
A Throne of Shadow and Thorns

Brianna and Michael were natural born enemies. He was an Prince Alpha wolf and she was the Princess of Vampires. However, after centuries of battle both are tired of endless war. What will happen as they figure they are destined to be mates? Will they reject one another? Or give fate a chance while betraying their kingdoms? " I don't hate you Michael." Brianna confessed as she looked into his ocean eyes as Michael's furrowed his brow. " What? You were born to hate me. And I was born to hate you." Michael stated the obvious. " Trust me I tried, but no matter what I did I couldn't bring myself to hate you." Brianna said as she look at the floor. " Damn do you how long you driven me crazy." " Excuse me-." Bri was interrupted as he placed his soft tender lips on hers. " I love you." Michael said as they parted. Also working on: Ex Mafia Boss turned into Mafia’s Boss Mommy?!?

Elysian1233 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3- The Proposal

Chapter 3- The Proposal

Days had passed since the First visited Michael. He stood at the peak of the hill as he watched over the wolves from young ones to the betas, deltas, omegas train as they did in case of an attack. However instead of focusing on their training his mind slipped to that day.

As he was walking back from his usual training duties drained and carrying his shirt in his hand with his glistening tan muscle body as he stepped inside the comfort of his quarters as he slowly took his shirt off when he felt a presence looking. He turned around to meet the same violet eyes he had met before as he towered over her. Upon further inspection he scented

" Hello, Prince Michael. Trying to be the playboy and seduce me." The first spoke flirtatiously as Michael quickly threw his shirt back on as he bowed his head. What was she doing here? I mean he had expected her from prior news but why in his bedroom? Couldn't she just meet him in the hall like a normal person? Which further begged the question why did she see him in his room unless she wanted to talk about things she did not want others to hear.

" The First, It is an honor to see you." Michael spoke out of reverence as he lifted his head.

" Trust me the pleasure is all me." The First insisted as her purple eyes glistened with mischief that gleamed as she used what appeared to be a silver encrusted staff as she continued, " Let me cut to the chase, I have already talked to their Majesties both Vampires and Wolves alike to make sure the transition of the peace treaty goes easily."

Michael's mind shifted to his mother's words lingered in his mind, " Oh that's just pure entertainment. We'll act peaceful for a while before attacking them." He knew this already. Even if he contradicted it, what could he do? He was a prince not a King. Moreover, going against his father's will would only make his father disappointed in him.

" I know your parents' plans about the deceit." She began as Michael's eyes widened as he looked at her. " You're not the only ones the Vampires do too. However this is what I explained to Princess Brianna. You two can achieve much more as queen and king of each respected land than the current rulers."

" You spoke to the Princess about this as well?" Michael questioned as he stood leaning on the wall.

" Oh well yes. The Princess and you are very vital in making sure this treaty is successful for once and for all."

" And what did she say?"

" She didn't give me a response, however she does not harbor hatred towards your kind, nor do you to them. Your supposed hatred was taught and generation after generation this hatred was instilled however not from the heart. Yes, I suppose there are many who loved their loved ones to them however you did the same. You took fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, mothers, children, and families from them." She expressed as she looked everywhere else but him, as Michael eyebrows perked up as ceases formed in his head.

Michael never considered this. He always thought they were monsters, the worst of existence, the creation that is damned and cursed yet the wolves were no different. They slaughter without hesitation nor thought. They just wanted justice. They wanted payback. They wanted them to feel the pain of losing someone you love. Seeing the pain in their eyes when they took away the most precious people to them.How were they any different?

" But I do believe this can stop." The first continued as Michael turned his eyes on her. " You are different, not just in your sentiment or thoughts, but in power. You are a true alpha, your power over others is influential. I believe that you know this, and others as well, however you aren't displaying your true power. I wonder why?"

The first tilted her head as these small gestures made her appear younger, more childlike than the older wise woman she portrayed.

Michael felt his throat close as the hair on the back on his neck stood up. How did she know? The embarrassment, the pity of his existence that he attempted to scarce away. He built his reputation, his image to be everything that thing inside him that he was not. The thing he was having a nightmare about as he would slashed the throats of the innocent and his own without thought. Without hesitation. Without fear, because he was the thing to fear. His own reflection disgusted him at times. Michael never told his secret, he knew if he did he would be deemed a monster. He knew of this part of his since he was born. The thing that lurked in him, that he wanted no one to see. One he wished he never would have to come to use.

"No matter, but I need to make sure I can depend on you two. You two are the future, especially yours." The first expressed as she grinned ear to ear.

" What does this have to do with me?" Michael questioned as he crossed his arms as he scanned her face. She knew nothing of him, yet she knew everything. But what concerns could involve him personally?

" Correct me if I am wrong, but this is about your beloved." The first exposed as Michael's mouth fell silently ajar. His heart raced, his mind unclear and sensitive about his love that he had pondered about for so long. The questions that ran through his mind, the fear of what he did know but did not want to accept. Was it true?

"I don't understand what this has to do with her." Michael said bemusedly. Denying or playing in denial of her acknowledgement. It was bad enough his mind was playing tricks but there was no way that the First could know such things. She was a witch not God.

" I think you do. Your mate is not mortal or human. Not a siren, hunter, leopard, banshee, or whatever else. That leaves only one option. The people who you supposedly despise….. A vampire." The first assured as Michael's thoughts had been proven true.

Michael had bitten his lip out of the betrayal he knew deeply was already true. He had been aware of this possibility since his last conversation with her. Although he did not want to admit it, he was in love with his enemy.

" No worries, it won't matter if you take a stand to make sure there is peace. Then you and your beloved can live freely as King and Queen Of Wolves. But only if you do your part. Alas, I'm tired, I'm growing old as the intermediate so I hope before I die that I can get your answer. Until then Au revoir!" The first exclaimed as she turned to the way as she dispersed into birds as Michael was left alone.

He wiped the blood from his lip as he walked over and slammed his fist into his desk and collapsed into two.

" Fuck!" He hissed as his mind blacken as the adrenaline rushed through his veins as he felt for the first time clueless and helpless in his life. He was alone for such a long time, and for the first time he felt the little piece of love he awaited for could be torn away from him because she was the enemy. Could he choose loyalty to his pack and family over his love? Denying himself for once the one selfish thing he wanted, and desired. Or choosing his love over his family? Cutting out the people he loved, cared for, laughed with and passed through hard times just for love. The love that he was destined to be with. He could always reject her but he could never be as happy as with anyone else. He could try but would it be the same? But shouldn't he give them a chance first?

Michael blinked as he recalled the endless loop of thoughts, and decisions he needed to make. He breathed in the clear crisp fresh air provided by the natural scenery. The rugged and uneven mountains, the valleys that steeped high and low as the fresh wood and musky scent of the woods. All of it was his home. All of it would no one day be his territory to rule, to rule with his Queen. His Queen. Who would be his queen? There was no doubt she is not what people expect. He didn't even expect it. But who was he to judge just because she was a vampire. What if she could change her and make her become accepted? He shook his head. Michael did not want to change his mate, she was perfect the way she was.

Once again his mind shifted as he muttered, " With Princess Brianna I can achieve more." His heart skipped a beat as he placed a hand over his chest. Why did his chest just do that? She was the Princess of Vampires. He's number one enemy. Yet the mention of her name made his heart go wild.

" Calm down. It's not vampire dating central. Just because you're a mate is one." He added as he looked over his shoulder as he sensed his Beta as Eli walked up to him

"Hey." Michael stated dryly as he turned his head to Eli and back to the tribe.

" Hey?!" Eli guessed as he looked around. " First time you talked to me first in a while."

Michael shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, " Any news?"

" There is always news. I feel like a dog fetching a bone from a human and giving it to another." Eli explained as he sat down.

" Well, wolves are descendants of dogs and you are my second in command. So you know everything before I do just in case you know to take charge." Michael affirmed as he sat down next to him as Eli shook his head.

" I still don't like being a dog, but it's confirmed. Their Majesties of the Vampire Clan will hold a ball for both vampires and wolves alike."

" When?"

" In a few weeks exactly on the Princess's birthday. I believe it's on -"

" January 28." They said in conjunction as Eli's eyes widened as he pondered at his friends' knowledge.

" How did you know that?" Eli asked as Michael chuckled as he examined his alpha attitude and personality, which he had come to admire as he was a discipline leader.

" You know, I am a prince. I've done my studies, and read history on the lineage of the royal families." Michael lied as he had no idea how he knew that date, he just blurted it out as the date seemed for the utmost importance or familiarity. He guessed the Princess could help him after all.

" R-right. I sometimes forget that, your royal highness." Eli mocked as Michael put him in a headlock. " Wait, I didn't even say anything bad." Eli attempted to get out but Michael overpowered him.

Michael gave a deep heartily laugh, one he had not experienced in a very long time as Eli rushed to rearrange his hair as he gave a small smile .Eli knew that Michael barely had time to enjoy his own life and pastimes as he had to take charge, be leader,plan, strategies as everyone enjoyed their life. However he didn't have the same luxury, being born prince many individuals assume you have it all. That you are set for life without having any expectations. Which is partially true, but you carry the expectations of being a good King, surpassing your predecessors, finding a Queen for your people. A Queen who not only loves her people, but loves him as well. Everyone knows that you are born with a mate, one person who is your other half. The person that creates a perfect union of two. That compliments and opposes at the same time your ideas, thoughts,and beliefs.

However, there were cases where mates could reject the other which allows the individual to find another person and create their own path of happiness but it will never be as fulfilling. And there had been other occasions where mates had died before they mate which would cause the mark to turn grayish signifying the end of their existence. Which in Eli's case had unfortunately seemed true, not because of the unrest of the vampires and enemies. To his regret he could not blame them nor himself. His mate had killed herself. He had no idea she was sad or that something was wrong. She always carried a beauty as nothing could surpass her. But he was wrong as one day while he had returned from getting food, he entered their bedroom as she was. He believed she was asleep as he noticed an unfamiliar smell as well as he could not sense her heartbeat. A mate could always sense their other. Regardless, them being happy, or in pain. But as he near he noticed she was not her regular pinkish hue, no, no she was pale white, her lips almost purplish. She was still, too still her chest did not rise or fall. He lightly shook her to wake her up, but she stayed. He shook her so much but she didn't wake up.

" Marzia ." He called out.

" Marzia! Marzia!" He yelled in urgency , he shook her roughly as she remained the same. As he saw her drooped hand over the right side of the bed as he his eyes shifted to the floor as he noticed a small glass vile. He swiftly picked it up as he neared his nose to the vile wondering what it consisted of when the smell burned through his lungs as he felt his skin shattered as he threw the vile across the room.

That scent that had haunted him for so long. It was his weakness. The very thing that could kill him if he even attempted to touch.It was wolfs bane.His eyes widened as he knew in that exact moment what she had done.

" NOOOOOO! NO! NO! Please Marzia, Please! Speak. Say something!" He trembled as his body shook with sadness and rage.

Eli was knocked out of his painful memory as he felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked over to see his friend Michael.

" Pennies for your thoughts, my friend." Michael offered as he looked into his chartreuse eyes.

" It's nothing." Eli lied as Michael chuckled.

" You're a horrible liar. " Michael said as he attempted to be defensive.

" Michael, don't-."

" It's about her. Eli it's not your fault, no matter how many times you believe if you paid more attention. She will be here." Michael empathized as Eli clenched his jaw as he focused on the grass.

" You don't get it. I believed she was happy. I thought I could make her happy. I would give her all the comfort she needed. To be there when no one else was. To be the one she would have a shoulder to cry on. The person she could bare her soul too without having to be scared of judgement.

" But, Eli, you still had her. You loved her and she loved you. You were so lucky to have shared and spent some part of your lives together." Michael comforted him.

" Still it wasn't forever. How can I live knowing I never see her again? She was supposed to be the one."

" I understand, Eli. Your one true mate, however, would be so bad if not now, not even soon, but one day in the future you can love again. Even if she is not your beloved. You can still love. You can have another mate. Give yourself permission to still love Marzia while loving someone new."

" That's not possible. It would be betrayal."

" Betrayal to whom? You just plan to be lonely and live seeing others in love, lamenting a love that had its course and refusing to be happy."

" You don't understand!" Eli raised his voice as he grabbed his head. " You do not have a mate!" Eli's eyes widened as he realized the weight of his words, knowing he overstepped and overspoke out of emotion as he anticipated a smack across the face. As he peek at Michael who remained unfazed. Now Eli was more scared than ever. Eli never screamed at Michael. He never screamed at anyone. It wasn't in his character. Was he going to die? As he opened his mouth to speak Michael beat him to it.

" You are right. I do not understand the loss of my beloved, I could not possibly bear it." Michael paused as he looked off to the distance, "Although I have been alone for two hundred years I always pondered if I will ever meet her. How when I see everyone else and their mate. I ask myself will I ever be lucky enough to experience that with my love. With being so occupied with my responsibilities and being an alpha. Part of me who will always be, I thought there is no way there could ever be someone in my life. So after a couple of decades I accepted the fact I would be alone even though I had this mark saying otherwise. Until one day, I got this feeling that I wasn't so lonely. I had my parents, my sister, my group, and even you. So life wasn't so bad without my beloved."

Eli felt deeply touched as he never heard or thought of his alpha. Someone who is supposed to be the epitome of a male figure would convey such emotions. He knew he overspoke as he had seen Michael since childhood alone.He would put the safety of others and his people before any personal desire.He never spoke, always remaining quiet if something bothered him or not. Although he was very blunt, he never knew what to expect of Michael just that he would always be there. However he never questioned if someone would be there for Michael? Michael never seemed concerned with the topic of love even though he knew he craved it like an individual would.

" Hey!" Michael called out as Eli met his eyes. " Stop thinking so much or your brain will shrink."

Eli chuckled at this comment, knowing that Michael just wanted the best for him. So that he could be the best beta for their people.

' Isn't it, stop thinking so much or your brain will explode?' Eli joked in a serious tone as Michael shook his head.

" You're so annoying. It seems like you're the prince instead of me." Michael sneered as he kicked the dirt.

" Oh no, your Royal Highness I could never rock the crown." Eli stood up as he knew what he was doing.

" Run." Michael stated as he stood up as they both converted into wolves as he ran after him into the endless woods.


Brianna looked down at the piece of parchment she had written as she recalled the events with the First.Her hand had gone off course as she scribbled illegatement as she rolled her eyes and crumpled the piece of paper in her hands as they evaporated to ash.

" Shit, that was the fifth time writing this invitation for the Prince." Brianna sighed as she attempted to convey the letter personally, to add a more sentimental and status of peace and friendship. She decided to take a break as a loud rumble came from her stomach. " Perfect timing."

Brianna stood up as she made her way to the dining hall where her parents had conveniently arrived as well as they sat down.

" I guess we really are family." Silas joked as he looked at his daughter.

" I believe it's like connected telepathy." Lucia added as she rubbed her neck.

" Or how our body functions when we are hungry." Brianna smiled as her parents chuckled.

" Always the outcast, my daughter." Silas made known as the servers walked in with the golden plates as they placed them down in front of each royal as they uncapped them revealing fresh medium rare steak with green salad on the side.

" Well that was decided by you guys since I'm half-breed. So I took no part in that." Brianna grinned as she started eating. As she could joke about her particularity as it didn't bother her much only when people attempted to degrade her for it.

" That is love my dear. I did not care if your mother was mortal and a witch at that. Even though many opposed included my father and mother. I married your mother still because she was my mate, my forever after." Silas expressed as he had sparkling eyes as he looked at Lucia who offered her hand as he took it.

This interaction between her parents warmed the deepest parts of her soul. Her father and mother were always loving. She was raised with the perfect family as they loved, protected, and defended her. Thus, why the accusation and defames of vampires being cold hearted and emotionless irked her as these were lies told by wolves and other creatures themselves to come and hate vampire kind. But if they would ever see a vampire bond between a mother and child or a vampire with their mate, they were the same. Craving for love and adapting to love.

" I swear to the heavens, you mother and father are perfect." Brianna claimed as she reached her hands out as they were interlaced by her father's and mother's .

" And out of our perfect love we were blessed with you." Mother began, " When I found out I was with child, I was perplexed. I didn't expect it to be possible because of my lack of knowledge of vampire procreation but knowing it was possible I told your father right away. He immediately thought it was a boy." Mother looked at him as he gave a sheepish smile.

" Well, yes. I mean it just I knew the possibility of a daughter was so rare and slim I just automatically thought of a boy. But that does mean I was not happy when the leopard told us." Silas explained himself. It was a known fact that female vampire babies were extremely rare compared to males. This mostly affected the area of reproduction as males tended to have a mate outside of their species.

" I would say he cried tears of joy out of the news." Mother exposed as Brianna giggled.

" Alright, alright. I do admit it. But on the topic of love." Silas began as Lucia and himself paused eating as their gaze became serious.

" Why are you two looking at me like that?" Brianna gulped as she wondered if Adelaide told her parents of her secret. No, Adelaide was too loyal. Besides she had used sacred word binding so she would possibly die before confessing her secret. " I haven't sensed my mate yet."

" We know." Lucia acknowledged as she turned to face her father as Brianna did the same.

" But there are rumors of someone who does." Silas began as Brianna clenched the fork and knife as her heart ran laps. She was so screwed if they found out her secret. They would disown her as their daughter and probably be sent to the human world without hearing from them or anyone else in the magical world.

" What are you-." Brianna was cut off by her mother as her eyes darted between the two.

" You have a mate and a proposal." Lucia announced as Brianna let out a tiny faint gasp as the metal clinked against the plate.

" Come again." Brianna said in a soft shaky voice as the possibility of that rumor being true was very miniscule.

Lucia and Silas looked at one another as smiles crept upon their faces.

" You have a mate and a proposal. I believe we have finally found him." Lucia repeated as her eyes glimmered for her daughter's future marriage.

" Who is he?" Brianna questioned as she thought this to be false.

"It's the Archduke's son Ambrose." Silas inputted as he leaned forward with his elbows on the table.

" Ambrose?" Brianna asked as she wondered why she felt nothing. The name did seem familiar to her. However, she felt as if they had just spoken a stranger's name. Brianna did not feel the same way as she felt when she heard her beloved voice. She felt nothing as she lingered on the name.

" Yes, you probably do not remember because you were so young but we would go to the duke's mansion when you were younger and you would play with Ambrose all day long. Of course at the time neither of us had thought of a mate for both of you. However as I have memorized your mark, and from what I heard of Ambrose's mark they are the same." Silas beamed as his eyes became golden. Full of expectation and hopefulness.

Brianna wanted to say this was impossible as she could not recall in her memories of such days but she was certain Ambrose was not her mate. She carefully chose her words as she spoke, " So what will happen?"

" You will meet him." Mother advised.

" When?" Brianna asked.

" In a few weeks, at your birthday ball. It would be perfect timing." Lucia emitted as Silas nodded.

" But what if it's not him?" Brianna inquired as she perked her brow as she looked at her parents.

" Then nothing will happen, but rest assured we are ninety nine percent sure." Her father said with confidence as he leaned back into his chair.

" And if I'm not ready to marry?" Brianna wanted to know if they would force her.

" He would obviously have to wait until you are." Lucia affirmed as Brianna let out an internal sigh as she continued, " Just as your father did. I did not let him have me easily."

" Oh no you did not." Silas agreed as he thought of the past. " Being a witch your mother was overly confident and did not even give me a bit to chew off."

" So what changed that?" Brianna mused.

" One day your father became gravely ill infected with silver in his blood." Lucia confessed as her eyes softened as she recollected as Brianna put a hand under her chin as she became enchanted, " I never cared so deeply about him before. However when I realized how I came to be used to him and all his odd shenanigans. I cried thinking about how he always looked out for me, and got infected because of me and I simply never cared. It was then I knew I loved him when I realised I would miss him and the world would not be the same if he would be gone."

" And how did you get cured, dad?"

He shook his head as he ran his fingers through his brunette locks as he answered, " It was some technically your mother figured out with some spell."

Brianna's mind had lingered to one thing as she mentioned, " Father would you still have loved mother if she were a wolf?"

His forehead creased as he responded, " What makes you ask such a question?"

" I was thinking, you don't know who your mate is until you meet them. So what if you had met my mother and instead of a witch she was a wolf. What would you have done?"

Her father remained quiet as he seemed to weigh out his logic as he spoke a few moments afterwards, " Unfortunately I would have had to reject her. Although being my mate and beloved I would choose my family, my people always and forever rather than love. My duty is to my people. And I would have to choose someone right for my people."

Not surprising. Not even one bit. Brianna nodded as she had already known his answer before he spoke.

" Thankfully that wasn't the case." Silas said with a smile as he grabbed her mother's hand and placed a kiss upon it.

Brianna blushed at this sweet gesture as they proceeded to talk about other things as the subject of her mate, and marriage was never mentioned again.

After the dinner, Brianna had felt quite full yet so empty and confused at the same time. Once she arrived at her room she collapsed face up on her Brianna as she felt the softness of the mattress support her. The only comforting thing. Brianna looked at the ceiling as she sighed. She had asked her father that question in hopes that he would say something different, but she knew him. So his answer had not fully surprised her but still she wanted someone to understand. But no one did because they did not understand the situation she was in. She just could abandon her mate because he was a wolf. That was utterly stupid. Yet, she wondered if he contemplated the same thing? Did he even know she was a vampire, well half vampire but that made no difference as she was the Princess of Vampires. Would he be disgusted and reject her?

" Goodness, I hope not." Brianna muttered under her breath as she forced herself up as she walked to the window as she looked at the crescent moon. She closed her eyes, as she steadied her heart as she breathed in and out as she opened her eyes as she stared at the moon and the moon back at her. There was something so comforting about it. The moon her perfect self that illuminated the night clearing the path for everything in darkness. She felt safe, and engulfed in warmness as she stared off into the night sky.