
A Strange Crossover

In the dim twilight between realms, Kardis Ark’ay of BloodCrown, known as Conner or Jun, stands as a living bridge between two worlds at odds—the mundane human realm and the supernatural abyss. Bereft of parental warmth from a tender age, his father's disownment and his mother's ruthless assassination marked the inception of his arduous journey. Guided by a brotherhood forged in shadows, Conner's path unfolded amidst the cold embrace of betrayal, treachery, and manipulation. Decades dripped away like drops of blood as he traversed the desolate road of chaos and darkness, relentlessly chasing the elusive specter of power that danced just out of reach. It was only when the murky veil of solitude wrapped itself around him that Conner's true odyssey began. In the crucible of his existence, he discovered that the world, far from the stark duality of black and white, painted itself in shades of ambiguity. Now, as the echoes of his tumultuous past reverberate in the corridors of his consciousness, Conner yearns to conclude the symphony of his own creation—a melody of chaos and shadows that has played for too long. The embers of his purpose glow anew as he sets his sights on bringing closure to the journey he embarked upon so many years ago. Moving forward finding a new purpose, he is prepared to finish what he long started but now with allies. *--------------* *The world is crossover of Marvel, DC and Jujutsu Kaisen and many more. *Heavy AU so you are warned first hand. *Short chapter but fast pace story & 2-3 update per week.

Iamwhatagain · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 12

Conner being Conner, he sat alone undisturbed in a corner, rechanging his hardcore introverted wolf like energy which was drained by the ongoing party, socializing with unknown people who seemed more enthusiastic than Eric and Charles combined for some reason.

"Girls Girls Grils calm down….." He insisted on his requests as he waved his hands down to the spawn/flock of women surrounding him again 3 times in a row.

Who were disturbing his semi peace thanks to the never ending loud as fuck rave music then these chatter box flock swearing around him.

If not for his aloof nature and love for solitude for the past a decade he wouldn't have complained or protested against the attention he was getting right now.

"What the matter?" Wanda asked immediately, shutting all the women around as they looked with curiosity at Conner.

"I don't like noisy women." Conner said with a straight face for all the extra ladies around him. For a single reason to see who would stay after his harsh remark.

"What the fuck"

"What a loser"

"Hope YOU die virgin."

Those with fragile ego, high self esteem responded equally harshly toward him and left him as they stomp their food. In the party many celebrities, rich people and business people were called for fun which justified their reaction.

The party had many people dancing, drinking and socializing and a few having long sexual nights as it was sort of a motel for high and rich class to leave behind the worries.

Back to Conner

"Damn dude, you are ruthless. I like that." Emma wisped in his ear as she occupied his laps boldly, declaring her position to another girl/Women who wanted a chance to have a nice chat with him even after his cold remark.

"Waiter!" The redhead/Jean summoned a waiter as she raised her hand. "Emma, get away from him, you are annoying him." Wanda added as she yelled and pointed at her in anger, showing signs of jealousy which got noticed by other easylies.

However due to the loud music her yelling was suppressed. "Am I Conner?" Emma cutely asked as she cupped Conner's face with her hands.

"..." Conner did not respond ignoring them, he then just blankly stared at the bulky, giant and muscular man coming in their direction holding two barrels perhaps filled with wine/alcohol with his arms like they were pillows.

"What do you want Cain, my hands are already full with these women…." Conner said in a tired tone to which he chuckled and calmly put the barrel on the table.

"Juggernaut, if you want a fight go somewhere else." Kitty warned as she saw the giant man who was grinning for spoken reason.

"Conner is an esteemed guest here, Eric will be angered u-" Anne/Rogue added up in a serious tone as she has been a member for 1-2 years and knows Cain savage nature ti pick fight left and right whenever he encounters a strong mutant.

"Challenge accepted big boy, hope acknowledging one's own defeat is manageable by someone like you." Conner responded with his usual cold manners.

Unlike others with a single glance and in a second Conner understood and decerns Cain's true intentions which was to dare him into a drinking competition however what after that.

It's simple. "It doesn't matter at all." Conner mumbled in a low voice which no one heard apart from Emma who disregarded it.

"So what are the rules, big guy?" He inquired before starting, moving Emma from his laps elegantly.

"He-he. It's easy whoever finishes first wins." Cain explains, Conner checks on the barrel if it contains anything suspicious in the name of tasting the alcohol which was strong for a normal man.

"But ...it 's impossible conner you are not as big as him plus this alcoholic shit-" Wanda tried to make sense out of this competition but this time Jean stopped her.

"He is beyond logic Wanda sees for yourself now," Emma added with arrogance as if she knew him for years.

"What does the winner get?" Conner asked, casually lifting the heavy barrel with one hand effortlessly, breaking commonsense for the women around.

"He is full of surprise," Anna whispered in awe.

"Trust me you have seen nothing," Followed up by the blue skin shape shifted in possessive tone, she bites her lips and shifts into her human form.

"Hmm, how about….I don't know."




Everyone was dumbfounded by Cain's words and thought why even bother to changelle Conner if you have a desire for reward.

"How about money or a new costume or free food sponsorship from the loser or free world holiday." Conner suggested.

He personally does not desire anything as he owns whatever he desires once hence now there's nothing worth his attention apart from Jujutsu special grease weapons which he can't get from them.

"We can do that." Hearing Conner's proposal he agreed immediately. "I want a new suit and it will cost a few million to build and I don't have money….. Can I get both?"

He shamelessly asked and didn't even consider losing, showing he did not consider Conner a match. Perhaps Cain was full of himself, living in a bubble that was about to burst.

Lol guys now I realized I ducked mc name it was supposed to be connor not conner.

I guess it time to get used to it.

Iamwhatagaincreators' thoughts