
A Strange Crossover

In the dim twilight between realms, Kardis Ark’ay of BloodCrown, known as Conner or Jun, stands as a living bridge between two worlds at odds—the mundane human realm and the supernatural abyss. Bereft of parental warmth from a tender age, his father's disownment and his mother's ruthless assassination marked the inception of his arduous journey. Guided by a brotherhood forged in shadows, Conner's path unfolded amidst the cold embrace of betrayal, treachery, and manipulation. Decades dripped away like drops of blood as he traversed the desolate road of chaos and darkness, relentlessly chasing the elusive specter of power that danced just out of reach. It was only when the murky veil of solitude wrapped itself around him that Conner's true odyssey began. In the crucible of his existence, he discovered that the world, far from the stark duality of black and white, painted itself in shades of ambiguity. Now, as the echoes of his tumultuous past reverberate in the corridors of his consciousness, Conner yearns to conclude the symphony of his own creation—a melody of chaos and shadows that has played for too long. The embers of his purpose glow anew as he sets his sights on bringing closure to the journey he embarked upon so many years ago. Moving forward finding a new purpose, he is prepared to finish what he long started but now with allies. *--------------* *The world is crossover of Marvel, DC and Jujutsu Kaisen and many more. *Heavy AU so you are warned first hand. *Short chapter but fast pace story & 2-3 update per week.

Iamwhatagain · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 11

"Oh, it's nothing," Conner reassured, as he momentarily battled his emotions. He took a deep breath and continued, "Let's start with an introduction. I can see many new faces."

As he spoke, he tried to brush off any concern his newfound mutant friends had for him. He knew he had already absorbed the important insights he sought, so there was no need to dwell on the current situation.

"Hmm, I don't mind," Eric responded, his expression mirroring Charles's understanding. In just a few minutes, Eric's explanation conveyed to Conner the full extent of their situation.

As the event continued, Conner's two sincere students shared a knowing look and, in what seemed like telepathy, Charles gave his silent approval for Conner's welcome party to begin. It was supposed to happen the following day, but they decided to make a compromise.

"Let's enjoy the party and make sure not to offend Conner!" Charles warned calmly, his words commanding respect and making others conscious of their actions.

The room buzzed with excitement as the waiters announced, "Food is prepared, everyone!"

The atmosphere was electric, and an enthusiastic, tall, silver-haired boy couldn't contain his excitement. Without hesitation, he zoomed toward Conner at an astonishing speed. "Go on," Conner said calmly, observing the eager boy as he introduced himself.

"My name is Peter, and..." The boy's rapid speech was abruptly cut off by a sharp slap from the girl standing beside him. This girl, Wanda, Peter's sister, was shorter but seemed more mature than her brother.

"She's my cute big sister, Wanda. She's shy and has a cru-" slap Wanda's attempt to silence Peter only resulted in him evading her thanks to his quick speed gene.

"Peter!" Wanda yelled in embarrassment and shame, unable to meet Conner's gaze. Her flushed face spoke volumes.

"You must be Eric's children, right?"

"Yes! Oh, you know about us! That's so cool. Sister, did you hear him? Sister," Peter teased as Wanda retreated from the room in embarrassment. "I'm hungry, sir. I'll take my leave," he explained before vanishing from Conner's sight.

Conner couldn't help but admire the dynamic between Eric's twin children. "Quite a pair you have there, Eric."

Eric chuckled. "Yes, they can be quite troublesome at times, but they're family."

"Conner, come here. Meet my team," Charles beckoned. "Hank/Beast, Sean/Banshee, Alex/Havok, Scott/cyclops, Lady Jean, Bobby/Iceman, Marie/Rogue, Kurt/Nightcrawler, Piotr/Colossus, Kitty/Shadowcat, Lucus/Bishop, Roberto/Sunspot, Clarice/Blink and James/Warpath." He began introducing his allies, friends, and students one by one, each greeting Conner with the same respect they held for Charles.

As Conner surveyed the room, he couldn't help but fixate on Lady Jean, the red-haired woman. Though he didn't want to appear intrusive or suspicious, he couldn't shake the feeling that something about her seemed suspicious.

The assembled group was diverse, with individuals of different ages, races, and genders, ranging from 18 to 25 years old. Conner formally reciprocated their warm greetings.

Conner then joined Eric and Charles, and they left for the dinner event on a different floor. This area had been purposefully designed for such gatherings and offered a more relaxed environment compared to the private and formal setting on their current floor.

Many mutants in the room were eager to chat with Conner about his stories and his connection with Charles and Eric. However, they held back, waiting for a more private and personal opportunity.

"Eric, I haven't seen your team or students," Conner observed.

"Hmm," Eric looked around and let out a sharp whistle to get their attention. "Here. They were working on a small mission I assigned them earlier today."

"Meet Angel, Azazel, Calisto, Ash, Mastermind, Toad, sabertooth, Pyro, Riptide, Wanda, Peter, my son and daughter and as you know Emma." Eric began introducing his team, and one by one, they waved at Conner. As he assessed them with a glance, Conner could sense that many of them had faced significant challenges and made sacrifices to reach their current positions.

The music grew louder, and the new DJ at the hotel had been specifically chosen to entertain Conner and the guests. "The food smells great, Charles..."

"We've spared no expense for this event," Charles responded.

As the conversation turned to Conner's abilities, it became clear that both teams had been curious. However, Conner wisely chose not to disclose any further details. "It's understandable, but I can't share that information. There would be consequences if I did."

The small group around Conner fell silent as those present contemplated Conner's words, recognizing the gravity of his decision to maintain the secrecy of his powers.

Here another chap,

I guess this lazyness one day will make me stop writing.

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