
A tale of two elves - (Moved to a New Link)

A young woman who lives a calm life alone in her small cottage near the forest meets a young man who has special abilities and looks familiar. When they meet they discover something shocking, more shocking to her than to him. When she is over the shock they start a journey together, slow at first. A couple days maybe. When the woman has to meet a new person in this story things start to unravel fast. The new person has much power and doesn't adjust that easily when she has met the young woman and that brings some troubles into the playing field of these three persons

EllaTheGreat · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Isyx talks

When I woke up I saw that the sun was shining already. Hazel would already be awake I thought. Oh oh gotta hurry it's almost time for breakfast and if I'm late my mom will be angry at me and I won't be allowed outside today. I have to live with this because I'm the prince and she's the queen so she makes the rules. I know I'm already 21 but she still thinks I can't handle the responsibility.

Lucky for me I was in time for breakfast so now I'm enjoying my freedom again, wandering through the woods on my way to Hazel or rather Lyndis. She's half human and half elf. I didn't tell my mother yet because I don't want to scare her with the fact that Lyndis the half elf is in the neighbourhood again. Her history isn't as sweet as it looks, in fact she's been chased away from us when she was 6 years old. Many magical creatures thought she would betray us so they laid a spell on her that she would forget who she was, but they couldn't finish the spell because some human was on its way to the forest and stumbled upon her before the spell was complete, so she still knows how to use magic.

When I got at her house the gate was open. I guess she opened it because she was somewhere outside the garden caring for the plants that grew through the fence and searching some herbs for tea and potions. I walked past the gate into her garden and hid inbetween all of her flowers. I wanted to see her face, I wanted to talk to her, I wanted her to know who she was. Nervously hiding inbetween the plants, using my powers of invisibility I said "Hi Hazel".

She looked around not sure if she heard something or not. She couldn't see me because I was invisible, but I could finally see her face. She had beautiful hazel eyes, and chestnut brown hair. A little tip-tilted nose and a few freckles on her cheeks. She had no pointy ears like me, but her ears were more human shaped.