
A Strange Crossover

In the dim twilight between realms, Kardis Ark’ay of BloodCrown, known as Conner or Jun, stands as a living bridge between two worlds at odds—the mundane human realm and the supernatural abyss. Bereft of parental warmth from a tender age, his father's disownment and his mother's ruthless assassination marked the inception of his arduous journey. Guided by a brotherhood forged in shadows, Conner's path unfolded amidst the cold embrace of betrayal, treachery, and manipulation. Decades dripped away like drops of blood as he traversed the desolate road of chaos and darkness, relentlessly chasing the elusive specter of power that danced just out of reach. It was only when the murky veil of solitude wrapped itself around him that Conner's true odyssey began. In the crucible of his existence, he discovered that the world, far from the stark duality of black and white, painted itself in shades of ambiguity. Now, as the echoes of his tumultuous past reverberate in the corridors of his consciousness, Conner yearns to conclude the symphony of his own creation—a melody of chaos and shadows that has played for too long. The embers of his purpose glow anew as he sets his sights on bringing closure to the journey he embarked upon so many years ago. Moving forward finding a new purpose, he is prepared to finish what he long started but now with allies. *--------------* *The world is crossover of Marvel, DC and Jujutsu Kaisen and many more. *Heavy AU so you are warned first hand. *Short chapter but fast pace story & 2-3 update per week.

Iamwhatagain · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Chapter 15

"Before I kill you, mind telling me. Why are you here….. Little brother?" The clock figure inquired with his emotionless voice as he states his relationship with Conner, standing behind him.

"I can ask the same….. elder brother, your headquarters was in Europe if I remember the last time." Conner responds with another question while he looks at the barrier created by his brother which was not made of curse energy but magic.

'He chanted the same incantation but he can't use curse energy as he was born from another mother still he perhaps learned how to recreate it with magic how convenient.' Conner calculated, profoundly observing the barrier fabricated by his brother because its condition was unknown.

As every barrier can have its own condition if the user wants.

"Seems like I have to use force then." He said and engaged into combat as he quickly turned around unsheathing his blade.

In response Conner did the same but he didn't have weapons on him as he himself is one. Pouring a minuscule amount of Curse energy into one of his tattoos hidden under his cloth, behind his back, his outfit changes instantly into a more like rouge and assassins like.

Slightly long Tailcoat Jacket, black shirt, waistcoat, skinny tight suit trousers and ankle boot with color scheme of red and black making him look more ferocious and stealthy than his previous outfit.

And evaded the lethal blade utilizing his sheer agility and experience.

"As an enchanter I have to acknowledge your armor, perhaps you can gift such a piece of exotic art to your elder brother right?" He said attempting to start a small talk as he clearly assessed the Conner suit which was indeed a piece of art and can even be compared to top notche ancient relics made by magic or curse energy.

"...." Conner did not comment as his outfit was custom made by one of his allies who was blessed with talent hence was not made by himself.

The Suit was engraved with magical runes of different races, curse energy and hundreds of features, hence why it was a masterpiece and only a very handful of people can recognize it and praise it.

"....." Grasping the situation that talking won't work and is meaningless he held his blade, then lunged at his younger brother conner and swung his weapon without holding back.

Facing him without any sign of fear Conner moves ahead and blocks the strike with his forearm as his suit/outfit was enchanted with magic rune's to go toe to toe with sharp blade, blunt weapons or range weapons.

From the impact, sparks were generated and both of them applied pressure to make the other move back. Both took another step closer in an attempt to add more power behind but it was still a stalemate.

"Spill the bean brother, I have no time to play these childish games with you." Conner taunts, getting fed up from his brother's unproductive silence.

'Son of bitch…. Your arrogance of superiority will kill you one day.' He cursed in mind the feeling aggregated from his brother's words hitting his nerves again and again.

They withdrew several steps back to prepare for more ruthless and fatal attacks as normal combat was not his forte on the other hand Conner was a legend.

"....." He inflicted a deep and deliberate gash upon his own palm, allowing the rich crimson flow of his life force to generously drench his blade.

With an unyielding resolve, he executed a masterful sequence of three swift, consecutive strikes from a formidable distance, causing his blade to manifest sweeping, expansive crescent arcs that cleaved through the air with awe-inspiring power.

Conner stayed still and didn't even bother to move an inch knowing the outcome and continued observing his elder brother who began to move ten times his previous pace.

"To a normal person these ancient Vampire techniques which enhance one's speed make you look blur, however, next to a vampire like me it does make any difference." Conner stated.

As his brother's clock was removed and Conner saw his vampire-like features, red eyes, sharp teeth and white hair.

Then he and his brother forget that they share the same father hence this vampire trait is common but Conner didn't activate his vampire form yet.

Both of their fathers were noble vampires, top 1% of hierarchy or in other words pure blooded vampires who are thousand times stronger and completely different then half blood etc.

In a span of a second he appears behind Conner who was about to hit but his precious attack and then strike again this time with a magic spell which can only be used by Vampire.


----Meanwhile in party---

"Hey, girl have you seen, Conner, I have many guests who would like to meet him?" Charles asks Emma, wanda, Jean everyone who were with Conner as he can't find him in the party.

"No, he went for a leak and it's been half an hour….." Wanda responded explaining Conner's absence.


"What was that Charles?" Eric inquired from a distance as music stopped as the build began to shake on its own making everyone worried and cautious.

"I think it's related to Conner. Everyone searching for him now." Charles demanded.

"Everyone down now!" Eric yelled out loud getting everyone's attention and they panicked as they protected themself from the explosion.

------Back to fight----------

"Not bad brother but nothing will work against me." COnner stated calmly as the dust started to settle down, conner can be seen without an inch of harm.

As his words came out true nothing happened to him even he didn't move an inch showcasing his absolute powers against his brother who stood with a disbelief expression on his face.

"My Blood art failed me how?"

"Doesn't matter if your game ends now as well as your life."

Conner finished speaking and he pierced his brother's chest as harshly and cruelly as possible to deliver as much pain he could endure.

Conner even penetrated his heart as his hand came out from mother side and tried to take his hand off from his inside but was unable to do so as his brother tightly grabbed his ankle not letting it go.

"You came unprepared brother, learn from your mistakes." Conner advised as the wound he infeltect is enough to kill humans but being like them can die that easily.

"That hurt like hell." He commented in agony as pain began to spread in his whole body.

I am thinking to wrtie an Aux chapter for MC powers and abilities as he will have a lot, Plus there will not be need to explain his power every now and then.

Iamwhatagaincreators' thoughts