
A Story of Evil

Within the ten Domains, it is only the Voids who are powerless. They have been subjected to the mockery of others, being unable to use mana nor cast any spell. For a thousand years that has been their fate, until there were those bold enough to try and change their fate. This is the story of a world destroyed by war and greed. A story coated by all sorts of sins and secrets. A story where only the strongest survive. A story of a young boy laughed upon by fate. This is A Story of Evil.

Campoccino · Fantasy
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219 Chs

The Chaos IV

Death. That was the fate awaiting Sol and his friends. With all the variables and, with the current predicament, this was the only outcome. They were all going to die because Sol needed to keep the secrets of the king. The secret to obtaining the powers which the Seraphims, for so long, have been unsuccessful in obtaining.

Yet something strange occurred. All the bullets stopped in midair. Just before hitting Alice and Cain, the bullets were suspended in space. All the soldiers froze in place; not understanding the phenomenon in front of them. But Sol knew exactly what it was or rather, he knew exactly who caused it. 

"I think you should be asking me those questions Felicity." The voice of the Void's authority trailed from the gates. Everyone gazed and, the soldiers immediately froze in fear. It was the Void King.