
A tale of two elves - (Moved to a New Link)

A young woman who lives a calm life alone in her small cottage near the forest meets a young man who has special abilities and looks familiar. When they meet they discover something shocking, more shocking to her than to him. When she is over the shock they start a journey together, slow at first. A couple days maybe. When the woman has to meet a new person in this story things start to unravel fast. The new person has much power and doesn't adjust that easily when she has met the young woman and that brings some troubles into the playing field of these three persons

EllaTheGreat · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Hazel meets the voice

When I came back inside the gate I wanted to walk back to my house, but I heard a voice talking. It said: "Hi Hazel". I looked around but saw nothing, no movement, not the slightest breeze through the plants or anything else. The voice sounded somewhat like the voice of a boy, but not from any normal boy you would meet on the streets of the village I lived nearby.

Curious but scared I began to talk to the voice. With a shaky voice I said: "Hi there, who are you and where are you?" I didn't get any answers so I repeated the question, this time with somewhat more confidence. This time I did get an answer from the voice I heard before. "I'm Isyx, I can't tell you where I am nor who I am, but I've come to tell you who you are."

I replied a little weirded out and also a little angry "okay Isyx, I don't know who you are or what you are, but I do know who and what I am. I don't need your help with that thank you very much."

There was silence for a few seconds and then Isyx replied. The tone of his voice a little shaky and sad. "No Hazel, you don't know who you are entirely, you were born half elf half human. That's where you got your magical abilities from and that's why you don't really feel at home in the village with the other humans as well. You don't remember because you were spelled to forget about the magical world."

I didn't know what to say. It would explain the nightmare I had, but this information did take me by surprise. I sat down on the bench near me and inhaled deeply to help me relax after hearing this startling news.

"Isyx are you still here?" I asked. I didn't get an answer so I assumed he wasn't anymore. I went inside to make myself a cup of herbal tea to calm down my nerves. I had so many questions I still wanted to ask him, but he was gone.