
A Star Reborn In Tokyo

UPDATES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY 2pm EST "In the unforgiving world of show business, the brightest stars often cast the darkest shadows." Akira Hoshino knows the cruelty of the entertainment industry all too well. Reborn into a new life, he grasps at the chance to rewrite his tragic story. For Akira, success is not enough. He wants to take the industry by storm, to leave an indelible mark on the world of showbiz. But in a realm where the line between reality and illusion is forever blurred, the price of ambition may be higher than he ever imagined. Will Akira's rise to stardom be a triumphant redemption, or will the ghosts of his former life drag him back into the abyss? In a world where appearances are everything and nothing is as it seems, only one thing is certain - Akira Hoshino is here to stay, and he'll stop at nothing to make his mark.

TSOKyoto · Anime & Comics
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[21] Public Faces, Private Fears

The next few weeks flew by in a flurry of activity. Between filming for "Sweet Today," promotional events, Marin's photoshoots and navigating my newfound fame, I barely had a moment to breathe. But through it all, Marin was my constant, my anchor in the storm.

We fell into a routine of sorts. Early mornings on set, long days of shooting, and evenings curled up together on the futon, watching the latest shows on tv. It was surreal, seeing myself on screen, hearing the fans' reactions online. But Marin always kept me grounded.

"You know, if your head gets any bigger, you won't fit through the door," she teased after watching episode two. "Maybe we should start looking for a place with wider doorways, just in case."

I threw a pillow at her, laughing. "Hey, I thought you were supposed to be my biggest fan!"

She caught the pillow, grinning. "Oh, I am. But I'm also the one who has to deal with you when you're all grumpy and sleep-deprived. It's my job to keep that ego in check."

I tackled her then, tickling her until she shrieked with laughter. It dissolved into a play fight, all tangled limbs and breathless giggles. These were the moments I lived for, the ones that made all the craziness worthwhile.

As the episodes aired, the fan response grew more and more intense. My social media following skyrocketed, my mentions filled with gushing praise and wild speculation. Marin took great delight in reading the thirstiest comments aloud.

"'Akira Hoshino, step on me please!'" she read, her voice high and breathy. "'I would let him ruin my life and thank him for it.' Wow, Akira, you've got some passionate admirers!"

"Please stop. I don't need to know what people want me to do to them."

Marin cackled, scrolling further. "Ooh, this one's even better! 'If Akira Hoshino asked me to bear his children, I would simply say yes.' Hear that, babe? You've got volunteers lining up to carry your babies."

I snatched the phone from her, tossing it aside. "The only person I want carrying my babies is you."

She laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Is that so? Well, you better get to work then. Those babies aren't going to make themselves."

Later, tangled together in the sheets, Marin traced idle patterns on my chest. "You know," she mused, "with the way we've been going at it, people might start to think you're actually trying to get me pregnant."

I huffed out a laugh, pulling her closer. "Would that be so bad? A little mini Marin running around?"

She propped herself up on her elbow, looking down at me with a mischievous grin. "Or a mini Akira, with your frowny face and your love of dramatic entrances."

I tickled her side, making her squeal and squirm away. "Hey, my entrances are cool and you know it."

She rolled her eyes, still smiling. "Sure, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr. Big Shot Actor."

These little moments of normalcy, of playful banter and easy intimacy, were my lifeline. They reminded me that beneath the flashy exterior of Akira Hoshino, Rising Star, I was still just Akira. A guy crazy in love with his girlfriend, figuring out this whole adulthood thing one day at a time.

But as much as I cherished our domestic bubble, the outside world had a way of intruding. Like the day a fan managed to get my phone number.

I was on set, in the middle of a particularly emotional scene with Kana when my phone started blowing up. At first, I ignored it, assuming it was just the usual barrage of notifications. But when it kept vibrating insistently, I started to get annoyed.

"Cut!" the director yelled, glaring at me. "Akira, please silence your phone. We're trying to work here."

I mumbled an apology, fishing the device out of my pocket. But as I went to switch it to silent, I froze. The screen was filled with texts from an unknown number, each one more unsettling than the last.

"I can't believe I'm actually talking to you! This is a dream come true!"

"We're meant to be together, Akira. I just know it. Fate brought me your number for a reason."

"Why aren't you responding? Don't you feel our connection? ANSWER ME!"

My blood ran cold. This wasn't just an overzealous fan. This was something else entirely.

Kana noticed my distress, her brow furrowing in concern. "Akira? What's wrong?"

I shook my head, quickly silencing the phone and shoving it back in my pocket. "Nothing. Just some weird texts. Let's keep going."

But as we resumed the scene, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. This was the dark side of fame, the part they didn't show you in the movies. The loss of privacy, the sense that your life was no longer fully your own.

I tried to put it out of my mind, to focus on the work. But that night, curled around Marin in our bed, the worry crept back in.

"I think I need to change my number," I murmured into her hair. "Some fan got ahold of it and they're sending me some pretty creepy stuff."

Marin tensed, twisting to face me. "What kind of creepy stuff? Are you okay?"

I sighed, running a hand over my face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... unsettled, I guess. They kept going on about how we're destined to be together, how fate brought them my number."

Marin frowned, her protective instincts flaring. "That's not okay. You need to report this, Akira. What if they escalate? What if they try to find you in person?"

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought. "You're right. I'll talk to Mio tomorrow, see what the agency suggests. Maybe they can help me keep this quiet, avoid any bad press."

Marin nodded, snuggling closer. "Good. And in the meantime, you're staying right here where I can keep an eye on you. No wandering off to confront any stalkers, you hear me?"

I cracked a smile at that, hugging her tighter. "Yes ma'am. I promise to be a good boy and stay put."

She poked my side. "You better. I've got plans for you, mister. Can't have you getting snatched up by some overzealous fan before I'm done with you."

The next day, Mio was just as concerned as Marin had been. She immediately got me set up with a new, unlisted number and put me in contact with the agency's security team.

"We take these things very seriously, Akira," she assured me, her usually cool demeanor tinged with worry. "I'm glad you came to us right away. We'll make sure this gets handled discreetly."

I left her office feeling a bit better, but the unease lingered. It was a harsh reminder that no matter how much I might crave normalcy, my life would never be truly normal again.

But then I thought of Marin, of her unwavering support and fierce protectiveness. I thought of Kana and the rest of the "Sweet Today" cast and crew, how they'd become like a second family to me.

I wasn't alone in this. I had people in my corner, people who cared about me beyond just the shiny veneer of celebrity. It didn't make the challenges of fame any less daunting, but it made them feel more manageable.

And so, I threw myself back into the work, back into the role of Kanata Shinonome. I channeled my fears and frustrations into his journey, his struggle to let others in, to find his place in a world that often felt hostile and unfair.

As the final scenes of episode three came together, I felt a sense of catharsis. Kanata's story wasn't so different from my own. We were both learning to navigate a new reality, to find our footing on shifting ground.

"Cut! That's a wrap on episode three!" the director called, a wide grin splitting his face. "Fantastic work, everyone. Especially you, Akira. The raw emotion in that last scene... I got chills."

I ducked my head, a small smile tugging at my lips. "Thanks. It felt good to let it all out like that."

Kana sidled up to me as the crew started breaking down the set, nudging me with her elbow. "He's right, you know. You were on fire today. Channeling some real-life frustrations into your performance?"

I glanced at her, surprised. Sometimes I forgot how perceptive Kana could be. "Is it that obvious?"

She shrugged, a knowing glint in her eye. "Only to someone who's been there. This business can be tough, especially when you're first starting out. But you're handling it like a champ."

Her words warmed me, easing some of the tension I'd been carrying. "Thanks, Kana. That means a lot, coming from you."

She waved off the compliment, but I could see the pleased flush on her cheeks. "Yeah, well, don't let it go to your head. You've still got a lot to learn, rookie."

I laughed, the sound coming easier now. "Don't worry, I've got Marin to keep my ego in check. She's made it her personal mission to make sure I stay humble."

Kana grinned at that. "Good. Every rising star needs someone to keep them grounded. Sounds like you've got a good one in your corner."

"Yeah," I agreed, a soft smile spreading across my face. "I really do."

The airing of episode three brought a fresh wave of excitement from the fans. The "#SweetToday" hashtag trended for hours, filled with reactions and theories about where the story might go next.

But amidst the usual chatter, a new topic started to gain traction. Speculation about my personal life, and more specifically, my relationship status.

"Who do you think is the lucky lady capturing Akira Hoshino's heart IRL?" one popular tweet read, followed by a string of heart-eye emojis.

"Probably some model or actress," came a reply. "No way a guy that fine is single."

"I bet it's his co-star, Kana Arima! Did you see their chemistry in that last scene? FIRE."

I groaned as I scrolled through the comments, my cheeks burning. Beside me, Marin was practically vibrating with glee.

"Ooh, look at you, Mr. Heartthrob!" she cooed, poking my side. "Everyone wants to know who's got your heart all aflutter."

I rolled my eyes, tossing the phone aside. "It's ridiculous. Why are they so invested in my love life? Don't they have anything better to do?"

Marin shrugged. "That's just how it goes when you're a celebrity. People want to feel like they know you, like they're a part of your life. And what's more intimate than your romantic relationships?"

"I guess. But it still feels weird, having strangers speculate about something so personal."

Marin's expression softened. She scooted closer, resting her head on my shoulder. "I know. It's an adjustment, for sure. But try to focus on the positive, yeah? Your performance is resonating with people. They're invested because you're making them feel something real."

I turned my head, pressing a kiss to her hair. "How do you always know just what to say to make me feel better?"

She tilted her face up to mine. "It's a gift. That, and I have plenty of experience dealing with your moody ass."

I growled playfully, rolling her beneath me on the futon. "Oh, is that so? Well, maybe I should give you a more up close and personal experience with my ass."

She laughed, loud and bright, as I peppered her face with kisses. "Promises, promises," she teased, her hands sliding down my back to squeeze said ass.

And just like that, the world outside our little bubble faded away. The speculations, the pressures, the challenges of navigating newfound fame - none of it mattered when I had Marin in my arms, looking at me like I hung the moon.