
a thousand thorns for you

Title: A Thousand Thorns for You Synopsis: In the enchanting realm of the bustling marketplace, Daisy, a spirited rogue with a penchant for mischief, crosses paths with Prince Dylan and his loyal companion, Kindsley. Their second meeting sparks a playful rivalry, leading to a daring wager: if Daisy can secure the coveted role of Prince Dylan's personal maid, she emerges victorious. As Daisy embraces the challenge, she unwittingly becomes the focus of Kindsley's hidden affections. Amidst the whispers of courtly intrigue and the allure of forbidden romance, Daisy finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and desire. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of palace life, Daisy's journey becomes a delicate balancing act between duty and desire. Along the way, she discovers the stirrings of her own heart, drawn towards Prince Dylan, whose own feelings for her deepen with each passing day. Set against a backdrop of magic and romance, A Thousand Thorns for You is a tale of love, loyalty, and the thorny path to self-discovery, where every choice comes with a price.

irene_isABC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


The cricket's gentle chirping fills the air, a soothing serenade that echoes through the trees, their leaves rustling softly in the faint breeze.

The forest is shrouded in an eerie silence, as if all creatures have retreated to the safety of their slumber, leaving only the occasional hooting of an owl or the distant howling of a wolf to break the stillness.

The only sound is the soft rustling of leaves beneath Daisy's feet as she cautiously makes her way through the underbrush, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger, her heart pounding in her chest. She moves with a slow and deliberate pace, her senses on high alert, as she searches for a safe haven to spend the night, a place to rest her weary head and escape the lurking shadows.

Meanwhile, Ace's keen senses are on high alert, his nose twitching as he sniffs the air, scouring the surroundings for any sign of danger, his ears perked up, listening for the slightest sound.

He moves with a silent grace, his paws barely making a sound on the forest floor, as he searches for a place free from the scent of predators, his bushy tail twitching with every snap of a twig or rustle of leaves. His eyes gleam in the dark, his pupils dilated, drinking in every detail of their surroundings.

Tera, with her honed hunter instincts, surveys their surroundings, her eyes scanning the terrain for any hint of a survival spot, her mind racing with the possibilities.

She moves with a deliberate slowness, her senses on high alert, as she tracks the subtle signs of a potential safe zone,

her hand on the hilt of her sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. The moon casts eerie shadows on the trees, making it seem as if the forest itself is watching them, waiting to see what they will do next.

Daisy looked around, her heart worried. The forest was giving more danger signals, and she couldn't help but turn to Tera and ask if she had found a safe spot.

Tera's face fell, and she whispered back to Daisy that she had not. She too was getting tired; they had been searching for like thirty minutes and hadn't found anything.

The moon was glowing above, its soft light casting eerie shadows on the trees. It was as if it was singing a song, a warning of impending danger.

Ace, meanwhile, was using his fox nose to search for any sign of shelter. He too was getting tired, his mind crying out in frustration.

Why was this so difficult to find? His nose was getting tired too, his senses overwhelmed by the scents of the forest.

Just then, Daisy pushed aside a bush and her eyes landed on a circular opening covered in leaves. She was definitely sure that it was a cave. Happily, she went to investigate, her heart racing with excitement.

Meanwhile, Ace wasn't happy with what he had found. His senses had picked up on a pack of Aerlios, and his fox heart was shivering.

Why did they have to clash with this beast? His four legs ran fast to Tera, his body trembling with fear as he told her about the predators he had found.

Tera was shocked, her face pale with worry. She whispered to Ace, her voice trembling, "Why is our luck so bad?"

Just then, Daisy came running back, a look of excitement on her face. "I found a cave!" she exclaimed, not noticing the tension on their faces.

But when she saw their expressions, her face fell. "What's going on?" she asked, her voice concerned.

Tera and Ace exchanged a nervous glance, their eyes wide with fear. "We found Aerlios," they whispered in unison, their voices trembling.

Daisy's eyes popped in surprise. "Why did we have to meet them?" she wondered aloud. But then her shaking heart calmed, and she asked Tera, "You're a hunter, can't you hunt them?"

Tera's face crumbled, her eyes welling up with tears. "I can't deal with a bunch of Aerlios," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Daisy's face fell, her mind racing with confusion and fear. She urged Ace and Tera to the cave, her heart racing with urgency.

But as they entered, Daisy remained outside, trying to close the cave entrance. Only then did she notice that Tera and Ace were looking at her with shaking shoulders, their eyes wide with fear.

Concerned, Daisy smiled and asked, "Why are you looking like that?" But they just pointed behind her, refusing to speak. All they could mutter was "Aer...Aer...Aer..."

Confused and curious, Daisy turned back, her heart racing with anticipation.

And that was when she saw it, an orange-male Aerlios standing right behind her, its eyes fixed on her with a fierce intensity.