
a thousand thorns for you

Title: A Thousand Thorns for You Synopsis: In the enchanting realm of the bustling marketplace, Daisy, a spirited rogue with a penchant for mischief, crosses paths with Prince Dylan and his loyal companion, Kindsley. Their second meeting sparks a playful rivalry, leading to a daring wager: if Daisy can secure the coveted role of Prince Dylan's personal maid, she emerges victorious. As Daisy embraces the challenge, she unwittingly becomes the focus of Kindsley's hidden affections. Amidst the whispers of courtly intrigue and the allure of forbidden romance, Daisy finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and desire. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of palace life, Daisy's journey becomes a delicate balancing act between duty and desire. Along the way, she discovers the stirrings of her own heart, drawn towards Prince Dylan, whose own feelings for her deepen with each passing day. Set against a backdrop of magic and romance, A Thousand Thorns for You is a tale of love, loyalty, and the thorny path to self-discovery, where every choice comes with a price.

irene_isABC · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Erica! Me friend!

Standing at the money exchanger's counter, Daisy placed the jewels on the worn wooden surface, their sparkle drawing the attention of Rose, the money exchanger. Her eyes narrowed, suspicion etched on her face, "Where did you get all these quality jewels from?" she asked, her voice firm but curious.

Daisy smiled like an angel, her lips curling upwards, "Just do your work, Rose. It's not your deal." Her smile deepened, her eyes glinting with amusement.

Rose raised an eyebrow, "You've done it again, Daisy." Her tone was laced with a mix of annoyance and admiration.

Daisy raised her head like a peacock, her chin held high, "Yes, I have." Her smirk was unmistakable, her confidence radiant.

Rose shot her a glare, "Shameless!" But Daisy just smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "Thank you, Rose."

As they completed the transaction, Daisy took the money and walked away with Claudia, who looked up at her with innocent eyes, "What was the mam talking about?"

Daisy looked down at her, a gentle smile on her face, "Nothing important, dear. Now, Chou Chou, go to your mommy and cure her." Claudia waved goodbye and walked away, calling out, "Thank you, Daisy Mam!"

Daisy smiled, her eyes shining with warmth, as she watched Claudia disappear into the crowd.


her feet crunched on the gravelly road as she walked towards Erica's house, her heart filled with anticipation. The warm sunlight cast a golden glow on the scene, illuminating the vibrant wildflowers that lined the path. The air was alive with the sweet scent of blooming lavender and the gentle hum of bees.

As she approached the cozy cottage, Daisy's eyes landed on the charming name tag "Jade Haven" etched in elegant script, surrounded by delicate vines and tiny shells. The wooden door, adorned with a wreath of dried flowers and ribbons, creaked as she pushed it open.

Inside, the living room was a haven of warmth and comfort, filled with plush cushions, soft blankets, and the soothing aroma of freshly baked cookies. Erica sat on a comfortable armchair, her curly brown hair tied up in a loose bun, and her bright green eyes sparkling as she concentrated on her netting. The soft clickety-clack of the needles and the gentle rustle of the yarn created a soothing melody.

Daisy's voice burst forth, "Hey Eric..." she exclaimed, her words trailing off as she took in the peaceful atmosphere and Erica's serene expression. The scene was a masterful blend of warmth, comfort, and the joy of reconnecting with a dear friend. .


Erica looked up, her eyes locking onto Daisy's, and a bright smile spread across her face. "Daisy! It's been ages!" she exclaimed, setting aside her netting and opening her arms for a warm embrace.

Erica's face burst with joy, her eyes sparkling like diamonds as she playfully scolded, "Daisy, you never came to see me! I'm so sad!" She pouted, her lips jutting out in a comical sulk, her voice dripping with exaggerated drama.

Daisy fell for the act, her expression sympathetic, "Aww, Erica, no! I've been wanting to see you! You don't know how much I do want to!" She flailed her arms, playing along with the charade.

Erica chuckled, her laughter like a gentle breeze, "I see. Well, take a seat and let's chat." She parted the cushions beside her, inviting Daisy to sit.

As Daisy settled in, Erica's expression turned teasing, "You're so kind, Erica," she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Erica smirked, her eyes twinkling, "No, it's a small deal for a friend." She waved her hand dismissively, her smile calm and reassuring.

Daisy's face lit up with excitement, "So, how are you?" She asked, her voice bubbly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Erica's expression turned serious, her brow furrowing, "Well, something happened..." She sighed, her voice trailing off, leaving Daisy eager for more.

Daisy's eyes widened, her voice bursting with excitement, "Well, tell me!" She urged, her body leaning in, her heart racing with anticipation.

Erica slightly mumbled," well it's about my husband...."she began and trailing of.

Daisy, curious urged"go on" she really wants to know the problem as she started thinking about it