
A Survivor yet also a Conqueror

What would you do if you were sacrificed at a young age for the so called goal of others, You desperately tried to survive in a world of unknown, You searched for your family in a world of hell. But only Despair awaits at the end of your path. Will you succumb or will you rise and thread your own path?

AniloGinTenshi · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 Heroes

Three months later, surprisingly the first evolver to gain power was the burly man, Mike as he could manipulate chi, granting him a stronger body but his unique advantage was his speed equal to the speed of sound.

A few days later, the tall man, Leo and the man with glasses, Matty learned mana manipulation with the affinity of fire and ice respectively.

A week later, the Curvy lady Myera, gained a unique mana and chi manipulation that can directly manipulate other living beings chi that creates hallucinations or buffs. Meanwhile Jacob, unfortunately was one of the humans that failed to awaken anything, yet despite that, He did not give up on training.

In a span of a few months a hundred more humans learned how to manipulate mana and chi, yet Jacob still failed to learn any power. The final human in the Citadel to learn how to manipulate power was Cecilia. Out of hundred Awakened humans only Cecilia learned how to manipulate mana for healing, giving her more hope to heal her brother's legs.

1 year later since Rose began to teach everyone in the Citadel on how to manipulate mana and chi. Humanity started to emerge from hiding, a group of awakened humans began to kill all the rift bugs they come across. It was a new era where the prey became the predator.

35th year of the New Calendar. Humanity once again made a campaign to reclaim earth from the unknown. Led by the Citadel Captain, Jacob. His Vanguards, Rose, Matty, Leo, Myera, and Mike. They all destroyed all the rift bugs they come across, sustaining their hunger. Citadels that was once destroyed was occupied and rebuilt, it became their strongholds to reclaim earth.

"Destroy Them All!" Mike shouted at the top of his lungs as he ripped a giant rift bug apart.

"Shut, up!" Leo shouted at Mike, his eyes burning. "You're too loud! Shouldn't you be Stealthier?!" He added.

"Cool down leo." Matty said, as he smiled.

"And You too! Enough Ice jokes already!" Leo shouted at Matty.

"Hmph, Boys." Myera rolled her eyes as she continued to buff everyone, increasing their strength and speed.

"Destroy the Queen and we can all rest!" Rose Commanded as she tore through a worm like rift bug apart.

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone replied in unison.

"They're having fun aren't they?" Jacob asked, smiling as he watched his friends wreack havoc on the battlefield.

Cecilia smiled as she looked at her brother, "Yes... One day you'll be able to fight alongside them brother. Please, just wait till I'm capable enough to heal you." She added.

Jacob held her shoulder as he comforted, "don't pressure yourself, as long as we could gain a foothold for humanity I would gladly sacrifice my life."

"Brother..." Cecilia softly said.

After a long battle, Rose and her allies finally killed the last rift bug, gaining another stronghold for humanity.

"Ahem, ahem. Well done fighting my fellows!" Jacob shouted. "We are one step closer to the grasslands Citadel that will give us stable food supplies and water. We will settle down and repopulate there as we will bring back our dominance to this World!" He added with confidence.

*pfft* "Repopulate? Coming from you? Hahahaha" Mike said as he laughed.

"I mean he's correct about repopulation as we need to do just that." Leo said as he gave Myera a wild stare.

Myera glared daggers at Leo putting him in a hellish hallucination. "Hmph, Pathetic" She added.

"Ahem! Silence!" Jacob blushed, as he quickly explained "Repopulate like a human we are, not animals in heat. We are not barbarians, choose your partners wisely because in a 20 years time we will begin the full reclamation of earth with not just 5000 humans, but double or triple the numbers. More young humans, means more power wielders so that not just earth, but the solar system. We will reclaim what's ours!"

"Yes! Yes! For Humanity! What kind of dirty thoughts did you all thought of?" Mike rightfully declared, raising his head.

Jacob facepalmed at his subordinates sillyness. "Now rest, for our current campaign will end tomorrow as we prepare for our new campaign in 20years." He added.

A night later, the hundred strong power wielders barged through the Citadel on the grassland. They fought with different Rift bugs, both strong and weak. They were closed to conquering the Citadel but unfortunately, something they did not expect emerged deep within.

*Roar!* A Deathly Loud Roar was heared. Everyone looked up at the massive figure descending. A mountain sized entity with a head filled with dozen pair of rectangular eyes, it's maw rotating like a crusher ripping through the air, with it's body similar to that a bat. Yet it wasn't the end, another larger yet bloodied bat like entity emerged from the skies.

"What... Is that?" Cecilia asked, as she frowned in fear.

Everyone looking up was confused and afraid, their mana and chi became unstable everytime the massive entity roars.

'How... A Sentinel...' Rose thought, confused and afraid. "I need half of you to stall the wounded Rift Bug! I'll handle the smaller one then assist you all. Be careful." Rose ordered.

Jacob clenching his fist, regretted that he could not help his companions. Looking at the skies, he could feel that those foes aren't simple as it seems. 'Just what are those...' He thought.

*Roar* The giant bat like entities finally descended, the bloodied one was at the worst shape, it's wings tattered, and it's eyes empty. Yet the power it radiates is something that they had not seen before.

Rose finally made a move, she created a domain of thorns. Spikes appeared everywhere, Immobilizing the smaller bat like entity.Yet the same cannot be said to the other one, no one could hold it down as it wrecked havoc on the battlefield.

A few minutes later, the smaller bat like entity finally fell and died. It's body riddled with countless horns, it's blood green from some unknown substance. As rose shifted her attention to the bigger entity, she saw that it was already held off, yet she became angry.

*Boom!* A minute later, the large bat like entity fell down and died, shaking the land as Rose released her grip on it's head using a huge red vine.

"Finally..." She sighed.

Jacob slowly came closer and he asked, "Casualties...?"

"The ones here are incapable of fighting anymore, half of them are capable of clearing this Citadel so we will not retreat..." Rose took a deep breath as she bit her lip and added in grief, "twenty three died, and almost everyone is fatally wounded."

Jacob sat silently, clenching his fists as blood dripped. After a moment of silence he declared, "They will be heroes that history will write, brave and strong men and women. We will fight! For Humanities Survival!" Jacob raised his hand, clenched as he shouted, his voice could be heared around the battlefield, "For Humanity! We will fight and Survive! Let them have a taste of our Fangs! Fight On, My Brethrens!"