
a thousand thorns for you

Title: A Thousand Thorns for You Synopsis: In the enchanting realm of the bustling marketplace, Daisy, a spirited rogue with a penchant for mischief, crosses paths with Prince Dylan and his loyal companion, Kindsley. Their second meeting sparks a playful rivalry, leading to a daring wager: if Daisy can secure the coveted role of Prince Dylan's personal maid, she emerges victorious. As Daisy embraces the challenge, she unwittingly becomes the focus of Kindsley's hidden affections. Amidst the whispers of courtly intrigue and the allure of forbidden romance, Daisy finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and desire. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of palace life, Daisy's journey becomes a delicate balancing act between duty and desire. Along the way, she discovers the stirrings of her own heart, drawn towards Prince Dylan, whose own feelings for her deepen with each passing day. Set against a backdrop of magic and romance, A Thousand Thorns for You is a tale of love, loyalty, and the thorny path to self-discovery, where every choice comes with a price.

irene_isABC · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Looking for safe zone: a cute Ace , grumpy Ace

" What the shenanigans in my foxy self!"

Ace shrieked in annoyance.

"Daisy let Tera catch some birds for me and not show you some fancy cool weapons! I want my birds! birds !birds !birds!!!"

He yelled expressing his annoyance.

He just and really wants to eat a delicious luminawing bird but

No Daisy was there distracting Tera with talks about weapons!

Doesn't she want him to eat the luminawing bird ….

In thoughts of this,his fox eyes narrowed giving Daisy a strange look.

Daisy that was still talking with Tera about weapons, was not listening but got the feeling that someone was giving her a threatening look.

She turned to Ace racing her brow

Meaning *what the hell does he wants*

"Come on now Ace whatt! , what do you want " she couldn't help but ask

It was as if she had done something wrong without knowing.

"You are asking .. are you really asking me huh Daisy "he says in a sarcastic tone , narrowing his eyes

"You really are asking me what my problem is. Well let me tell you daiseeee !"

He walks up to her bringing his face up close, like a threatening knife.

"Iiiii wantttt toooo eatttt luminawingggggg birdddddd and Tera ! Is going to get it for me and you so are on the way missy"

He says trying to look threading but forgetting that he was in her arms and presently he looked like a pet making a fuss to its owner*so cute*

"ha I seee some mister here wants to eat some birds ha " she says in a lazy tone patting his head softly making him to look drowsy.Ace was Looking extra cute she couldn't help but spoil him.

" No Daisy stop ….. I see that you are trying to distract me and I'm not..

…. Falling …. For it" he struggled with his words as he was enjoying himself lost in her seductive soothing strokes.

"Daisy I really want a luminawing bird….." he muttered , making his gorgeous face extremely cute.

Daisy felt like she could die from the cuteness, making her heart melt.

"Okay Ace anything for you …. Anything for you.."

She waved her hand as the jewels on her wrist dangled as a group of luminawing birds fell from the sky.

Ace saw this,his eyes almost popped out.

*Sooo much luminawing birds,Soo much ,fooood*

His mouth was drooling ,his eyes were shining with visual stars..

So many birds and it was all for him!

His heart couldn't help but get any happier.

"Daisy. I didn't get to do anything . Why didn't you let me be the one to get some luminawing birds for him ".

Tera watched everything from the sideline and couldn't help but get annoyed and asked.

She promised to get a luminawing bird for Ace but now Daisy stole her spot ,she wanted to showcase her great archery skills.

"Um sorry Tera ,it was ace he was being so persistent and extra cute and I couldn't help it"

Daisy explained,with an awkward apologetic smile on her face.

She didn't know that it really meant a lot to Tera in wanting to help Ace .

It was her bad that she couldn't see and too late her friend got mad.

" ah it's okay I forgive Ace but next time you want food come to me alright "

Tera accepted her apologies and turned to Ace in a commanding tone.

"What ever ,as long as there's food for me"

Ace expressed her uninterestedness as he happily focused on enjoying his food.

Daisy sensed that the atmosphere was weird and she awkwardly stood there between them with an awkward smile not knowing what to do.

*Seriously, why is Tera so upset about this little thing and Ace? She had no time to think of what his problem was ,she was shocked just in five minutes the cute Ace was gone and Mr grumpy Ace was back!*

"Guys it's getting dark I think we should look for a place and rest for the night"

Coming back to her senses ,she says to her friends.

She was worried of what danger they could encounter if they kept going and not being able to watch out for unknown danger that might come.

"Yea you're right Daisy ,we really should look for a place to rest for the night "

Tera agreed with her.

She also thought that it was safer if they took a rest in the forest than going any deeper in the dark .

"Ace come on boy let's search for a place that is safe ,make your nose useful"

Daisy, already looking around, gestured to Ace.

Ace on the other hand had a weird look on his face

"What did you say Daisy" he asked

"I said make your nose useful" Daisy gave a response,, using the exact words that gave him the weird look .

"Am I dog to you ,do I look like that damn dog laughfy,you want me to use my nose like a dog"

His face crunched like a boiled potato .

Offensive,he thought it was offensive,how can she compare him ,Ace the majestic fox for a dog! And she wants him to use his nose like a damn mango!

"Yea you heard me right I said make your nose useful" Daisy repeated herself, shrugging her shoulders.

It does not concern her what he thinks. Right now they need to look for a safe place where there are no predators .

Him being temperamental and prideful,it doesn't bother her now , there is no time to pet him , maybe that will be later.

"Ah Ace if you don't want to be eaten by a lion you better make yourself useful"

She explained to him with a sigh, Making sure she didn't mention the word that would offset him.

"Well for your respectful request , I shall assist you "

As expected he was pleased with what she said and went on the search for a safe zone .

He needs to work hard him too don't want to get eaten by a lion ,he sighs it will be a disgrace to his wolf fox clan.