
A Star Reborn In Tokyo

UPDATES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY 2pm EST "In the unforgiving world of show business, the brightest stars often cast the darkest shadows." Akira Hoshino knows the cruelty of the entertainment industry all too well. Reborn into a new life, he grasps at the chance to rewrite his tragic story. For Akira, success is not enough. He wants to take the industry by storm, to leave an indelible mark on the world of showbiz. But in a realm where the line between reality and illusion is forever blurred, the price of ambition may be higher than he ever imagined. Will Akira's rise to stardom be a triumphant redemption, or will the ghosts of his former life drag him back into the abyss? In a world where appearances are everything and nothing is as it seems, only one thing is certain - Akira Hoshino is here to stay, and he'll stop at nothing to make his mark.

TSOKyoto · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

[26] Undercover Lovers

(A/N: I am starting the writing of the Love for Real arc (Akane's arc) and I was wondering, do you want me to keep it as Aqua being the one to save her or make it be Akira?)

{Aqua POV}

I stare out the taxi window, watching the city lights blur past in a hypnotic rhythm. The filming session replays in my mind - the tension, the emotion, the exhilaration of fully inhabiting my character. I'm usually able to snap out of a role quickly, but something about today lingers.

The confrontation with Akira stirred up unfamiliar feelings in me. On the surface, it was just another acting job. But underneath, there was an edge to it that I haven't felt before. A rawness, an intensity that left me rattled in a way I can't quite explain.

The taxi pulls up to my apartment building, jolting me from my thoughts. I pay the driver and head inside, mentally preparing myself for Ruby's inevitable questions about filming.

Sure enough, the moment I step through the door, Ruby pops up from the couch. "Aqua! How did it go today? Was it amazing working on a real TV show?"

I let out a tired smile. "It was...interesting. More intense than I expected."

Miyako looks up from her laptop, eyebrows raised. "Intense how?"

I hesitate, searching for the right words. "The scene involved a confrontation. I was playing a pretty unhinged character. It got physical - tackling, fake weapons. It felt...real."

Ruby's eyes widen. "Woah! That sounds crazy! What was it like working with that actor, Akira?"

At the mention of his name, I freeze up. Flashes of our interaction replay in my mind - the look in his eyes, his subtle shifts in energy and posture. I've watched a lot of actors work, but Akira is on another level. He becomes his role, completely and fully.

"Aqua?" Ruby prompts. "You okay?"

I snap back to the present. "Yeah, sorry. Akira is...something else. His acting skills are incredible for someone his age. He's got this...magnetism. When we were filming, it almost felt like I was confronting an entirely different person."

Miyako nods thoughtfully. "He must be exceptionally talented to have you so impressed. You've always had a good instinct for these things."

I take a seat on the couch, running a hand through my hair. "You're right. And it's more than just talent. He has this presence, this charisma...it reminds me so much of..." I trail off, unsure if I should continue.

But Miyako finishes the thought for me. "Of Ai?"

I look away, hesitating before giving a small nod.

Miyako is quiet for a moment before speaking. "If what you say is true, and he has even half of your mother's presence and magnetism, he could become a force to be reckoned with in this industry."

I meet her gaze. "You really think so?"

She nods. "I do. Which means we need to consider bringing him into the fold, before another agency snatches him up. What do you think, Aqua?"

I consider this, realizing she's right. If Akira has potential on the level I suspect, we can't let it be wasted or controlled by anyone else.

A hint of a smile tugs at my lips. "I think it's time Strawberry Productions had a new star."

March 24, 2025

[Akira POV]

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, barely recognizing myself. The wig sat snugly on my head, snow white strands falling over my forehead. Sky blue contacts masked my usual purple eyes. The crisp white dress shirt and black tie felt constricting compared to my usual casual wear.

"Marin, are you sure about this?" I called out, adjusting the suit jacket.

Her voice drifted from the bathroom. "Absolutely! You look perfect as Gojo. No one will recognize you now."

I sighed, tugging at the sleeves. The costume was impeccable - Marin's handiwork never failed to impress. But wearing it felt strange, like I was slipping into someone else's skin.

"Ta-da!" Marin burst out of the bathroom, twirling in her Shizuku Kuroe costume. The gothic Lolita dress swished around her legs, layers of black lace and ruffles accentuating her figure. Her usual blonde hair was hidden beneath a long, dark wig styled in elaborate curls.

Marin bounced over, inspecting my outfit with a critical eye. She straightened my tie and smoothed down the jacket lapels. "There. Now you're the perfect Gojo to my Shizuku."

I raised an eyebrow. "I still can't believe you talked me into this."

She pouted playfully. "Come on, it'll be fun! Plus, this way you can experience the convention without getting mobbed by fans."

"I guess you have a point," I admitted.

Marin's eyes lit up. "Oh! I almost forgot." She dashed to her cosplay supplies and returned with a pair of shades. "The finishing touch."

I slipped them on, completing the transformation. Looking in the mirror again, I barely recognized myself. It was unsettling how easily I could become someone else.

"Ready to go, Gojo-kun?" Marin asked, adopting Shizuku's coy mannerisms.

"Lead the way, Shizuku-chan."

This would be my first time at a convention, and my first time truly blending into a crowd in months. I just hoped my acting skills were up to the task of becoming Gojo for the day.

I take a deep breath as Marin and I enter the bustling convention hall, immediately overwhelmed by the sights and sounds. Cosplayers of every variety swarm the aisles - magical girls with elaborate wigs and shining staffs, moody vampires in Victorian finery, brave heroes brandishing foam swords. The diversity of creativity on display is staggering.

Marin is absolutely glowing, eyes bright as she takes it all in. This is her element. She grabs my hand, pulling me towards a display of incredible hand-crafted props and armor. I listen intently as she gushes over the technical details, explaining how each piece was constructed. Her passion is written across her face.

We continue wandering the aisles, stopping frequently for Marin to compliment a cosplayer or ask about a specific technique. I trail behind quietly, observing her joy. This isn't about the attention or Instagram followers for her. It's about community, about celebrating creativity and fandom.

Eventually we come across a photographer offering cosplay portraits. Marin's eyes light up and she turns to me pleadingly. I can't say no. We wait in line, Marin practically vibrating with anticipation.

When it's our turn, the photographer directs us into position against a cherry blossom backdrop. "Give me your most dramatic poses!" he encourages. Marin springs to life, effortlessly becoming Shizuku. Each pose embodies the character completely, from shy smiles to haughty glares. I follow her lead as best I can.

Afterwards, Marin examines the photos eagerly. "These are amazing! Akira, thank you so much for doing this with me."

I shrug. "Of course, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

Marin takes my hands, expression turning serious. "I mean it. I know this isn't really your thing. But it means the world to me that you're here, supporting my interests."

"Marin, your passions are important to me. I'm happy to be here."

She beams, then gasps as something catches her eye. "Oh! There's a cosplay contest starting soon. We should enter!"

My stomach drops. "I don't know, Marin. That might be pushing it."

"Come on, it'll be fun! Plus, your acting skills give us an edge."

I hesitate, weighing the risks. But Marin's excitement is infectious. "Alright, let's do it."

We make our way to the contest area, joining a line of cosplayers. My palms start to sweat as I scan the crowd. What if someone recognizes me?

Marin squeezes my hand. "Relax, you look nothing like yourself. Just channel Gojo."

I nod, taking a deep breath. She's right. I can do this.

When it's our turn, we step onto the small stage. The MC introduces us as "Gojo and Shizuku from Saint ♡ Slippery's Academy for Girls." Marin immediately strikes a pose, embodying Shizuku's coy personality. I follow her lead, adopting Gojo's more reserved stance.

"And what inspired your cosplay?" the MC asks.

Marin launches into an enthusiastic explanation of the intricate details in our outfits. I chime in occasionally, careful to keep my voice slightly different from my normal speaking tone.

As we finish our presentation, the crowd applauds. We bow and exit the stage, both grinning.

"That was amazing!" Marin gushes. "Did you see how the audience reacted?"

I nod, riding the high of a successful performance. "We might actually have a shot at winning."

We hang around for the rest of the contest, admiring the other cosplayers. Some of the costumes are truly incredible - elaborate armor, working mechanical wings, even a group dressed as gundams.

When it's time for the results, we gather with the other contestants. The MC announces the runners-up, building suspense.

"And the grand prize winners are... Gojo and Shizuku!"

Marin squeals, jumping up and down. I stand there in shock as she drags me back to the stage. We're presented with a trophy and gift certificates to a local cosplay supply store.

We spend the rest of the day exploring the convention. Marin's excitement never wanes as we check out artist booths, attend panels, and pose for more photos with fellow cosplayers.

By the time we leave, my feet ache and my head spins from sensory overload. But seeing Marin's radiant smile makes it all worth it.

"Thank you for today," she says as we walk home, hand in hand. "It meant so much sharing this with you."

I pull her close, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I'm glad I got to see this part of your world. You were incredible out there."

Marin grins. "We both were. Maybe you should consider a career in cosplay."

I laugh. "I think I'll stick to acting. But I wouldn't mind doing this again sometime."

Her eyes light up. "Really? Oh, I have so many couple cosplay ideas!"

As Marin launches into plans for our next convention adventure, I smile to myself. Today showed me a whole new side of her - and of myself. I may be rising in the entertainment world, but moments like this, just being ourselves, are what truly matter.

I glance at my phone as Marin and I stroll back to our apartment. "5:28," I mutter, quickening my pace slightly.

Marin notices the change. "What's up?"

"Just remembered - there's a celebration dinner for wrapping 'Sweet Today' at Franklin Steakhouse tonight. It's at 7:30."

Her eyes light up. "Ooh, fancy! Are you going?"

I nod. "Yeah, I should probably make an appearance. You want to come with?"

"Of course!" Marin grins, linking her arm through mine. "I wouldn't miss it. Plus, I've been dying to try that place."

We reach our building and take the elevator up to our floor. As soon as we're inside, Marin makes a beeline for the closet.

"What should we wear?" she calls out, already rifling through hangers.

I join her, surveying our options. "Something nice, but not too flashy. It's a steakhouse, after all."

Marin pulls out a sleek black turtleneck dress. "What about this? I could pair it with those strappy heels we got last month."

I nod approvingly. "Perfect. I think I'll go all black too."

I grab a black turtleneck sweater, some dark slacks, and my favorite chelsea boots. As I lay them out on the bed, Marin emerges from the bathroom, already changed.

"Wow," I breathe. The dress hugs her curves in all the right places, accentuating her figure without being too revealing. "You look amazing."

She twirls, grinning. "You think? Not too much?"

I shake my head. "Not at all. You'll fit right in."

I change quickly, rolling up the sleeves of my sweater to my forearms. Marin helps me pick out some accessories - a sleek watch and a couple of rings we found on one of our thrift shop dates.

As I slip on my boots, Marin fusses with my hair. "There," she says, stepping back to admire her work. "Now you look like a proper rising star."

I catch my reflection in the mirror and have to admit, we make a striking pair. The all-black outfits give us a sophisticated edge, a far cry from the cosplay get-ups we were sporting earlier.

"Ready to go rub elbows with the bigwigs?" I ask, offering Marin my arm.

She takes it, grinning. "Lead the way, Mr. Hollywood."