, I haven't I can assure you." As she said this not out of rejection but knowing very well her father or mother could probably hear their conversation even if the music reverberated she could not take the chance of her parents doing something rash that could end up hurting him.

" So is that how we are going to play it?"

" There is nothing worth playing. We are simply dancing, Prince Michael."

" I can tell you're lying."

" Really, how so? The last time I checked you were a werewolf, not a magician."

" It has nothing to do with magic just I know that you are, otherwise I would have to believe that vampires are absent minded and have faulty memory that can probably be attested to old age." Michael inclined as he looked at her.

" What about wolves? Aren't you two hundred years old and tend to be forgetful at times." Brianna said with firm resistance as she looked everywhere but his eyes.

" How do you know how old I am? I never told you." Michael noted as he quizzically perked his brow as Brianna bit her lip mentally slapping herself for a slip up.

" It was an estimation, you have lived far longer than I have and your parents are three times your age so I just guessed." Brianna babbled as that was the first plausible excuse she could come up with sounding realistic yet not so much as the words repeated in her mind as Michael found this bullshit entertaining.

"I never told anyone my age. It's interesting how you would just guess my age correctly." Michael said in false amazement.

" Well it's not that hard when you can see the wrinkles." Brianna joked as she stared out at the crowd smiling.

" And how would you know?" Michael contemplated.

" How would I know what, Prince Michael?" Brianna said in an innocent baby voice.

" How would you know if I had wrinkles if you didn't look at me?" Michael said.

Brianna chuckled softly, " I don't have to look at you to know you're old. I just do."

Michael made a tsk sound as he wanted her to look at him not anyone else with the little moment they had as he lowered his hand on her back and pulled her closer as Brianna's eye widened as her mouth fell agape as she turned her head towards him.

" Now you're looking." Michael smirked as Brianna's cheeks reddened. Damn her. Due to her witch-mortal side such bodily reactions were more pronounced. She couldn't tell if it was visible to him, but she felt it. Why would he do something so flirtatious in front of everyone including their own parents. Maybe it was all a joke to him.

" Won't this make your female jealous?" Bri asked as he spun her around.

" My female?" Michael pondered as Brianna nodded. Was he acting dumb? Did he not notice the redhead that clung to him as if she owned him?

" Yes your female, your she-wolf who stands by your side like a child." Brianna entailed. She could tell it

" You mean Aurora?" Michael said in a curious tone as they both looked at Aurora. Aurora was just Aurora to Michael. Nothing more than a member of his pack. Why would she bring her up?

" Yes, I recall the redhead names being that. She is very protective as if someone might snatch you away from her." Brianna informed as she looked into his eyes. He couldn't tell if she was curious or jealous. Rather than just play with her, just stated the basic truth. Regardless, who heard.

" She is not anything mine. Especially not my female. She is just a friend." Michael found a better word for a lack of term. Friend a word he found ill used to describe Aurora's connection to him. She was someone who always appeared.

" It's always just a friend." Brianna scoffed.

" I do not belong to her, nor does she to me. " Michael said determinedly as he continued, " If she were my female I would have the whole world know as I would show her."

" Like a trophy? Something to be proud of ?" Brianna said with disgust.

" No, as my equal. As my queen, she is my beloved, my very other half. The person who has the right to stand beside me as I have the right to stand beside her. Not through power but through our love and commitment towards one another." Michael clarified as his gaze pierced her.

" I guess then you have the right concept of husband and wife." Brianna said in an earnest voice as a smile formed across Michael's face revealed those cute indented dimples that she swore she never saw before.

" Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?" Michael pondered as watched for her reaction as she hit him with another starkey comment.

" Take it how it pleases you." Brianna said nonchalantly as she was actually teasing him. Hopefully he wouldn't get too offended, if he did he would have another point off besides being a wolf.

" You're feisty." Michael added as Brianna cocked her head,in confusion and utter disbelief. He had known her for less than ten minutes and was already criticizing her or so she believed. She was feisty at times, hell she could be a bit bitchy, but still they just met he didn't know her personally to be so casual about it.

" Feisty?" Brianna scoffed as he spinned her around as they took their posture. " How do you know I'm feisty just because I refused to please your ego." Michael grinned as he hit a nerve unintentionally.Although he didn't want to start off with her hating him. He could play along.

" I didn't mean to offend you, it was just a simple observation."

" An observation, so it's factual."

"Not unnecessarily just if you believe it to be so then it's different. You never heard the term ``you shouldn't be offended by something that isn't true, unless it is." Michael internally smiled as he wondered if she would be that easily emotional. Could she hide her true emotions? Or who she run off?

She laughed as she knew he wanted her to react. He wanted to see what time of person she was? What could tick her off? Brianna certainly surprised him with her next reaction as she squinted her eyes, " Well said Prince Michael playing those tricks, but you will have to try a bit harder next time."

Michael raised his brow as she figured out his game as the corner of his lips lifted. She was no little wolf. She was an alpha in her own right. Just like him.

" I guess, I just have to attempt to figure you out." Michael reflectived as Brianna nodded in agreement.

" You definitely do. I might surprise you." Brianna advised as they moved from side to side.

" And what exactly might I find out?" He whispered into her ear as Brianna tilted her head. Did she want him to find out who she truly was, not just the Princess of Vampires, but his mate. Would he care? Would he treat her any differently than his foe? Michael waited for a response as he examined her. She was cautious with her guard not only up towards him but even her cousin. He didn't expect her to be all giggle and smiles at first but with her own. Why? Why did she have the need to protect herself even with those she trusted?

Brianna broke his thought as she spoke, " You'll just have to see. But I can promise you I won't bite." She flashed her teeth without any fangs.

"No biting, huh?" He cocked his brow as he continued, " So all smiles and giggles?" He proposed as she fluttered her eyes confused by the hidden meaning but Brianna gave in.

" Yes, all smiles and giggles." Brianna repeated as she grinned ear to ear as her smile caused a smile of his own. As the music captivated their souls they longer talked instead they allowed themselves to immerse in each other's presence. Everything and everyone seemed to fade away. In this moment, where only lovers can explain their way, they gazed into each other's souls as the sensation of longing and desperation. They were dancing with the devil. Out of control, it was like heaven was right there right at the grasp of their hands, they were playing with enemy, and gambling with their souls as they held each other in the moment in time everything and anyone else disappeared as irrelevant pieces of nothing as the only two that were left residing within themselves.

As the room spinned and they turned around as Brianna was partnered with her cousin and Michael with Aurora as they drew them farther away.

" Be careful cousin, you're fraternizing with the wolves." Ethan began as she danced with a stoic face as she looked over his shoulder as they attempted to near one another as they missed by bare inches as she sighed.

" It's supposed to be a friendly celebration, cousin." Brianna made an effort to sound reassuring as she wanted him to shut up.

" Yes, but you are too friendly." Ethan pointed out as Brianna furrowed her brow. Her cousin was full of jesters and mockery that he himself only knew.

" What are you trying to say?" Brianna demanded as she danced with him. Her cousin always seemed to pick at her brain. He loved using mental warfare on people as sometime of cruel joke that he himself could understand.

" You know you are half-breed, so does everyone else. And I presume that it does not settle well with you, so instead of settling with one of us you'll settle for the besties." Ethan specified as Brianna pushed him away as she stopped dancing as she stared him off until he shrugged his shoulders and turned around to dance with another woman. Brianna didn"t know what bothered her more about that statement. The fact he was testing her or that it was true. Her beloved was a wolf. Of course he didn't know that no one but two mates knew. The fact that she allowed the comment to get to her simply implied that he was right. She quickly shifted her gaze as she attempted to find Michael who stood out standing on the other side instead of on the dance floor where he stared back. The few minutes they had been in each other's arms they slipped through their hands. They had already missed each other's warmth. Brianna sighed as she crossed her arms. Thinking if they would have another chance. She could always just go ask him, but that would just give rise to the tension between clans. Michael himself was about to ask her again when a tall blonde man appeared next to her.

" I thought I was supposed to be your first dance." Ambrose appeared out of thin air as he whispered into Brianna's ear. She partly jumped as she turned around to see him with a small smile. She placed a hand on her chest as he threw his hands up. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright, I'm sorry, Ambrose. Prince Michael just suddenly asked and I couldn't reject him." Brianna explained the situation.As she had actually forgotten about the promise of giving him the first dance. She felt guilty all of a sudden as she hoped it didn't put him off.

" It is alright, my lady." Ambrose accepted the apology as he offered his hand. " Then, may I have this dance." Brianna mentally thanked his approach to the circumstances, as she put her hand in his as she grinned.

" I would love to." Brianna accepted as they moved to the center of the room. While on the sidelines Michael stared at their interaction holding his metal cup tightly until it left a dent. As he glared at the newbie blonde, he was definitely a threat. She would smile so effortlessly as there was less tension between them verses when she was with him. Why just because he was a vampire? Michale wasn't a big scary wolf, but a wolf he still was. He just wanted to rip her out of his arms and proclaim she was his. He wanted it more than anything but he wouldn't bring himself to. All night and days before he had contemplated what he would do when he would meet her.Yet he stood there jealous yet he still carried doubt in his mind about rejecting her.

" Give the poor cup a break." A voice spoke as he looked to see his good old friend Eli. Eli who had been distracted the entire night attempting to take care of his alpha when he just gave up.

Michael turned his head quickly to Eli and back to Brianna as he said, " Just releasing some stress."

" Stress,oh right you're the one who asked the Princess to dance with you. Smart. Not." Eli remarked as Michael gave him the side eye. When he had seen Michael walk right up to the Princess he felt part of his soul die, yet the Princess agreed so he just minded his own business.

" It's just formalities." Michael curtly informed as Eli rolled his eyes.

" Yeah so let me just go ask the Queen of Vampires for a dance, shall I?" Eli said sarcastically as he crossed his arms patting his chin as Michael wanted to hit him in the back of the head but instead of giving his best friend a concussion he just continued to gaze at the dancing couple. " But seriously man, what is bothering you?"

" Does she look happy?" Michael questioned as Eli perked his brow as he attempted to look in the same direction he was looking at and he only spotted Brianna and a tall blonde man.

" You mean the Princess?" Eli pondered as Michael nodded. Eli did not know why Michael was interested in the Princess, I mean she was beautiful but he couldn't just fall in love with her. Besides, Michael had his mate. " I mean yes, it's her birthday, Michael."

Michael's lips were set in a straight line. Silent. Pondering at what he could do to see her smile at him like that. Could they be happy with each other? Would everything be different if they were the same or even if they were human? What would be the difference then?

" I mean in general does she seem happy around her people?" Michael stressed.

Eli scrunched his nose as his eye twitched as he huffed , " I don't know Michael, I just met her tonight and you want me to do a psych evaluation. Like I'm already tired being around you much less focusing on the Princess."

Michael sighed as he did not receive an ouch of help nor clarification. He didn't think he would with any of his decisions. He would just have to figure it out. He guessed.

Eli broke his thoughts when he threw his arms over his shoulder as he leaned in, " Don't worry about her, tonight we enjoy the adventures of youth."

" You lightweight." Michael shared as he shook him off.

" I am not. Besides, I'm not even drunk." Eli defended himself as he stood straight.

"I wish I had brought Ace instead." Michael joked as Eli opened his mouth wide as he touched his chest. Ace was the last part to the trio. The last piece to the puzzle.He was a loud foul mouthed, overly confident, brooding tan-skinned,hazel eyes attracted attention of all females regardless of species, promiscuous of an ass who was their best friend. Currently he resided back at the wolf residence as he was recovering from a horrible flu.

" I am offended that you prefer that scoundrel over this angelic being that puts up with your bullshit." Eli said tartly as Michael finally broke his serious face.No, but seriously how dare he. After all he did for this man, yes his childhood best friend,the least he would want is gratitude.

" At least he would be frolicing around instead of talking nonsense." Michael smirked as he hit Eli's wolf pride as his chartreuse eyes glowed.

" Alright, alright. A challenge I see. Show me what you got." Eli said as he rubbed his hands together. Michael tilted his head pondering the million things he could tempt or hopeful Eli would follow through with as he thought of a perfect idea for his friend to begin finding another mate.

" Fine, you have to conceive any female here to kiss you." Michael added as Eli blood ran cold.

" You son of a….." Eli trailed off as Michael cocked his brow almost forgetting who he was offending. He placed his hands to his lips as he looked in deep thought.

" I never said you had to. I guess you just are not up to the challenge." Michael shrugged his shoulders as he took a sip of his drink as Eli squinted his eyes at him. They had a stand still until Eli hanged his head.

" Just this once. I'll show you… Pain in my ass." Eli stated as he walked off.