
a thousand thorns for you

Title: A Thousand Thorns for You Synopsis: In the enchanting realm of the bustling marketplace, Daisy, a spirited rogue with a penchant for mischief, crosses paths with Prince Dylan and his loyal companion, Kindsley. Their second meeting sparks a playful rivalry, leading to a daring wager: if Daisy can secure the coveted role of Prince Dylan's personal maid, she emerges victorious. As Daisy embraces the challenge, she unwittingly becomes the focus of Kindsley's hidden affections. Amidst the whispers of courtly intrigue and the allure of forbidden romance, Daisy finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and desire. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of palace life, Daisy's journey becomes a delicate balancing act between duty and desire. Along the way, she discovers the stirrings of her own heart, drawn towards Prince Dylan, whose own feelings for her deepen with each passing day. Set against a backdrop of magic and romance, A Thousand Thorns for You is a tale of love, loyalty, and the thorny path to self-discovery, where every choice comes with a price.

irene_isABC · Fantasy
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50 Chs

shimmer and shine!

She was going to do what she had to do, hehe she laughs like a hooligan and not like a lady at all, her joyful chuckle echoing through the bustling market like a playful sprite, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

She wasn't a Saint or an angel, already she was just planning to rob the jewelry man and have fun with him, her mind whirling with excitement.

And now she has someone to share in the thrill - Claudia!

Drawing back from her thoughts, Daisy's face softened, her smile radiating warmth and kindness as she gestured to Claudia. Her slender hand, adorned with delicate fingers and a sparkling crystal bracelet, beckoned the little girl to hide behind the majestic stone pillar.

The pillar's intricate carvings shimmered with a subtle magic, its surface adorned with delicate butterfly wings and glittering crystals that refracted the light, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the ground.

"Hey Claudia, could you just wait here for me? I'll be back, I promise, and I'll come help you," Daisy cooed, her voice as sweet as honey and rose petals. Her words dripped with sincerity, her gentle tone putting even the most skeptical of souls at ease.

Claudia nodded eagerly, her bright blue eyes sparkling like diamonds in the dim light. She rushed to hide behind the pillar, her small frame disappearing into the shadows like a tiny woodland creature seeking refuge.

Seeing this, Daisy's face lit up with a radiant smile, her eyes shining like stars on a clear night.

She was a vision in her stunning red gown, the fabric flowing like a river of fire, its delicate embroidery shimmering like gold in the torchlight.

The gown hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her beauty and grace. With a final glance at Claudia's hiding spot, Daisy disappeared elegantly into the crowd, her red gown billowing behind her like a fiery cloud, leaving Claudia to wait in anticipation.


Emerald green eyes, piercing and intense, locked onto the jewelry seller, their gaze mesmerizing like a serpent's stare.

The seller, oblivious to the danger lurking before him, continued to arrange his treasures, unaware of the cunning thief lurking in plain sight.

Pale feet, adorned with pink nails, moved with feline grace, each step silent as a whisper.

The slender fingers, tipped with silver nails, darted from one jewelry piece to another, swift as a mouse snatching crumbs.

Red jewels, blue sapphires, and crimson gems sparkled in the light, enticing the thief's gaze.

With lightning-fast reflexes, she snatched the jewels, her thoughts racing with excitement.

A ruby necklace disappeared, followed by a sapphire bracelet and a crimson diamond ring. The seller, still none the wiser, continued to display his wares, unaware that his precious treasures were vanishing before his very eyes.

If he had known, he would have erupted like an angry gorilla, fierce and unstoppable. His face would have turned beet red, his eyes blazing with fury, as he lunged at the thief with a mighty roar. But for now, he remained blissfully ignorant, a sheep awaiting the slaughter

The thief's emerald eyes gleamed with triumph, her cunning and agility leaving the seller bewildered and bereft. She was a master of her craft, a ghost who struck without warning, leaving behind only the faintest whisper of her presence. And with one final glance, she vanished into the crowd, her loot clutched tightly in her hand, leaving the poor jeweler to his ignorance.


The sound of footsteps echoed through the bustling market, growing louder with each passing moment.

"Dank D... Drank Dank" announced Daisy's arrival, her silver bracelets jingling like a melodic warning bell. She burst into view, her vibrant red gown flowing behind her like a fiery river, her emerald green eyes sparkling like gemstones in the sunlight.

Claudia, hiding behind a pillar adorned with shining color stones and a butterfly pattern, peeked out with wide eyes, her British accent sweet as honey,

"Thank you, madam."

Daisy's warm smile, showcasing her white teeth and strawberry-shining crystal lips, put the little girl at ease.

As they stood amidst the vibrant market, the scent of exotic spices and fresh bread wafted through the air, mingling with the sound of merchants calling out their wares.

Daisy's gaze, however, was fixed on Claudia, her thoughts racing with concern. This little girl, clutching a handful of precious jewels, was a vulnerable target for thieves.

How would she exchange them for money without falling prey to danger?

With a gentle touch, Daisy took Claudia's hand, her emerald eyes warming with kindness. "Little girl, come let me help you get this into coins," she said, her voice a soothing melody. they navigated the crowded market together, Daisy's guiding hand offered a sense of security, her presence a protective shield against the unknown dangers lurking in the shadows.

I never try to make my characters look like pure Angels

neither do I plan to whitewash them

I just give them the two face of every human

irene_isABCcreators' thoughts