
A Tale After Four Lives

My name is Alex Wolf. After school I joined the military a mistake I will never regret. It got me killed. Now you might, 'How can this idiot not regret this", well the answer is easy, I got a second chance or more like chances. I met with a God, that's right "a" not "the", and made a deal with him. I will go to four different worlds and make four legends and in return, he would grant 3 wishes and a free reincarnation pass into any world of my choosing. The first life I was a human named Lambert. My legacy of being a Grand paladin that slew the seven princes of hell was told even after thousands of years. The second life was the longest I was an immortal Giant or more precisely a Titan. I created a legend of myself just by standing in one spot for a million years. People truly have great imaginations for thinking I was a statue, thou anything turns to stone after so long. In the end, I killed myself for not even the gods of that world dared approach me. The third and I might say weirdest life of them all I was an elf. I help slay a Demon King with a hero, it's also what got me killed. The hero was actually summoned from Japan in my old world so it was kinda strange. The fourth life was the most fun I must say. I was born as a fucking Dragon. During my life, I burned kingdoms to the ground and was a scourge upon the world. I finally died of old age after a hundred thousand years of tormenting that world. Now finally after four lives and millions of years, I can finally live free again. .................................................................................. Ok for reverence sake this is a DXD fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except the MC of course and the Picture isn't mine if the owner wants me to take it down be free to tell me.

Bethrezhen · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Chapter 97: Dulled Senses

"Well, I used to be part of the companions", The thief girl said hesitantly.

"Oh the companions, that makes sense. So who are the companions?"

The girl looked shocked, or that is what Lambert thought seeing as only her eyes were visible.

"You do not know who the companions are, you must not be from Skyrim then, the companions are a band of honorable warriors that make their home within the mead-hall Jorvaskr, in Whiterun", Said the little thief girl with a tone of longing.

"If it's so great why did you leave and become a thief which I might add is not very honorable?", Lambert asked

"Well, that's complicated the thief said, as she looked somewhat downcasted.

Lambert found himself a comfortable-looking rock and sat on it, before turning his attention back to the girl who was looking at him confused, "Well go on, I have nothing better to do."

With a sigh, the girl started talking, " I joined the companions not long ago, just having been accepted by the inner circle, they are the oldest of the companions and hold a special place in the hall, anyway, I was just accepted when I had to go on a mission given by some rich Redguard prick called Nazeem, apparently, somebody stole a very important ornament of his and I was tasked to go to this thief and get the thing back. Evrything seemed in order, it also didn't help that the thief has held up in some cave-like a bandit, though how Nazeem knew of his whereabouts does seem sketchy now that I think about it."

"I went into the cave killed a few people and got Nazeem the ornament, nothing complicated, well that is until I found out that those 'bandits' were in fact private militia, hired by some bitch, Maven Blackbryer, and she hired those goons to get her that ornament all the way from the Blackmarshes, I having been the one to kill and steal the ornament I was, of course, her target to vent her rage."

Lambert suddenly intervened," What about this unsavory chap, Nazeem?"

"The prick's got connections"

"So what happened"

"Well Maven hired the Black Brotherhood to come after me of course, she's in their god books apparently, and after the first assassination happened, which I barely escaped, by the way, I fled from the companions, and to survive I took up punching and Banditry, though you are my first victim."

"How long ago did you leave the companions?"

"It should be about a week now."

"Makes sense I guess", Lambert said as he suddenly stood up and approached the little thief.

"What are y..", SHe didn't have time to react or even finish the sentence when Lambert shoved her to the side. Being unprepared for the sudden push, she tried and fell to the ground.

"Why did you..." She started but her voice died down when she saw Lambert a pitch-black arrow embedded into his abdomen.

"Are you ok!", She yell quickly standing up, this time she heard the twang of a bow and the whistling of an arrow, turning to the source she saw another pitch-black arrow right in front of her face.

"ah!", She squeaked out as she took a few steps back, the had stopped just an inch from her head. It was held tightly by Lambert's vice-like grip.

"Get your head out of the clouds!", Lambert yelled loudly causing the girl's eardrums to ring, but she finally snapped out of her stupor. Drawing her twin daggers she held her guard again any more arrows.

Lambert seeing that she was ready faced the archer that shot him, his gentle features gone replaced by a stony cold expression with chilling pale blue eyes, he started walking forward, but he had not taken a second step and an arrow came flying out from behind the nearby tree embedding itself into his left shoulder.

"Be careful!", The thief shouted worriedly, but Lambert ignored her as he kept approaching the Archer.




Arrow after arrow struck his body, chest abdomen arm, and even divines forbid his knee, yet he did not stop for one second and kept approaching the archer that was at this time sweating crazily.

'Why won't he go down, why won't he stop", The archer kept thinking

When Lambert was finally too close for the Archer's comfort, she jumped away from her hiding place. Yes, it was a woman, one clad in the iconic red and black uniform of the brotherhood except it was the shrouded version of the uniform.

Just as she showed herself preparing to retreat, Lambert burst into action as he started running towards her at great speed. The assassin had not taken her fifth step when Lambert was in front of her.

Not having the time to think about how Lambert could move so fast she quickly pulled out her dagger and stabbed at Lambert, the blade struck his abdomen, but no thoughts of accomplishment came to her, the blade had only pieced a few centimeters before getting stuck.

"What!" The assassin yelled as she tried to retread even going so far as to let go of her knife, but it was too late, A massive hand suddenly grabbed her head and slammed it against a nearby tree, evrything blacked out after that.

"Watch out", the thief girl suddenly shouted ass a massive spider jumped upon Lamberts back piercing its fangs into his right shoulder.

"Vile Beast! Get Off!" Lambert shouted as he raised his right hand and grabbed the Frostbite spider.

"Shaaaaaaa", The spider shrieked as Lambert's fingers pieced its carapace and with a pull, he lifted the spider over his shoulder and threw it to the ground in front of him. The sider struggled to get up of its back but it didn't have long before a massive foot slammed down upon the creature.


It moved no more.

"Damn, I really lost my touch, reliance upon the light element has dulled my other senses", Lambert quietly contradicted himself as he turned his head towards the Assassin lying underneath the tree she had been viciously slammed against.

"Are...are you ok", a quiet voice came from behind Lambert, turning around Lambert found the little thief girl looking worriedly at the arrow and knife still stuck in his body.

"No problem," Lambert said as he casually pulled the arrows and knife from his body and threw it to the side causing the thief's eyes to pop.

Looking down at the two steel daggers she had tried to threaten him with, she couldn't help but smile wryly, "Not even ebony could pierce him, what am I suppose to do with these, poke him to death?"

Looking back at the Ebony dagger that Lambert threw away as if it was trash, she smiled sneakily, "Oh look an Ebony dagger without an owner, my lucky day"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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