
A swordsman's promise

A soul who escaped the reincarnation process only for him to wander and endure the boundless darkness that many called Void for countless amount of time and meeting an absolute being who can erase his entire existence just buy stating it's name. Given with a chance to be reborn to a world of his liking and wishes that will help his journey . What would the soul wish and how would he live his new life? ------------ *This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm still a newbie, I'm only writing for fun and had nothing to do. *English is not my first language and I'm not really good at it so there will be a lot of wrong grammar but you can inform me so I can correct my mistakes! *This is alternative universe. *I upload everytime I finish a chapter and may take days so uploading schedule is totally non existent. *Apart from the mc, the rest are all made by the hand of it's rightful owner.

Nekomancer_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 : Awakening.

The boundless sky was blue and cloudless, and the sunlight that fell in the seawater that gently rushed up the beach and receded, leaving wet traces on the sand. Not far from the beach is a Japanese swordsmanship dojo

Inside the dojo, A 5 years old kid with a long black hair, tied in a ponytail with side bangs and a flame like marks on his left forehead and right side of his chin extending to his neck could be seen sleeping . The kid finally woke up and opened his eyes, revealing a deep purple eyes, and as soon as he got up from his lying position he suddenly felt pain in his head and in the next moment, memories about his last life, meeting supreme being giving him a second chance to be reincarnated, wishes and the world he was in flooded into him.

He started to remember what happened when his memories was still sealed ,thankfully he can remember everything due to his strong soul and eidetic memory that came from his wished talents

In this new life his name is Itsuki (that one moon), his mother name him Itsuki as his mother also love to stare at the moon that shines brightly in the night sky. His father is the younger brother of Koushiro who owned a dojo but his father Kougoro always love adventures unlike his older brother since he wouldn't inherit the dojo so he sailed in the sea for years and met his mother , His father was captivated by her beauty and fell inlove with his mother and finally settled in an island and gave birth to Itsuki.

When they first saw the ominous marks in Itsuki's face they got startled and the midwife freak out and almost dropped Itsuki to the floor but his father caught him before anything got worst then the midwife said that their child was cursed making his father furious and yell at the midwife to leave.

After the midwife left they look at Itsuki who just look at them full of curiosity on his small face instead of crying, even with the marks on his face he still look cute and also noticing that he inherited his mother's eyes, they smiled and they just concluded that the marks on his face was just a birthmarks.

When Itsuki was 7 months old he could already walk and at the age of 1 year old he began talking broken words but after half a year he could speak fluently and started reading a lot of books. He can't befriends any other kids as they saw him as a freak and a cursed child but in his mind he was just any other human kid and nothing special so he stayed away with them and just stayed at his home waiting and listening to his father's story about his adventures and him being a pirate crew.

When he turned 2 he could see the inner organs and blood flow of a person but didn't tell anyone about it as he knew that he was different enough compared to any other kids and whenever he seen his mother walking he would always help her walk as he knew that her body is suffering from an unknown illness

But one day, a gigantic ship and a man with shining golden outfit that they called world noble came in the island. His father was not at home that day as he was hunting for their food. The noble saw his mother and took fancy of his mother's beauty then ordered for her to brought back with him as a slave. Itsuki tried to fought back but what can a 2 year old child whose body wasn't even developed do against an adult guards more powerful than any normal human on earth, though he is strong for his age he still could not do anything against them, fortunately his father got back in time, his father saw his mother in chain and the injured Itsuki and lost it. His father brought them to one of his crewmate when he was a pirate and told him to escape with his wife and son after he killed the noble while he stayed to fend off the marines that keep coming after them.

They got in to the ship that his father's crewmate owns and sailed in the sea, Itsuki witness his father fighting a lot of opponents but he was only one man and his father are not that strong as his skill got rusty because he doesn't train much and just live his life to the fullest with his family, his father keep getting shot by many people but still continued to fight with his sword even with his body full of injuries.

As they sail in the sea at top speed and many ships keep following them and firing like a mad men with their guns and canons. His mother covered him with her frail body to protect him from the gunshots and his father's former crewmate who is named Zack was controlling the ship. With Zack skills in steering the ship they got away and escaped the pursuit of the marines but Itsuki soon notice that his mother was bleeding in her waist, she got shot when they were scaping, there is no doctor in the ship and there also no near island to find a doctor with. Tears keep coming down in Itsuki's purple eyes as he felt hopeless and powerless, His mother was struggling as she look at him with a warm smile and weakly said. " My little Itsuki... ever since I saw your face, when you were born, it was the best moment of my life! You are the best son I could ask for, young yet silent,smart and kind even when the other kids insult you, you still don't cause trouble unlike your father who is a troublemaker ! live strong and healthy my little Itsuki ...don't let yourself be consumed by hatred and ignore others around you... After tonight it will be very hard for you but lived on not for me or your father but for yourself... Marry a beautiful girl who will take care of you and love you... a girl who you can share you burdens with and have a children....Your uncle would be the one to take care of you from now on.... I know that it will be hard for you to live without parents but always remember even if the world goes against you... afraid of you...hate you... just remember that I and your father will always love you and remember that we are always with you! ... " His mother weakly said while holding his small face , Her hands fell down from his face as she breathed her last. Itsuki's world seems to be lost in color as he sat silently beside his mother with tears keep coming down nonstop on his face and continued to embrace his mother's body for days and nights.

A couple of week after, they arrived at their destination. Frost moon village, the homeland of his father and also where his uncle lived. Zack brought him to a dojo after they buried his mother in the cemetery and prayed for her soul. Zack then hand him to his uncle and left while telling him to be strong. His uncle at first was surprised that his brother had a family as Kougorou never got back after he started his journey but his surprise quickly turn into anger and regrets knowing his brother die, he regrets that he did not cherished his moment with his brother and instead scolded him a lot. his uncle who is named Koushirou look at him with a trace of sadness and pity on his face and brought him inside with his wife holding a 2 year old baby girl on her arms

They tried to speak to Itsuki but they never got an answer as Itsuki only look at them absentmindedly, they thought that he just needed time to adapt and recover first as what he had experience is too much for a child. Weeks passed but he never spoke and the people around him thought that he was deaf. his uncle tried to call the only doctor in the village to check Itsuki's condition but the doctor said that there is nothing wrong with his health. His uncle and auntie again tried talk to him but this time he nodded at them unlike before where he looked at them lifelessly.

Recalling his tragic past, without noticing the tears that kept falling down through his small face, his pale upper body began to tremble as he tried to supress his raging emotions and think to himself. ' I had thought that no one would touch me in this world , at least until I began my own adventure, if there had been a slightest of doubts before, now there was none! I would massacre a path to Merry Geoisse and will make them pay with their lives to pay tribute to my father and mother's grave!' He promised himself with a determined look and added.' I will live on just as my mother told me to! I will reach the apex of this world and collect the debt of those who stole the most important person from me even if I have to cut and destroy everything that gets in my way to get there! '.

Itsuki did not notice that something slumbering deep inside his soul began to awaken and burst out as his body fluctuated a seemingly unstoppable momentum as a purple colored flowing aura covered his entire room expanding it's way to the hallway but it suddenly halted before it reach the whole dojo.


The people in the dojo did not notice this and was not affected by it as it doesn't reach them but his uncle somehow felt it and a certain old man in a wooden house not far from the village felt it too. " Quality of a king huh? so this grandson of mine has it too... " The old man commented and added "But you're still so young so let's wait for few more years. "


Itsuki who sat on his bed felt slightly exhausted as he did not know what just happenend but decided to dismissed it and rather started questioning and blaming himself what he had been doing those past years. 'But what the hell did the past me doing all these years? Why did I not speak when my memory was still sealed? damn! Instead of training at the early age there I was being so quiet to the extent that I almost ignore those people who took care of me! ' Itsuki thought to himself and sighed as he regretted what he have done during those years.