
A story of First Love

Siya is a smart girl who just finished her schooling and waiting for her results in the entrance exam for getting admission to a reputed college in the city. On vacation, she stays at her cousin's home where she met a guy, Vihaan, who is a best friend of his cousin, Aarav, with whom she started to feel something at her first meeting. How does her love story move on? Read out.

M_Mounika · Teen
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36 Chs

Chapter 31

Coincidentally, I found Nikhil at the art gallery where my work was exhibited. He approached and asked me, "Are you interested in art, Siya?" I gave him a simple nod.

He continued while walking to look at the painting hanging in the gallery. He said he was interested in arts and stopped at one of my paintings and said, "It's awesome. Do you know Ms. Suzy? she is one of my favorite artists. I follow her social media account where she posts her paintings, and drawings are amazing, look realistic, and make viewers gaze at them for a long time."

I felt grateful to hear compliments from one of my admirers. Nikhil was the one whom I know from the first day of my work. He was kind and a trustworthy person. Even though he was a junior at my workplace, he was friendly with everyone.

Meanwhile, the art exhibition curator came up to me and informed me, "Ms.Suzy, paintings are auctioning tomorrow, and most viewers are curiously asking about your paintings."

Nikhil was surprised to hear that I am an artist Suzy and asked me to confirm it again, "Are you Ms. Suzy? Is it you, Siya?" he stared at me for a reply, to which I nodded.

He felt glad to know me personally and asked me to inform him of any help. I thanked him for his concern.

A few months later, I was getting tired of my office work and paintings sale, managing my social media account, and dealing with clients became hectic. Nikhil advised me to hire a manager to take care of my work and deal with clients. I offered him to be my manager, and he agreed.

Aarav is busy with his office work, taking care of me, cook for breakfast and dinner for us. Whenever I needed him, he stood with me, taking care of me when I was sick, and he comforts me when I felt lonely. He gets me juice and snacks when I'll busy painting late at night. Sometimes, I feel lucky to have Aarav as my brother, who cares for me more than his sister Nia.

It has been three years since we shifted to Mumbai. Aarav got a promotion in his job and buy a car. Daily he used to drop me, pick me. Whenever he has to work overtime at the office, he informs me beforehand so I can return home on my own.

One day I met Rohit on the way back home, asked me to have dinner with him, which I refused. But he was stubborn, forcibly made me sit in his car, and took me to the restaurant. He ordered my favorite food and asked me to date him. I felt annoyed, and I stood from my chair and was about to move from there. He grabbed my hand, apologized to me, and I took my seat by making myself calm down.

"I end our friendship if you talk about dating again, and we won't meet again," I warned him.

"Sorry. I can't get this topic again, have dinner first." we finished our dinner, and he dropped me off at home, parked his car, and came to meet Aarav. He went inside and chatted with Aarav.

Later, I walk to see him out. He asked, gazing at me, "Why can't you give me a chance? Don't you want to move on from him? Do you still love him?"

"Perhaps," I said clearly without any hesitation. He might think I am a fool, still struck at the person who cheated on me by getting engaged to another woman.

"Good night," he said with a gentle hug and pat on my head.

Aarav waited for me in the living room and spoke as I entered, "Rohit is a nice person. He has waited for you for two years. You knew each other at school, so why not give him a chance? How much time do you waste thinking about Vihaan? You guys decided to break up. He moved on in his life. Why can't you? I wish you to settle in your life by getting married, and your parents also wanted the same. Think wisely and make a decision."

I reached my room and sat on the bed, thinking about his words. Trying to considering Rohit's feelings toward me. I remembered the day I met Rohit again.

Two years ago, I was walking to the office by getting from a cab. A man ran towards me while the other shouted, "Catch him, he's a thief, stole my wallet."

I kept my foot in his way. He fell to the ground. I try to grab the wallet from him. He holds on to it tightly. I feel annoyed and punch him, and he blackouts. I took the wallet and gave it to the other person. While the other person was looking at the things in the wallet, the thief ran away.

He thanked me, looked at me closely, and asked, "Are you Siya?"

I stared at him and recognized him, "Are you Rohit?" I asked.

"Yes. I was surprised to see you. How are you doing?"

I replied, "I'm fine. You didn't call me from when you left school and got admission to Mumbai University. I expected to see you on the last day of our school. But you didn't. I missed those days."

"I missed you too. I called Annie twice and heard you got a boyfriend. I felt disappointed that I lost my chance to get you as my girlfriend." He teased.

"Stop the nonsense. I know you're not changed, same as in schooldays. You always have fun teasing me, saying I am your girlfriend."

"Of course, you're. You are a girl and my friend that's how you are my girlfriend," he explained.

"How funny?" we smiled.

Later, we met frequently and spent time together. I felt happy when I was with him. He knows everything about me. I feel secure with him, whom I can lean on when I feel stressed.

Suddenly, one day he confessed his feelings for me that he started to feel when we were young. I asked him not to complicate things between us and suggested to be friends forever.

He thinks one day I will change my decision and give him a chance, but I am not. I didn't move on from Vihaan yet, how could I give it a chance to Rohit?

Later, one day my boss's nephew, whom I met at the office party, sent flowers for me. The next day he asked me to go out on a date when I stepped out of the office. I wish to reject him to his face, but I can't as he is the relative of my boss. I can't disrespect him. I apologized, informing him that I was into someone. But he refused to accept the truth, and he troubled me.

Rohit came up to me and said by putting his hand on my shoulder, "Sorry for being late. Where should we go today? to the beach or for a movie date?" I was stunned.

He continued, "Who is he?" glaring at him, warned him to stay away from me, and said, "If I found you around my girl. I complain to the police." He left without a word accepting that Rohit was my boyfriend.

I thanked Rohit for saving me, and he advised me to continue to lie that he is my boyfriend to avoid these kinds of trouble in the future, and I agreed.

He is one of my best friends. I knew I was relying on Rohit to get out of my depression from the breakup. He stood with me as a friend whenever I needed him.

Still, I never feel him more than a friend of mine. I couldn't cheat him by giving him false hopes, which I can't stand because I still love Vihaan.