
Not the weirdest meeting i've had

(Narrator Pov)

As the bright light dimmed and slowly faded away.

What was before a ferocious and untameable beast of the wild, has been reduced to paste. Leaving naught but a brown stain of dried blood with dotted specks of black-burnt fur.

However, what stood out most to Lucius was the lack of a body.

'Where'd it go? I've never read about werewolves capable of using magic. And definitely not 'lost magic' at that... What in the fuck just happened?!'

Lucius urgently scans the area looking for the missing werewolf, only to realise... That it's not the only thing gone awry.

Behind Lucius was, what can only be described as, chaos. Trees split apart in every direction, the once frozen land replaced with seamlessly endless mounds of fresh dirt and grass. Ice raised from its firmly rooted home and launched through the air, taking the undergrowth with it, as it strung from a half snapped oak. A strange, thick mist hovered in the air. Obscuring even more of the night as it clutched tightly to the aftermath.

The strangest part of this phenomena you may ask? A lone woman.

She had a sculpted figure, which was strangely suited to her lithe and compact form. Toned muscles that seemed ready to snap at any hint of danger. Her waist was tapered, just barely visible under her shortly cut red blouse, accompanied by a small chainmail vest. She had a burnished complexion, with pearl like skin similar to the now extinct Atmorans. A pair of arched raven black eyebrows looked up on sweeping velvety lashes, complimenting her black and gold shoulder guards she curiously peaked over. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. A set of dazzling, pure white teeth gleamed as she gently let out a visible breath on the chilled night air. It was nothing but a pleasure for Lucius to see her flowing, moon like ashen hair. Her enticing, emerald eyes gazed over at Lucius contrasting her crimson and plump lips.

Of course, Lucius didn't have any visible reaction to the ethereal beauty before him but pure, and utter, confusion. The Summerset Isles, his homeland, was no stranger to beautiful women after all.

Despite Lucius's musings, his instincts soared. Especially, when the angel like mystery in front of him started to draw her previously back sheathed blade. Her once gentle, yet bewitching, features contorted into one of scarcely hidden rage and fear.

"Bloody hell! Do you damned elves not sleep? Do you enjoy hunting me like some feral bruxa!?" Shouted the vexed girl. as she struts forward with clear purpose, sword in hand.


Lucius lets out a gruntled huff when the first green flash appeared, covering him in magical armour, and followed by second flash containing a sword swing that was cleanly countered with a smooth dodge. He pushes himself back, bouncing off his metal-clad heels.

"Are you mad?! You're attacking me simply because i'm part elf!" Came the bewildered reply from Lucius.

"I'm attacking you because you won't leave me alone! Don't play innocent, now. You and i both know what twisted plans your king Eredin has for me. How did you even follow me here?!" Exclaimed the furious woman.

"Eredin? Follow YOU? .... Are you short of half a marble?! YOU came here, ruined my fight, and the land around us! And you're attacking me! If it weren't for the fact you're clearly out your mind you'd be dodging bolts of fire, ice and lightening, right about now." A rightfully annoyed Lucius remarked.

"Wha- Look at your armour! That screams 'I'm part of the hunt.' and your ears are the same as theirs. Don't think for a moment i missed that gleam in your eye when you looked at me." Replied the woman, vigorously pointing at Lucius's midnight black apparel.

"Sigh~Women. I swear, all of them are trouble." Muttered Lucius under his breath. His gloved left hand slowly sliding down his sharp cheekbone.

"Look, i can see whatever this 'Hunt' you speak of, is an enemy of yours. So, why don't we just go our separate ways and you can annoy someone else, yeah? Okay? Okay, good....Bye." Lucius bargained, as he began walking up to the untouched path of ice. Missing the flicker of understanding in the girl's emerald orbs as he picks up his discarded torch and relights it.

'I really wanted that damned wolf hide too' Thought Lucius.

"Wait. Hey, i said wait!" Shouted the woman as she began to scurry after the fading figure of Lucius.

"What now? You wish to continue the pointless fight? No thank you, as i said before, bother someone else. I have places to be, borders to cross. You get it." A disinterested reply played on woman's ears, followed by the sight of a nonchalant waving hand.

As the woman got closer to Lucius, she began to take in his otherworldly appearance.

He wasn't a masculine handsome some blushing teen girls would dream of. No, but he certainly plagued more than most women's. The lustrous, soft silver hair he groomed so carefully had a soothing quality, a sign of his rude health. His only blemish was that he was round browed, and that they sometimes knitted in frustration giving him a somewhat feminine, or rather androgynous look.

The defined nose he sported complemented his prominent high cheekbones. Handsome in an understated, yet beautiful way. His strong, pointed jaw and wide shoulders spoke of his hidden strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and a concealed sense of shrouded superiority.

His people, although detested for his half human heritage, had always remarked that his best feature was his vibrant, yet dull, pale blue eyes. Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy. At other times, they could resemble two liquid silver-blue pools of flashing power, promising punishment for arousing his ire.

Cold of character, the room always filled with his sonorous, but silky voice. He's quick to crack a joke or fire off a humorous retort, almost always at some poor fools expense. His gothic, debonaire, attire were a source of amusement to some in the Summerset Isles, not least because they instil a mix of unease and mystery to the seeing eyes of the spare, educated few.

'This bastard's prettier than most sorceresses.' Thought the now stunned female.

Shaking off her thoughts and fantasies. she sped up her steps to catch up to the still moving elysian male.

"Ahem. No, no fighting. Look, i'm sorry for attacking you. You just look eerily similar to the Aen Elle of the Wild Hunt."

He gave her a strange look.

"The other elves hunting me, okay?" Said the girl in a wearied manner.

Lucius stopped his steady advance to look her dead in the eye.

"Let's say i believe you. I'll give you the benefit of doubt because of the little light show earlier, what do you want from me? I wasn't kidding when i said i have places to be. The nearest Inn after the border crossing is in Falkreath, that's hours away assuming no bandits try their luck, and you just poofed away my latest potential bed roll." Said Lucius.

"Urgh. I don't know where i am, or what a Falkreath even is. So, a little help would go a long way." Replied the woman.

Another strange look sent her way by the wandering mage.

"Before you continue babbling on. What country do you think we're in?" Asked Lucius calmly.

" I. Don't. Know!" Came the barked out reply.

"Do you even know what Cyrodiil is? Bruma? Skyrim? Nirn?" Lucius fired off.

"Let's see; no, no, no, and, big surprise again. No." Replied the woman with a newly unveiled snark she seemed to be holding back.

"You really aren't from, well...'here'. This plain. Mundus i mean?" Lucius's curiosity got the better of him. And he began studying the woman in front of him. As his previous spell wore off in a subtle, dim flash of green.

the girl eyed the flash with caution before her reply.

"You're right i'm not from here. And, so far, 'here' seems to be good enough to hide from the elves i told you about earlier. So, if we could stop beating a dead horse, and move on from the clear misunderstanding earlier, that would be much appreciated." The woman said with a 'sweet' smile that didn't reach her eyes.

A tense silence followed. Lucius's eyes break away and he begins walking again.

"Come on then, we can talk on the way. Name's Lucius." He declared over his shoulder.

"No last name to add?" Came her teasing.

Her only response from the male was a short huff as he continued walking.

"Fine. Fine. You can call me Ciri." Ciri introduced as she caught up with Lucius, now walking alongside him.

"No last name to add?" Lucius quipped.

"Sod off." Ciri lightly chuckled.

'Strangely. Not the weirdest meeting i've had.'

Was Lucius's final muse before the torches of the border between Skyrim and Bruma finally came into his view.






Chapter 2 done. I had some time to write today because i fucked off my job.

A quick introduction to their personalities, quirks and behaviours. And a lil conflict i felt the brash and impulsive Ciri suited, especially with a dark armoured elf as the mc.

Hopefully conveyed well enough.

Criticism and any thoughts are more than welcome.

See ya next time.

Next chapter will be much longer...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pythiacreators' thoughts