
A Tale of Prophecies and Wonders

During times of ancient old, before even stars blessed the darkness with their light, figures of unknown coalesced, giving birth to the first Prophecy. During times of present new, stars silently revolved in open space, unknowing of the worships gathered in their wake. Blessed by Prophecies old as ancient time, humanity was akin to a god for Unfated beings, this leading to a society of slavery and hierarchies, the Fated ruling over the Unfated. But the Prophecy of old, the first of them all, foretells a great happening of which the universe shall be overturned. Do you dare follow along in going against a deep rooted society with powers so old and powerful even the planets quake in their presence? If so, join myself and so many more in uprooting the deepest roots and overturning the biggest of rocks. Welcome to A Tale of Prophecies and Wonders!

asimplewanderer · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Mystwood Forest

Deep within the heart of an enchanted realm lies the fabled Mystwood Forest, a place of profound mystery and boundless enchantment. The forest stretches as far as the eye can see, its emerald canopy shrouded in a perpetual mist that veils the secrets it holds. Each step into its depths is a journey into a world where reality intertwines with the fantastical, where the laws of nature are mere suggestions, and where wonderment and danger coexist in delicate equilibrium.

The forest floor is carpeted with lush, iridescent mosses and delicate, bioluminescent flowers that softly illuminate the night like a starlit sky. The trees are ancient sentinels, their trunks adorned with twisting vines, colorful fungi, and ethereal glimmers that seem to dance in response to the faintest breeze. These trees are more than just flora; they are living beings with their own consciousness, known to whisper ancient wisdom to those who possess the keen sense to listen.

Sunlight filters through the dense canopy in ethereal rays, casting an otherworldly glow upon the forest floor. Shafts of golden light create pockets of warmth, where crystalline pools of water reflect the heavens above and mirror the myriad of colors of the flora. Waterfalls, seemingly cascading from the very sky itself, tumble down from impossibly high cliffs, creating an enchanting symphony of tinkling chimes that resonate through the forest.

Yet, it is not just the flora that mesmerizes wanderers. Creatures of myth and legend call this forest home. Winged serpents with jeweled scales flit through the trees, their iridescent wings shimmering like rainbows. Luminous fae beings, guardians of the forest, dart between beams of light, their laughter a symphony of tinkling bells. Elusive, horned forest spirits watch with wise eyes from the shadows, their antlers adorned with vines and flowers that whisper of ancient rituals.

Hidden glens harbor portals to other realms, activated by rare celestial alignments or the recitation of forgotten incantations. These glens are home to ancient ruins draped in ivy and secrets older than memory. Here, time dances to its own rhythm, and the boundaries between past, present, and future blur like watercolors on an artist's canvas.

But Mystwood Forest is not without its dangers. The heart of the forest is guarded by the enigmatic Guardian of Shadows, a colossal, tree-like creature that shifts between the realms of the living and the ethereal. Its gaze can pierce the soul, and it tests the intentions of any who dare approach with riddles and trials that demand wit and courage.

In this realm of dreams and mysteries, every step is a revelation, every whisper of the wind a promise of the unknown. Mystwood Forest invites those who seek to explore its wonders, to unlock the secrets of the cosmos, and to immerse themselves in a world where the boundaries of reality and fantasy are delightfully blurred.




A slight woosh rose into the air as a book closed. On a rock, a tiny being could be seen sitting, insignificant in comparison to the ancient forest-trees rising like a wall in the distance. Before the being a meadow spread out, covered in lush grass and vibrant flowers. The wind drifted through, whistling noises resounding in the air as the currents passed through the crowns of the forest, twigs and branches alike weaving back and forth.

Lifting its head, the being, a human, diverted its gaze from the book in its lap, only to rest it on the dark, winding branches. Sitting cross-legged, a pondering look painting the delicate features of the human's face, it soon looked back down at the book.

"Whispers of Enchantment: Chronicles of Mystwood Forest", the being spoke, more to itself than any unsuspected listeners. "I wonder who wrote this", it continued, a hand covered by a simple, black leather glove sliding out from the sleeves of an equally black robe, turning the book over. "No author either", it said with a sigh.

Rising from its seated position, the human slid the book into a pouch dangling from a waistband holding a pair of dark green pants in place. Lifting its arms and pulling a hood over its head, the human performed a small leap, landing in the dew-clad grass.

Crisp, crunching noises drifted through the air as the human made its way toward the border of the looming forest. This one morning was particularly chilly, moss and grass shimmering with frost under the shadows of the tree-crowns far up above. With the rising sun illuminating its path forward, the cloaked human crossed into Mystwood Forest, its small body swallowed by the thick darkness.




Deep within Mystwood Forest, in a clearing hidden by the thick trunks of the surrounding trees, an inconspicuous, wooden cabin lay shrouded in eternal darkness. Silence reigned, not a single wisp of wind or natural phenomena disturbing the veil of stillness, almost as if something otherworldly intercepted the usual ways of nature. Around the glen, trees stand tall, their ancient branches intertwining to create an impenetrable wall, blocking both attacks and any impure watchers vision. Draping like a dome, the wall rose from the ground, meeting on both ends at a small clearing; the only entrance to the glen. Framing a portal, the branches intricately wove themselves together, creating a magical look. From the portal originated a paved path, leading into the glen and towards the cabin but also opposite, out into Mystwood Forest, canted by trees ancient old, guiding foreign travelers to a time of rest, or doom. And if one looked close enough, they might notice the supposed trees move, not by wind, but by own, controlled movements.

Back in the glen, a sudden flash illuminated the area, shining light making the frost-clad forest floor glimmer like diamonds. Slowly residing, the glow crept inwards, darkness overcoming the sudden intrusion and once again shrouding the glen in shadows. Left in its wake, a tall figure stood, back straight, looking at the closed door of the cabin before it. The figure was clad in a long, flowing, dark cloak, making it seem like it melted into the perpetual darkness, troubling any onlookers to accurately determine the figures position.

The figure drifted forwards, seemingly not making any contact with the ground. At the door, the being stopped, an arm stretching forwards, the hand clasped into a fist, ready to knock. Yet, at the moment the being tried to knock, the door swung inwards, as in a greeting. With a deep chuckle, the being entered. A melodic, male voice resounded in the cabin as the door closed behind him,

"Never can I knock, old man, always so vigilant and on toe", the man pulled away his hood, short, dark hair taking its place. With a slight shrug, the cloak fell off his shoulders, the man pulling out his arms and grabbing the cloak, hanging it on a chair he passed by. In a square room sat an older man, hands cupped before him, eyes that despite his age shone with vigour and life. As the newcomer made his entrance, the older man rose, pointing at the chair before him,

"Please, young man, take a seat", the young man took the advice and sat, lifting one leg over the other. In the corner of the room crackled a fire, blessing the two with light and warmth and chasing away the biting cold of night.

Before taking a seat himself, the old man scurried towards the fireplace, bending over to grab a piece of wood and feed the gluttonous flames. As he straightened his back, the older man spoke, "I take it as the travels have been filled with fortune, Mark", he turned, "That cloak is no joke". Mark, now basking in the light, chuckled. "You're right, Prometheus, that cloak is both a gift and a burden", Prometheus sat down, "though I much more prefer to see it as a gift, in regards to my upbringing". A flash of pain, and then indifference, Mark's eyes as calm as ever.

"Who are you waiting for, either way, to be so prepared of my coming?" Now it was Prometheus' turn to chuckle. A quiet, strained laugh. "Oh you wouldn't believe me even if I told you", a serious expression taking over his previous leisure, "and now, with you here, the puzzle solves itself," Mark tensed, "fate truly is unmatched at these games". Seeing Mark's baffled and tense expression, Prometheus seemed to loosen up, rising yet again only to pause besides Mark, resting one hand on the young man's shoulder, "Would you like some tea, while we wait?" Mark looked up, meeting Prometheus' calm gaze. "Yes, please, the travel has been long", he answered. Looking back down, Mark did not fail to notice the immaculately designed 7-pointed star clasped right in the middle of Prometheus' chest.

As the old man walked away, he passed the entrance to the cabin, coming across the chair on which Mark's cloak rested, his eyes landing on the perfect circle woven on the back. 'The zero pointed star' he thought, before making his way to the kitchen to grab a kettle and cups.




Whilst the two men enjoyed their company, night had fallen in Mystwood Forest. With silent crunches, a cloaked figure could be seen traversing the difficult environment. Hidden pits and roots being the biggest danger. Occasional sounds like flapping wings and breaking twigs had the figure stop and tense, a dagger firmly planted in its right hand. With slow steps the figure made its way forward, following an unknown path to an unknown goal. Its only guide being the bed of luminous flowers marking the way like a path of stars.


I am constantly evolving in my writing so expect the chapters to grow longer in the same pace as I grow as an author.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and do leave a comment if you want.

Keep safe and read on!

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